In the conference room, the team bustled about, making final preparations for the meeting.
Laptops were powered up, presentation materials were neatly arranged, and chairs were arranged in anticipation of the guests' arrival.
As the clock inched closer to the scheduled arrival of the EpicVerse publishers, the atmosphere in the office was charged with anticipations.
Darren, as the team leader, felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders as he oversaw the final preparations for the crucial meeting.
Meanwhile, Kayla's heart sank as she remembered her last conversation with Kiara. "I'm so sorry, Kiara," she had said, the weight of emotion evident in her voice. "It's fine, let me dress up for work and I'd be there in a jiffy," Kiara had responded before the call abruptly ended.
Yet, despite Kiara's assurance, she was nowhere to be found as the clock continued to tick relentlessly towards the appointed time.