Point of view....

This high quality items ! ( Shitty but good enough )

I love them !

... But now that I think about it... 

Wasn't it too easy ?

[ I don't think he was a proper boss... ] [ Probably someone who took the position after the previous one died... ]

"I didn't even have time to have my own monologue like the mc..."

"Everything happened too fast..."

Well, I gained the carriage with the horses, items, a little bit of plot armor....

I guess 99.59 % of negative karma is not so b-BANDIT-




Why did I talk ?

"Ah, fuck it. At this rate I am going too die a little bit too soon..."

Don't worry guys, I'm not a bad person !

As you can see this guys were the real bandits !

Just observe their clothes...

[ You robbed them of even that didn't you ? ]

"Was this your plan all along, you fucking world"

"Am I being influenced right now ?" "I can't even tell...."

-Shut up you garbage-

-You obviously killed them viciously !-

At least listen to my explanation.....

Old man, I don't want any problem...

I'm sure a knight in shining armor like you would under..s...t....a.....n... . . .d

Hey Rahu... Are my eyes seeing wrongly ?

[ You know I'm the one without eyes right ? ]

I think they're ..P...P...Paladins....

[ Hmm, I definitely feel Theia influence... ]

[ "Quite strongly at that" ] 

"Why, do you hate me this much.... "

"Ah... Calm down..."

[ "Unyielding mind" is in use ]

"A carriage... With some sort of radiant star on it... "

"Shit, that's definitely Theia symbol" "I was still hoping that they might have been just guards..."

"Lady Aurelia, She's probably a saintess candidate..."

"A month... She should be the last one.."

"Her name... I think i have already heard it...."

-Identify yourself-

-Or you'll be beheaded instantly-

"Why is this old man is so fierce"

-Kneel down-

My deepest apologies.

I have been rude to a Saintess candidate.

I'm a lowly commoner... The name's Ethan

Please, have mercy... I wouldn't be so strong to kill 5 people on my own.

I'm merely a passerby

-That makes sense...- -You're just a kid after all-

"It's working ?!"

-However you're wrong about something...-

-The one in front of you is the current Saintess-Goddess's sword-Lady Aurelia-

-She's currently returning to the capital after the rightful slaughter of those lowly beastmen-


"....." "This fucking smile...." "They all have it...."

"Damien...." "Dusk...." "Now, even this grumpy, white haired old man..."

-Just blocking her way is a sin-

[ As much as I would want you to kill this bastards.. ] 

[ You can't beat them ] 

[ The one you're facing is an 7th rank expert ] [ He is probably the vice-commander of the paladins, being just one level below Senia ]

[ Behind him, there are numerous high level paladins... ]

[ Leave your pride here.... ] [ And do what you need....to survive ]

"Tch" I understand

-You shall pay by dying-

-Don't even try to raise your head-

"This is the only way I can think of...."




[ I don't think hitting your head on the street will work ]

[ You're already covered in blood ]

Just let me focus

"This is the most important part"


You're right !

I shouldn't even be able to hear her highness name !

Let alone block her way !

However, I think killing me....


I'm sure our radiant light Theia wouldn't be satisfied with such a quick punishment.

Please, I beg of you.

Kick me, Punch me, Beat me up.

And after you are finished.... Please take my left arm !

I'm a lowly F level adventurer !

Without an arm I certainly won't be able to survive !

"Fuck, now I've done it"


"You shitty karma, help me this one time....."


"Please....Just let me survive....I beg of you..."


"Haven't I suffered enough ! Just a chance, and I will never disappoint you !"


[ Plot armor is giving a helping hand, while laughing at the pathetic main character candidate ]

[ New message from ???? ]

[ -Just this one time- ]

[ -Grin- ]


[ The point of view is changing... ]


[ Ethan, I think you've done something extraordinary... ]


[ To think 'he' would help you ]



While the bastard old man was considering his choices, I was still losing blood.

"How much time are you taking ?"

"You either kill me or you don't"

I really wanted to stand up and obliterate this garbage in front of me, but as Rahu advised me, I stayed still and waited...

-Kid, I like your passion !-

Why are you saying that with your sword unsheathed ?

-Your resolve is extraordinary...- -In other conditions, I would have recruited you-

-However, as you know I can't do that now...-

That sad face of yours was just a fake, I'm sure you would have been so happy to beat me up...

-I'll accept your offer though-

-Killing a promising soul like you, would only infuriate our light, Theia !-

No, No, I'm sure you could have still changed your mind...

Everyone can be a good person if they want to !


"Ah, no doubt.... I'm gonna get destroyed"

-Paladins !-

-Give this man, the dignified beating he deserves !-

-Yesss- -Sir-

-Go !-

-Eheh, let's use this opportunity to get rid of a bit of stress....-

"I'm not a punching bag"

-Maybe I can use him for....-

"No, No,No that's a no no"

I was getting beaten up. Some were kicking me, Some were punching me...

Some were spitting on me....

I mean. Death would have been worse right ?

I really started doubting that.

"Fuck, there are some bastards that are hitting me on the same spots"

"I'll remember your faces"

I didn't

How much did It last ?

Enough for me to loose so much blood I was seeing those black spots for a second time.

Hallucinations here and there, but they were actually helping me to not do anything.

At a certain point, I had a conversation with Aveline..

Whelp. After all that, I was still alive. Good job on my part.

-Good job paladins !-

- Now, let me take his left arm as a trophy -

As a trophy, huu. I was a bit fucked, since my left arm was already made of darkness to begin with.

It was covered in bandages, definitely suspicious, but they didn't think much of it.

They probably thought someone who looked like a 15 years old, would have used them in a stylistic way.

Dumb asses

Still, I needed to make sure blood would actually come out...

Please, slash from here !

Just a bit lower than the shoulder, that was the point..

That bastard didn't even hesitate, and with a clean aura-cut my left arm was gone.


I didn't flinch.

I mean, "Unyielding mind" didn't make me flinch.

It's quite convenient... 

-Good job, future paladin-

"How are you maintaining a straight face while I'm watering the street with my blood ?"

-I'll take this arm, to honor you...-

-No, Arthur, just throw it away-

-Lady Aurelia... I promised...-

-Don't make me repeat myself !-

-I'm sorry young lad.... Here, I'll return it you....- -I need to go now, I hope you'll become a great paladin- -Your love for Theia can't be found easily nowadays...-

-Good luck-

Those were really the words of someone who just ordered to beat me up and sliced my arm like tofu

Oh, by the way. She is called Lady Aurelia, but she's actually just an old hag. 

Saintesses can maintain young appearances for a very long time-about 50 years. That's also the period of time between different Saintess contests.

Since they are the goddess incarnation, they should always be beautiful.

That's the main reason why they are hand-picked by Theia.

That bitch just chooses the most younger looking one and then buffs her with her divine power.

Well, now Aveline power is explained..

Anyway, as they got away with their carriage, I was using my first Authority as the saint of darkness...

-Darkness heal-

-Darkness heal-

-Darkness heal-

Fuck the bleeding won't stop.

Rahu, don't you have something ?

[ I'm sorry, I won't be able to help you ]

[ I don't have anything like that ]

Can't you just use teleportation to give me something ?

[ Just use the emergency potion you have hidden in your boots ]

Oh, right, I had that.

It was Rahu's advice to have always a spare one. I wonder what kind of life he lived...

[ Now that you're good, I think you should check your status window ]

[ Plot armor acquisition rate ]

[ Damien 99 % (-0.59 % ) ]

[ Ethan 1 % ( +0.59 %) ]

[ N. Karma acquisition rate ]

[ Ethan 99 % (- 0.59%) ]

[ Damien 1 % (+0.59 % ) ]

Ohhh, I gained so much !

Is this the sign that I can become the main character ?

[ Maybe... ]

I was wondering If he actually knew what I was talking about..

Did he know this world was inside a novel, or was it something else...

It might have just been, that he started using 'main character' as 'chosen one'

Still, it didn't matter. Rahu is my friend, and I couldn't care less

So ? What amazing benefits am I going to get ?

The first 1 % is important isn't it.

[ Trust me, It seems you have already got your reward ]

Where's is it ? I don't see any difference....


[ Everything changed, no doubt ]


[ Point of view ]

[ 1 %- 1st person ]

[ 10 % ??? ?????? ]

[ 100% ????????' ]