The Dragon Girl

I decided to head outside to check out what the villagers were up to. Elara still lay on the couch, exhausted with my thick semen deep in her ass. As I headed through the village's center, most people began gazing at me. Curious murmurs grew more intense as I continued walking past, ignoring the strange stares, knowing that they were attracted by my stature and build.

I had kept my shirt off since it was so warm, especially after that rough session with Elara, sweating bullets in the process, but now I couldn't wait to dive into one of those spring-fed pools. I wanted to check that out next, followed by exploring the village and making sure no enemies were lurking around. But wait, why do the stares continue? Couldn't they just approach me like before? Was it weird that I was shirtless? Oh, right, I'm a woman now. I guess I was too used to being able to show my bare chest.

"Hm, what a pain..." I didn't even have a bra, so I had to creatively wrap my robes around my chest to hide my pink nipples. "Femininity was hard work," I thought to myself as I reached the nearest pool. I guess I had to get used to the feminine part, too. My body language, my walk, and even the way I spoke would change entirely. But then again, I could just be one of those tomboys or something. It wasn't that weird to have certain masculine traits in a woman. I was overthinking this, huh?

Anyway, it was nice seeing so much lush greenery here.

"How lovely!" An old lady called. It was Elara's Aunt. "You must be the savior! Ishtar, right?"

My gaze swiveled to the right side of my head, and I watched Elara's Aunt hurry over toward where I sat by the pool edge and join me. A few other women were near as well, busily planting fruit trees into the fertile soil nearby.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you," I spoke. "I'd really like a bath right now, though, if possible. Before the festival or feast begins."

"Of course, of course! Here, I can show you the hot spring we have built underneath the village. This pool is just one of the natural occurring ones, so it's not as warm or comfortable. Come with me!"

"That's so thoughtful. Thank you." I nodded with approval and followed the elderly woman to the side of the town, where a set of wooden stairs led downwards to a tunnel made entirely from stone bricks that extended beneath the hills of the forest and the lake nearby. Rock-paved walkways surrounded the edges of the warm, scented, mineral-rich pools, and a large opening let light into the chamber.

The cavern walls were naturally lit with an unearthly phosphorescent glow that highlighted every detail of the cave, showing off its beauty perfectly. When I arrived, everyone was looking at me, smiling politely.

"Go ahead, Ishtar. The woman's hot spring is on the right, just ask if you need any assistance," her aunt explained.

"Ah, thanks a lot!"

The lady waved goodbye, and then I went through the corridor of stone, walking past the various women chatting excitedly to each other about their day. The natural lights above gave off a brilliant shimmer when reflecting upon the water and stone walls, creating a dazzling display of colorful twinkles along with their conversation echoing softly throughout the cave. All I had to do was cross a large rock bridge over a rocky river and walk into a separate room to find where I could get clean.

"W-woah..." I mumbled, stepping back at the sight of tens of women splashing around the pools. The waters were an azure color, with small bubbles popping at their surface. Most of them had no clothing on whatsoever as their wet bodies floated in the warm liquid. Their voices sounded melodious, like birdsong, as they giggled together.

I couldn't help but feel that I didn't belong here, being male in my mind, even though my body had clearly changed. At least it was a lot better than entering the men's hot spring.

"Okay... Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself quietly, keeping my eye down to avoid drawing attention.

Stepping forward and keeping my body hidden behind a rock wall, I started undressing myself before proceeding into the hot spring pool. My legs dangled over the stone edge as I carefully dipped into the steaming bath. I sank into the warmth, letting out a sigh of relief when the heat instantly melted my sore muscles away. "Ahh, that was better. Nothing like the natural hot springs," I thought while sitting motionless except for the occasional shift.

A hand brushed my shoulder, causing me to jolt in surprise. My whole body shook violently, but thankfully, I didn't splash water everywhere. "Hey," a girl spoke to me while putting a finger over her lips. "My name's Torina. Is it your first time here?"

"Uh... yeah," I answered uncertainly. She had silky blonde hair that almost looked purple in this blue-tinted light. Two obsidian horns poked out from the sides of her head, and she had a tail trailing behind her. I could smell the fragrance of soap on her skin, and her lovely emerald eyes sparkled brightly despite how dark everything else around us was. It seemed she was very good at concealing herself in the shadowy areas here because even with the lights shining on us, I couldn't really tell what she was doing.

"It's my first time here as well. Though, I'm not supposed to be here," she whispered. "I'm actually not from this village at all."

"Are you? What happened?"

"I snuck out of my home and ended here, haha!"

"Then, why aren't you back home?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

She gave an awkward smile and looked away, gazing into the distance at something unseen to me. "Ah, I understand," I nodded, patting her back softly. "If you don't mind me asking, what species are you?"

"I'm a half-dragon, half-human! But please don't tell anyone about it. I don't really feel like being recognized right now."

"Oh, okay. Sorry for asking, but are dragons typically okay with being friendly?"

"We are! But not all of us, I think. I don't know, I've never really been allowed around other humans. Mom keeps me isolated so people don't know."

"Is there anything wrong with it?" I asked.

She chuckled nervously, running a hand through her soft hair before turning back toward me and sighing heavily.

"That's kinda it. She's probably worried about me but snuck out because I was curious about the human places," Torina murmured and gave a grin, tilting her head forward. "So, I figured the best way to see them would be by sneaking into one! It was easier than I expected. There's lots of space."

I frowned. "Um, I dunno if this is alright."

Torina's shoulders slumped down, and she groaned slightly, "Well, it doesn't matter."

My eyes flickered toward her beautiful face, glowing brilliantly within the surrounding light from the flames burning along the ceiling. Her expression seemed wistful now as she spoke once more, staring off into space. "But it seems like we're both oddballs in this human village, right?" She pointed at my halo.

I looked up at the ring floating just above the top of my head and then back at her.

"Uh-huh, I guess so. We're both definitely outsiders," I agreed and leaned against her body while resting my back comfortably against a big rock sticking out from the water. She continued watching me, but she didn't seem nervous or uncomfortable anymore. "I'm Ishtar, by the way."

"Nice to meet you," she giggled lightly.

After introducing ourselves, Torina talked non-stop about everything that crossed her mind. From the types of places she'd like to go to and the foods she's had, even though none of them sounded very appealing, she enjoyed rambling about everything. My eyes began drooping while I listened to her excited prattling.

When we finally finished chatting, Torina suddenly went silent. "Thanks for speaking with me, Ishtar. And well, thank you."

"Eh? What are you thanking me for?"

"Haha... Umm, it's just nice having someone to talk to and not judge me. Even if we've just met, you didn't ask anything weird. So I'm happy you listened! Oh, and uhh... I heard there was a festival later tonight, so maybe I'll see you there. Bye bye!"

As soon as I turned, she started dashing away towards the exit tunnel, vanishing into the dark corridors. The warmness of the water relaxed every inch of my body, even allowing my tired spirit to settle into its depths until nothing remained. Only the cool air lingered. And so, I spent another moment submerged before deciding to head out myself. I had to look for the sword that the original Ishtar used to own, but I had no idea where to start.

Perhaps I'd check out the meteor again.