Cobra’s Scent

Abruptly breaking the kiss, he turned away from Anastasia, his back facing her. He pinched the bridge of his nose, his voice trembling as he spoke. "W-we... n-need to go back."

Confusion clouded Anastasia's expression as she watched Liam's sudden shift in demeanor. She moved closer to him, her concern palpable.

"Snow, what happ-" Before she could finish her sentence, Liam cut her off, his voice still shaky with fear. "Nothing happened. Let's just go. Thank you for showing me this spot."

Anastasia stood in the water, her heart heavy with a mixture of disappointment and confusion.

As Liam swiftly transformed into his wolf form and ran away, she was left standing there, feeling the chill of the water seep into her bones.

Her mind filled with unanswered questions, and a sense of loss settled deep within her.

Feeling a mix of emotions - desire, confusion, and aching uncertainty.