Chapter 47 "Small Practice"

Wilhelm met his friend in the middle of a lunch break, as they were on a complete journey towards the Merchants of Venice act. As the lunch break lasted for one and a half hours, they were directed to assemble in a distribution classroom to practice their scene together.

Elias, a second year student, was supposed to be working with Bassanio, and Alfred, a third year student, was working with Lorenzo. Tanja played Portia, Göran played Shylock, Nicklas played Gratiano, and Ebba played Jessica.

The primary act was to travel to rehearse, where Antonio traveled to show his personal insufficiency. They traveled through the script at numerous intervals, trying to perfect the rhythm and the alternately assumed emotions.

In addition, they concentrate on the scene where Bassanio appears in order to ask Antonio for the money so that he can go to Belmont to see his personal lover, Portia. Wilhelm wanted to be certain that he would expose Antonio's generosity and loyalty to Bassanio, while demonstrating his inner turmoil and disagreement as he traveled to borrow money from Shylock. In fact, they would give any further criticism and suggestions to develop their fictional character. They experiment with different ways of expressing their emotions and delivering their lines. After a couple of procedures, Wilhelm starts to perceive a more comfortable incarnation of Antonio's fictional character. He thanks his friends for their support and understanding and realizes that there would be no theatre without them. I myself think we're really getting the current. We're just trying to keep practicing and make it work! '' Wilhelm exclaimed smiling.