Athena's pov


I jolted up from my sleep. I woke up in the vanity area, because who needs a bed when you can sleep in a chair, right? My neck was thrilled to protest with a sharp pain, just to remind me that sleeping in a chair is never a good idea. This was shaping up to be a fantastic day.

But wait, it got better! The maids descended upon me like a swarm of locusts, determined to infiltrate and demolish my fragile morning calm. They came armed with honey, milk, and cucumbers, because what's a beauty treatment without a few random ingredients thrown in?

First, they slathered me in honey, because who doesn't love feeling like a human-sized pastry? Then, they submerged me in a milk bath, which was actually kind of nice, but don't tell them I said that. The cucumbers on my eyes were a nice touch, though. I mean, who needs actual sleep when you can just put cucumbers on your eyes and pretend?

But the real fun began when they started working on my hair. Oh boy, my hair. It's not exactly the easiest to work with, but hey, who needs easy when you can have a challenge, right? They tried to silk press it, but let's just say it didn't exactly cooperate. It was more like trying to tame a lion's mane, but without the lion's consent.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally managed to wrestle my hair into submission, sort of. It was...interesting. Let's just say it wasn't exactly the sleek, shiny mane I was hoping for. But hey, at least it was done, right?

And then, to top it all off, they put me in a viridian green gown that was so tight I could barely breathe. The thigh-high slit and V-neckline made me feel like a cross between a goddess and a very expensive doll. But hey, who needs personal space or comfort when you can look good, right?

I gazed at my reflection, barely recognizing the person staring back at me. Who was this person, and what had they done with the real me? I looked like a completely different person, one who was much,bold and defiant. But at what cost?

I was ushered out and gotten to the ball were It was about to commence.

Ugh, joy. I got to participate in the Princess's selection process, because what's more fun than being paraded around like a prize cow? I mean, who doesn't love being judged on their looks, talent, and ability to curtsy without falling over?

As I scanned the courtyard, I rolled my eyes so hard they almost got stuck that way. The Princess's selection process was notorious for its ruthlessness, and I had no intention of getting caught up in its drama. But hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?

I began the border, a tedious and intricate dance that made me want to pull my hair out. I mean, who thought this was a good idea? "Hey, let's make a bunch of girls dance around in circles while wearing uncomfortable shoes and tight corsets!" Yeah, because that sounds like a blast.

My feet moved mechanically through the dance, my mind wandering to all the things I'd rather be doing. Like getting a root canal. Or watching paint dry. Anything, really, to get out of this ridiculous dance.

As I twirled and curtsied, I couldn't help but think about how much I'd rather be doing just about anything else. I'd rather be reading a book, or taking a nap, or even doing my taxes. Anything to get out of this suffocating corset and these ridiculous shoes.

But no, I was stuck here, dancing around like a fool, trying to impress the Princess and her entourage. It was all

As the dance drew to a close, I caught sight of the Prince, Kaden. Oh boy, was he a treat. I'd heard rumors about his arrogance and entitlement, and my initial impression did little to dispel those notions. He looked like the kind of guy who'd make you want to pull your hair out, and not in a good way.

I was paired with him, because of course I was. Because what's more fun than being paired with the most annoying guy in the room? I felt a spark of satisfaction, but it was quickly replaced with annoyance. This was going to be a long night.

As we moved through the dance, I made sure to keep my movements stiff and formal, my eyes locked on some point beyond the Prince's shoulder. Kaden, for his part, seemed to be humoring me, his smile tight and forced. I wondered if he was as bored as I was.

My thoughts swirled with resentment and frustration. I was trapped in this ridiculous game, forced to play along with the Princess's whims. And now, I was paired with the one person I couldn't stand. This was just peachy.

As the music drew to a close, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It was almost over, this interminable dance. I could finally escape the Prince's condescending smile and the Princess's piercing gaze.

But as I curtsied, my eyes locked on the Prince's, I felt a spark of something unexpected. A spark of defiance, perhaps, or a glimmer of curiosity. Whatever it was, it left me feeling off-balance, unsure of what to expect next.

Well, this should be interesting. I thought to myself, trying to stifle a grin. I had a feeling that this was going to be a very long night.

As the evening wore on, I found myself growing more and more frustrated. The Prince was annoying, the Princess was condescending, and I was just plain bored. I wanted to go home, crawl into bed, and forget this whole ordeal ever happened.

But I couldn't. I was stuck here, smiling and curtsying and making small talk with the Prince. It was all

As the night drew to a close, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It was finally over, this interminable evening. I could finally escape the Prince's clutches and make my way back home.

But as I turned to leave, I felt a hand on my arm. It was the Prince, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"I think we're not done yet," he said, his voice low and smooth.

I raised an eyebrow, feeling a spark of irritation. What did he want now?

But as I looked into his eyes, I saw something there that gave me pause. Something that made me wonder if maybe, just maybe, this night wasn't going to be so boring after all.