Chapter 2

"Athena, Athena." Someone called out

She saw people behind bars, trapped and in bondage. As much as she was confused she was sad as she felt compassion for these people.

"Save us our queen you're our only hope." The people echoed in chorus. She had jaw dropped, eyes popping out, hands covering her mouth.

She gasped out in fear as she looked around her surroundings, and was relieved to see she was in her bedroom. She saw the sun was breaking out from it's clutches to bask in all its glory later.

She looked at her clock 5:50 am it read.

" Athena." She gasped again looking around to see who was calling.

" Athena you're awake already? That's good it's me your father. Madam Azalea and other maids her on their way so stay sober."

"Ok Good morning." She greeted . She was happy madam Azalea was coming she was like a second mother to her.

Athena went into her washroom to have a bath. Her washroom was grand and appealing to the eye. It was a white marble touch to suit the cream color on the walls as the color theme of the house was white. She looked at the washroom her vanilla scented products on inside her shower hanger with the towels on the hooks. She looked at her tub and the floor and walked over to the mirror as she looked at herself. Her hair was icy blonde and wavy and was long, it also had a vanilla scent to it. Her eyes were almond shaped and the irises emerald like her personality sharp, wit , eloquence, peace , balance, foresight and truthful. Her lips were plump and rosy pink but cracked and dried. Her skin was glowed under the sun due to its melanin (brown skin) but it wasn't smooth as it got irritated easily. Her body shape; she was busty and they where perky, her stomach had rolls but she had noticable curves as a result of her hips and big thighs she wasn't slim neither fat she was medium sized. (She is pear shaped y'all if you don't get it);She has a tattoo under her right breast. It was a crown her mom said she was born with it. It was gold small but noticable. She sighed and stepped into the bathtub to bath. Soon madam Azalea and other maids went into the bathroom and prepped her.

The prepping and dolling up concluded at 7:50am sharp, the charriot was approaching at 10:00am so she had some time.

She stared at herself in the mirror and couldn't recognize herself. She looked like a statue that was sculpted perfectly as madam Azalea and the other maids took their time to hide her flaws. She wore a surplice net, fit dress, the fitting complimented her hips, it was a corset dress so it was tight to hide her stomach rolls,the chest area was open enough for a cleavage to show, there was a split at the end. The dress screamed elegance and sultriness at the same time, like she was supposed to look classy and seductive.The dress was purple. Her hair was done into princess braid. With purple flowers like anemones, hyacinths,lisanthuses,muscaries,irises, lavendery, delphiniums and hydrangeas.

In short she looked flawless. She was supposed to be elated but inside she was devastated.

She emerged from her room to head to the dining.

" You look radiant and gorgeous sweet." Warrick acknowledged with his chin held up high as she approached the dining.

" How are you Athena?." Astra ( Athena's mom) questioned. Her mom never talked much she was always quiet, always docile and submissive to her father. Doing whatever he asked of her.

"Hope you sle-." Warrick wanted to question but was cut off immediately.

"If you are trying to act like nothing is wrong. Well it isn't working." Raiden stated with his fists clenched.

" What is it Raiden? Why do you always question and rebel against me!?." Her father demanded. She understood what her father was saying as Raiden was always inquisitive. Why shouldn't I do this? Why shouldn't I do that? He always wanted to know and due to his normal nature to rebel, he always argued with their father.

"Athena let's see outside." Astra called as she stood up to go leave the the dining room.

"Ok mother." Athena replied with her fingers playing with each other.

" I understand that this is going to fast for you. But I need you to know that this is your destiny." Astra put out anxiously.

"What do you mean mother." Athena questioned. Astra pushed her far away from the dining room and hesitated but told her anyway.

"Athena you're more than this, more than Avalon ( the name for the realm of the vampires) keep in mind you're beyond this and worth more. I love you." Astra croacked out sincerely almost crying.

" I know I've not been a good mother and I'm stupid for waiting for me to loose you before acknowledging that, but I'm going through alot too." Astra acknowledged in tears. Athena was also in agreement as her mum had changed ever since their family upgraded in status. Astra like her name meant was a star. Her mum eyes were bright. They glowed as they were amber in color. Her mum was always the happy and extroverted type. But things changed ever since her family had upgraded in status. Her mum and dad where baron and baroness before being Duke and duchess. Tho the position didn't come with as much power, they could fend for for their selves. They were middle class. She remembered those cheerful times, her mom would bake cinnamon rolls and coat them with vanilla icing. Her mum was a good baker and baked lots of sweets and pastries but mostly cinnamon rolls as those were Raiden and artemis's favorite. She and Raiden would eat them while their mom told them stories next to the fireplace at night. Warrick and Astra was always there for them. There for them when they would get prizes at prize and graduation day, when they went for thier competitions or practice even down when they had their first steps, when she and warrick had their first go at drinking blood. They were always there. But things changed

When their parents got their new positions. There were no handmaid sweets or pastries from their ma. No appearance in events they were always busy.

They went back to the dining room and sat back down. After the breakfast,things were packed for her journey. Soon it was time for her to go on the journey.

As she sat in the chariot, she saw everyone staring at her and waved goodbye. Her astra, warrick,raiden, madam azalea waved at her goodbye. She quickly realized that this will be the last time she might ever see them again.