
A few weeks had passed since my arrival in this world, and yet so much had happened during this time. We had rebuilt Elara's house for her aunt and spent most of our time training. Once again, thanks to my body's muscle memory, I had almost fully mastered the sword within the first two weeks.

Today marked the final day we'd spend here in the village before spreading my seed around the world, quite literally. Krugbu and his tribe had surrounded the village with their defenses, ensuring their safety when we'd leave. Not only that, Targon had begun to distribute weapons to the villagers in case a monster were to leak past the orcs. It meant that Elara and I could finally explore the world without worry.

I had to utilize the abilities that Aria had granted me. There was little point in Soul Binding if I didn't have any excess abilities to share. I needed to find proper enemies to fight from now on.

We packed everything we needed last night, which included my sword, the Sundered Dream, enough food for days, clothes and travel rations, money, and some other supplies.

"We're heading to the outskirts of the forest," Elara said.

I stretched my limbs, arching my back, and loosened the muscles on my neck by turning my head from side to side. After long weeks of discussion, we settled on traversing the north. Cebloania was the final goal. It was a winter region in the mountains, which allowed for some lovely views of snow. Plus, it was the perfect breeding ground for various monsters, such as those belonging to the chilly depths and others that dwelled within the ice itself.

"Fine. Which way do we head?" I asked, putting a hand on the hilt of the legendary sword.

"We'll be borrowing a wagon from the village. Don't worry about it; I'll ride the horses so you can relax with Torina in the back. Follow me."

She led me to the front gate, where an open carriage awaited us. Two muscular, tan mares stamped their hooves impatiently and pulled against the reins. Their bulging arms flexed with each pull, and their front legs pawed the grass, churning it beneath them. They were majestic, and their dark brown coats contrasted beautifully with the ivory feathers that ruffled around their hooves, running up the legs to end with a cloud-like texture over their hindquarters.

Torina bounded up to the horse and giggled cheerfully. She gave both beasts a rub behind their ears, and their manes bristled. They nickered and butted their heads toward the dragon girl's petting. Her tail wagged behind her, the bony appendage thumping gently against the wheels of the wagon.

I crawled into the back of the wagon and pulled myself up. Elara sat at the front, with Torina behind her and next to me. I leaned back with a deep sigh, relaxing against the fabric cover of the wagon.

With a clatter of hooves on stones, the driver flicked his wrists, and the two magnificent creatures started a leisurely trot away from the village, hopping through puddles and avoiding clumps of weeds in the beaten tracks. We rode forward steadily.

Once we exited the main entrance to the small town, it didn't take very long to arrive at a vast stretch of dense, tangled woodland. A rickety old signpost identified it as the Caldor Woods. Torina tilted her head curiously as she read the fading inscription.

The light streaming down from the canopy danced across our faces. Insects chirped all around. An occasional bird would make a call or start to sing a melody, but otherwise, no sign of human activity existed in the area.

"Hmm..." Elara scratched her chin thoughtfully and muttered something quietly as she perused her map. "Let's get on the trail to the left," she decided.

"The trail's still pretty muddy," Torina pointed out, sticking her arm out to stop the other from falling face-first into the dirt road. She hopped off the cart and checked the ground's condition by stepping cautiously near the wheel, then hopped back and waited for Elara's answer.

"Well then, would you rather take the branching road down to the right?" Elara proposed with a sigh.

"Not sure." Torina chewed her lip nervously, her fangs worrying a tender patch. "Maybe there will be more wildlife if we choose the one with the grass growing underneath?"

"Doesn't matter, let's go that way." Elara took hold of the horses' reins and guided the wagon through the narrow path, where green plants sprouted from beneath the mud, clogging up the ditches and giving birth to small bugs and mushrooms that clung to its damp exterior. The road itself looked just fine, with enough room for a couple of vehicles going side-by-side and enough space in front and behind for them not to collide.

"This place is nice," Elara stated. "Let's make a camp here."

Torina giggled and skipped into a clearing, leaving me alone to unpack the carriage. Elara dismounted and tied the reins loosely around a sturdy tree trunk. Then she trotted toward Torina, throwing herself onto the fallen log where the dragon girl lounged, her long tail curling under her clothes.

"Lemonade, anyone?" Elara called, setting a tray containing a bottle of freshly squeezed lemon and glasses of crushed ice on the table between her and the dragon girl. She picked the lemon off its branches and plucked leaves from the shrub as well, adding them to the glasses. Then, carefully cutting the lemon, she squeezed out the juicy substance and allowed the drops to spill into the cup.

Once the lemonade was mixed, she placed a slice of lime on each rim and topped the mixture with a pinch of crushed sugar and a piece of lemon. "Here ya go."

"Thanks," Torina smiled. She brought her drink close to her lips, inhaling its tart scent before taking a tentative sip. Her eyebrows flew up in surprise. "Oooh! What a refreshing taste! Just what I needed."

"That's really good!" I remarked after swallowing a gulp.

"Thanks!" Elara giggled and relaxed back.

We rested for a bit and enjoyed the sunshine and warm air. I went nearby to check on a river stream. The water appeared crystal clear, and the sandy bank looked pristine, providing a comfortable seat for anybody who wanted to wash their clothes, so I took advantage of it.

I dipped my hand into the stream. It wasn't freezing, but instead, it was refreshing and refreshingly cool, just like the surrounding air, which kept my skin from becoming covered in sweat or tingling as I washed off. I stripped away the clothes I wore for the journey here, shucking off my boots and stockings and leaving my underwear hanging on a branch, then dipped my toes in the water.

With a delighted sigh, I began to step further into the stream, savoring the sensation. I looked down through my chest, watching how my toes curled underwater between the sand and gravel. "Oh, right, I didn't always have my girlcock."

I bent my head forward, examining the glistering love hole between my plumpy thighs. My clit, hard as a small prick, bobbed gently in the soft currents. Its slick moisture gleamed and flowed lazily over the mound of soft, fleshy nub. "I wonder how it feels," I mumbled. Even though I've explored the wondrousness of those two girls, I didn't know what this one feels like. I reached out with a hand, dragging my finger across the slippery mess that leaked from beneath the hood covering my sensitive clit. "Ah~"

An unexpected moan left my lips, and I snatched my hand away, jerking back upright. My eyes darted around to see if I was alone, but no one else was there. A hot blush suffused my cheeks. I took another deep breath to calm my nerves and concentrated on the act once again. This time, I kept a tight hold on myself.

But suddenly, goosebumps raced up along my body, prickling at my skin. A slight gust sent chills down my spine as a presence lurked somewhere near.

"What a pain to be dissuaded from a decent time. I can only feel bad for Elara when I first appeared." I stood up, prepared for danger, and grasped the hilt of Sundered Dream. "Bandits... And skilled ones at that. I guess I'll have to leave the experiments till later."