


He was already there. As in their previous meetings, he had pulled the hat brim so low over his face that she couldn't discern his features. The old-fashioned cloak with its many shoulder capes shrouded his figure, which must have been exceptionally tall.

"I hope you bring me good news?" His voice rolled like thunder through her body and echoed in her mind. The fingers, veiled by lace gloves, clenched around her delicate swan-skin fan. She didn't need to say it. He already knew it as the thought formed in her mind.

"No, you haven't come to tell me what I want to hear," she said.

"I have tried everything," she defended herself. Her voice sounded unnaturally shrill even in her own ears. She cleared her throat and tried to find the superior, affected tone she had adopted, but his presence caused all her arrogance to collapse like burnt-out logs. She longed to look him in the face, but her gaze was hypnotized by the golden lizard coiled around his long, slender ring finger. It seemed to stare at her from its emerald eyes.

"What happens now?" he said deceptively gently.

She straightened her back and adjusted her wide skirts. The silk rustled and draped softly and coolly around her legs. "The children of the clans are returning to their homes at this hour. In September, this absurd experiment will be continued."

"It is not absurd at all, you should have understood that by now!" contradicted the figure in the shadows. "Where will they meet? You understood my instructions, didn't you?"

She collapsed inwardly. The proud posture dissolved. Even her skin suddenly seemed withered and worn. "I tried everything, believe me, but I couldn't prevent it: They are going to Ireland!" It was said! The moment she had feared so much had arrived. She had no illusions about how he would react to this news. His anger was so powerful that the air between them seemed to vibrate, yet he remained seated calmly and didn't even raise his voice.

"So you have failed, even though you knew how important this matter is to me?"

She became even smaller, folded her hands in front of the lavish red silk ruffles, and lowered her gaze. "Yes, I have failed. But I hope you will still give me the opportunity to continue to be of use to you."

"Are you, though? Useful to me?"

Shock coursed through her bowels. "But yes! You won't find anyone more devoted to you. I worship you!"

He waved it off. "Yes, yes, spare me your oaths of loyalty. They are only worth something if you are truly willing to serve me."

"I can travel to Ireland and keep an eye on them."

He laughed contemptuously. "Why? So that nothing happens to them in Ireland? That won't be necessary!"

"But the year will pass quickly, and then they will travel to Hamburg or Paris or Vienna! Then I can help you."

She hated the pleading in her voice, the begging that always triggered contempt in others.

"We'll see. Return now and be ready for the day I call you. For the moment, I have no further use for you."

She felt the burning behind her eyes. She wanted to rush to him, throw herself at his feet, and beg him to take her with him, but she gathered the last shreds of composure she could muster and sank into a deep curtsy. "Then I eagerly await your commands," she whispered and hurried out. His gaze glowed like sunlight at her back.