The Second Encounter

Quite a lot of time had already passed since my arrival at the Goblin's forest.

I continued killing everything I saw

What was the meaning ? I didn't even have experience points anymore.

Training alone, while mastering Rahu's sword art, seemed like the best choice...If I wanted to advance and become stronger

My aura was still at the first rank.

A normal person of this world would probably advice me to gather power slowly in my core


It wasn't a method suitable for my situation.


I could die every moment.

I needed to be faster

I needed to slaughter quicker


I wasn't the hero Damien who fought for world peace.

I didn't have his elegant style that focused on both attack and defense


Rahu had taught me something extremely important.


'Fight with everything you have'


All my battles were based on this advice.



It's becoming so easy !

I can easily trick both goblins and werewolves !

[ That's obvious for someone with both mana and aura ]

[ Normally you would need to have aura at the second rank or higher to handle both goblins and werewolves ]

Can't you praise me for once ? Maybe you're just outdated

[ I already did once a few hours ago ]

[ Also...some things don't change even after centuries ]

[ For example, monsters will never overcome humans ]-[ "Not again at least" ]

That's not true.

'Never' is a stupid word.


Wait... Isn't this too easy ? Just like with the bandits.


[ I suddenly felt a chill ]

[ Theia's divine power was nearby, followed by an a unreasonable amount of Karma ]

[ There was only one person I could think of ]


[ Why did you talk ? ]

[ -Sigh- ]

[ Kid, prepare for battle ]

[ There someone near us ] [ I'm not talking about monsters ]

Humans then... What's the problem ?

[ Humans you have already seen ] 


[ Ethan ] [ ... ]

[ Damien and his party members are here ]


[ Aveline is here too ]

I didn't know how to react.

Scared that I could be found and killed ? Would they even remember me ? 

Angry at the person who left me to suffer ? 

Happy that Aveline was there ?

Should I... escape ?

[ That would be a good choice ]

[ There's no point in troubling yourself ]

[ Let's just camp somewhere outside ]-[ We can always return tomorrow ]


...Let's just g-Contractor !-

-There's a Boss monster ahead !-

-Get your weak ass out of here-

-You're just at the second rank of aura !- -You can't handle this !-

-Take your girlfriend or whatever Aveline and run !-


Another cliche....The main character gets underestimated by the girl at the adventurer guild who then gets saved by him and becomes part of his harem.... 

Anyway her name's Vivian Reed.... She's the daughter of the Duke, now undercover because she didn't meet her father's expectations.

She got expelled from her family...Her sister's better...You know. 


Classic black hair, good figure, rapier as the main weapon 

No armor. Just a robe that reveals the chest a little bit too much. High heels that are just for show.

What makes her powerful is her speed....

You could say she's a woman with a lot of qualities....

[ Why are you telling me this ? ]

Because she doesn't stand shit against Aveline !

The same Aveline...

Who is now....



I was enraged. Fuck. I wanted to kill that bastard. Just at the thought of 'that'....

I unsheathed my sword.

[ Calm down ]

[ They didn't do anything ] 

How would you know ?

[ I prevented it from happening ] [ Even now I'm ready to block karma every moment ] 

Sob...You really are a friend ! To think you would do something like this ! 

[ However... I need to intervene myself ] [ Normal divine power won't work ]

[ It must be blocked DIRECTLY by a god ] 

I...-Fuck !-

-This Fenrir is tougher than expected !-

It was the second time that bitch had interrupted me


-Saintess Aveline... Please remain here-

-I'll protect you-

-Damien was on the move... with his sword ready to one-shot the enemy-

-While Vivian and the other 3 adventures-A mage, a tank and a swordman- were trying to withstand the claws of the boss, Damien was calmly walking towards the battle-

-As if he knew he was going to win, he didn't have an ounce of fear, nor hesitation-

-He simply stroked his sword. A wave of light flew towards the fenrir, that got hurt, but still survived-

-That monstrous wolf, seemed like a big puppy to play with, in his eyes-

-It was a scene that would make every woman fall in love with him-

-Vivian obviously played the part perfectly-

-Just like in the script she fell down on her knees, with a reddened face and a shocked expression that soon turned in one full of admiration-


Seeing Vivian's lustful face.... I though Karma was scary...No...


A power like that shouldn't be in anyone's possession. 

Main Characters shouldn't exist to begin with.


Let's just get out of here... Envy will hit me too hard if I stay here.


[ Negative karma is taking effect ]


The ground was trembling. Someone was coming.

The tremors were continuously increasing... 

[ Run ! ] [ They're too many for you to handle ! ]

[ 1 ]-[ 10 ]-[ 100 ]-[ 1000 ]

[ The number of monster I feel is increasing ! ]

Wait... I need to tell Aveline !

[ Damien will protect her ]

[ It's not the time to worry about others ] 

[ The goblin's boss is also with them... ] [ ( He ? ) is coming here ! ]

My thoughts were the same as always. 

I continued wondering whether I really deserved this punishment or it was just the world that was a fucking bastard...

What did I do wrong ? I wasn't such a wimp that I would just accept everything.

Of the countless theories i thought of...

Only one would have really made sense...


My review to this novel


An insult to the author, that probably got revenge to me by taking me to this shitty place.

Did this mean that Theia was the creator ? No...

However....He was someone above her or at least that was close enough...


Rahu's father. That was my final answer. Dusk probably wanted to say something similar.




A rough voice could be heard...that strangely sounded feminine

Weirdly enough... It wasn't coming from behind...

But ahead ?


Was this just mass suicide ? Why the fuck would goblins attack the man who just destroyed the Fenrir in a single blow ?


-Damien !-

-"Eh... This toy is already calling me for my name..."-

-We need to run !- -I know you're strong...But I feel like they're too many this time-

-Who would blame her for being scared ?-

-An army of thousands of goblins was in front of her-

-With just a command from the Goblin's boss, her entire party would be obliterated from this world-

-If our Main Character Damien wasn't there obviously- 

-With a charming face he gently pushed behind him-

-You don't have to worry...My lovely Vivian-

-I'll show you my true power-

-Also....Aveline...Come here-

-I don't want you to get hurt-

-However...Nobody was there-

-Could it be that our lovely Aveline had been taken hostage ?-

-Damien was caring for her even in such a situation-

-And yet ! That bitch had the audacity to continuously refuse our hero's love !- 

-Let's take a look...Where was she ?- -Oh..She was trying to escape from Damien...-

-No...This is not how I like things to go...-


-Well...Should I just give her to our shitty candidate ?-

-I don't even know why 'YOU' like him-


-I mean... Love should be able to overcome every adversity right ?-



[ N. Karma is laughing ] 

[ N. Karma is fucking up Ethan's fate upon ???? orders ] 

[ 'They' are not happy with ???? choice ] [ +1 Bad Review ]


[ ???? power has decreased ]


A bunch of goblins were carrying a woman to the their Boss

I couldn't see well through the Goblin's lines...


-Let me go !-


When I heard Aveline's voice.... 

I started running by instinct.....


How could I be such a dumb ass.

No way I could beat a boss alone nor kill more than a thousand goblins


I didn't want to be the hero of the situation... Not this one at least.


I knew Damien had already felt the monsters, long before they had arrived....

He could have escaped whenever he wanted.

Hell... He probably knew I was watching from far.

However... he didn't care. That's just how confident Damien was.


Shit. What's the deal with me....


As I run towards the enemies....

I began wondering when I actually started loving Aveline...


Was mine actually love, or was it just a delusional obsession ?

Why did I get angry at the thoughts of others liking Aveline ? 

She was never mine to begin with.

Was I really so fucking raving that I jumped in the pit...

Yes. No doubt. 100% 


If you care about something....


Should't you do everything you can to protect it ?



-Smirk- Watch me you motherfuckers !


All eyes were set on me

Goblins with their boss

The adventures



Aveline-We were too far to see each other


I didn't know her condition


Too many lines of goblins ahead of me.


Dust from the bustle that blocked the vision


In this confusion....


-"This voice must be !"-


-Ethan !-


My hearth started beating faster...She had remembered me !

[ Damien's P.O.V. ]

[ 1% : 1st person ]

[ 10% : 3rd person ]

[ 100% ??????? ]


So... I think that's pretty obvious but I still want to be sure It's easy to comprehend

When a word is like 'this' that means Ethan is talking

When a word is like 'this' it's Ethan's P.O.V.

When a word is like [ 'this' ] Rahu is talking or the system 

When a word is like [ 'this' ] It's Rahu's P.O.V.

When a word is like -'this'- someone is talking

When a word is like -'this'- it's someone's P.O.V.

However... Today it was a little bit different...

Who knows ?
