Chapter 56"A Family Moment in Renaissance Clothing"

Wilhelm was having chocolate with his mother Inger, when the door burst open and his young brother Nathaniel rushed into the room.

Eyes first on him, he was already very pleased with what he saw in Wilhelm, who was clad in the Renaissance costume. "Willy, don't you look like a prince?", exclaimed Nathaniel as he smiled. Wilhelm burst into peals of laughter, "Thanks, Nathaniel. Do you like my uniform?". Eagerly, Nathaniel agreed "Yeah it's so cool! Can I try it on too?". "Inger laughed at her two sons and said, "I don't think it will fit you, Nathaniel, but you can look at your brother's clothes from a distance. "Nathaniel frowned, "Aww, okay. But Willy looks really handsome in it, Mom. "Yes, he does." Inger smiled "Do you think your older brother is handsome, Nathaniel? "Nathaniel replied quickly without any doubt, "Yes, he is very handsome! "Wilhelm could not but admire this little brother, who thus innocently in adulation looked up at him.".

"Thanks Nathaniel.You're pretty handsome yourself, you know."

Inger smiled as thoughts of her family came to mind and was happy to have the time with her two boys.

"It's good to have you two bond well with each other; it brings me joy".

The three burst into such happy laughter as they savored the hot chocolate and the company of each other.