The Second Encounter - Part 3

I mean....

A marriage proposal was still one, even if my 'bride' was a 4 meter tall...

Ugly as fuck...

Half naked green monster....

With no attributes... At ALL

That seemed like a man on steroids....

Right ?


It wasn't !



I needed to behave correctly to survive...

That's why I cleared my throat

Prepared myself to anything that might have happened

And finally.... Hmm ? 


I couldn't believe it.

She was unraveling the only rag that was saving my eyes from eternal suffering

With a pleased expression she was imagining something I hadn't even consented to 

She was ready to jump on me... Ahahahah....

That was absolutely not going to happen


Wait !

Do not move 

When I said fuck you....

I didn't mean that I wanted to do it !

[ Pff... ] 

Did I just hear something ?

[ He's going to reject her in the worst way one could think of ]

[ -Munch- ]


I stared at the status screen that had just talked

It was probably some kind of drama to him

I thought I had even heard him eating...


You think it's funny ?

[ Oh.. No, I don't ]


[ Pff... ] 

[ I'm really sorry, but I can't imagine a goblin and a human being married ]

[ This was the first time in centuries I got to hear something so... Idiotic ]

[ During my infancy... There was nothing about this ]-[ Pff ]


He was really underestimating human imagination... 

I had suddenly remembered of a certain ogre....


[ No... You know what would be really amusing ? ]

[ The fact that you would have to describe to me all of her-I obviously wouldn't do that

... ...

While I was talking to absolutely nothing mid air, the Goblin's Boss was observing the situation and thinking of something very interesting



Indeed.. I agree 

Interesting opinion !


She wasn't thinking at all.

Or rather, she didn't have a clear thought process

She would just blurt out everything she wanted to say



Rahu ! You shouldn't joke about like this

Seeing something like that might get Aveline traumatized !

[ I'm pretty sure she fell asleep as soon as the battle ended ]

Oh... That's better anyway


Later, I would have found out...

That she watching the situation, holding a laugh while chatting with Rahu and commenting the situation...


Despite Rahu's millennial-childishness, I needed to get this to an end.

Aveline couldn't heal me anymore.

Neither could I 

I certainly didn't have time to spare



I'm sorry... Goblin's Boss....

I can't marry you

How the hell would we even... you know 'mate'

Just look at the difference of our sizes


Ethan news :

I SHOULD NOT have talked

She stared at me...

I thought she wanted to kill me



"Should I just accept marriage ?"

"She's probably thinking of doing something unspeakable to my body after she kills me"


She had left out a sigh


She had taken a step

My wound were aching more than before


I raised my stained sword


We were... very close


She reached my sword with a finger


She broke my sword


[ Don't worry Aveline... ]

[ Nothing going to happen ] [ She doesn't have malicious intent ]


My last attempt to survive :

You're very b-YOU'RE RIGHT !-



[ Did you see Ethan face ? ]

[ He was sweating so much... ]

[ He was so scared of his future wife ! ]-[ Pff ]


[ I laughed so hard... ] [ From the start, she would have probably let him go ]...

-"That's not so funny...."-

-"I mean... Didn't you tell me that he loved me ?"-

[ "It this.... A green flag !?" ]

[ Maybe Ethan wasn't so far to requited love ! ]

What ?

That's not true right?

No....There might have really been a sparkle...


What am ( I ? ) even saying ?

Let's not think of this troll 

He should just do his job instead of spouting bullshit...

[ If that's what ( I ? ) thought ! ]

Yeah... We all believe you


In any case...

After she made me lose 10 years of my indefinitely short life

She focused an enormous amount of mana on herself.


Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to win against her or the Fenrir that was lying somewhere behind us.

Damien could have easily killed me with the firepower he had.

I was just lucky.

And yet....It was the first time that I was actually "lucky" myself, and that karma didn't interfere...

A small win



An halo of smoke covered her entire body as it was getting smaller

Smaller ?

I just hoped she wasn't actually a kid


Oh... Hell... She wasn't...


Is this your human form ?

-Indeed... To be able to mate with my husband-

-I've transformed into the perfect form-

-So ?-

-How do I look ?-

Definitely a woman !

-Thumb up-


A woman !

One that was the pure definition of muscles, with legs thicker than my torso.

Arms ready to strangle me 

Eyes that were judging my soul

An aura of intimidation that filled the air and pressured me

A face that reminded me of something very important :

I WAS NOT into this 


I had though of many solutions

Fight ? Obliterated from existences

Run ? Probably dead or captured to be used forever

Accept ? Dead from suicide

Trick and go away with Aveline ? Killed by the remaining Goblin Army

Be honest about my feelings while trying to make her feel pity for a poor soul ?

Alive.... Not so surely...

I would say about 50/50


While having such thoughts... I had come to a realization...


My main power was literally...


Bargaining my own life with people who wanted to kill me

It wasn't cool... but at least useful....


My negotiating skills worked with Arthur...

I should be able to convince my 'wife'



Please, listen to what I am going to say calmly

I don't know why you want to marry me... 

Maybe because It was a good fight

Maybe because I'm your type

[ You aren't so beautiful kid ] 

"Shut up"

However....I don't even know your name

Can't you just let me go like we agreed ?

Also... I already have someone....


She stared at me with her eyes so high compared to mine

Her lips lowered a little bit

Her 'smile' vanished

Tears began to form


There is no reason to cry...

Why did she start crying ? Wasn't she the one who just sent 500 goblins to war because she wanted me to struggle and potentially die ?

I didn't feel an ounce of pity


-Blair !-

-My husband is cheating on me !-


Even her tone had changed....

She had a 180 degrees change in her personality

She almost felt like a normal girl...

No... A teenager...


Wait...Who's Blair ?

A shadow was covering the area


A dog-like shadow...


I raised my head in awe







The dog had a good sleep

Now, she was ready to kick my ass.


-No ! Don't hurt him !-

-AKHE !-




I became the perpetrator

When I was the fucking victim here


-I know... but I'm sure... one day... he will love me again !-


It feels like a Soap Opera

Moreover... I didn't remember saying that I had loved her





She raised her pawn...

Her claws were fucking scary

I didn't even a sword, and my left arm was still gone


[ Aveline... I think it's your time to intervene ]

[ This time the Fenrir is serious about taking his life ]

-"I'm trying !"-

-"My legs just gave up !"-

-"I'm not even feeling my divine power anymore !"-


[ We will need to solve this problem... ]


[ Smile ]


-"Solve it with Ethan alive... Right ?-

[ Yes.. Akhe is not so evil after all ]

[ After 'that' happened I could feel other intentions and emotions vaguely ]

[ I knew something : Human-Akhe didn't want Ethan to die ]



How many times did I risk dying ?

Was Negative Karma such a big deal that I couldn't find peace even after a long fight ?


The answer was so easy to guess

I couldn't be happy after all


She struck her pawn on me with enough force to turn me in mashed-Ethan


I closed my eyes




Nothing happened


Nothing hit me


Something clashed though


-Run !-

-Take your friend and go away from here !-


Akhe had blocked the claws


I couldn't be grateful to her


I'm not someone who would just waste such an opportunity


I was exhausted


I found the strength to run


I reached to Aveline and carried her on my shoulders


I run away, in the carriage direction.

I didn't turn my head back to see what was happening


-If someone dares to attack Ethan... -

-I will kill you myself !-


She was still helping me...

I couldn't feel grateful... at all !


And yet.... I had escaped....

Jumping over branches... 

Avoiding trees...



I finally saw the carriage


The horses recognized me


I got on the seat




I took the reins 

I promised myself I would never return here

[ N. Karma acquisition rate ]

[ Ethan 98.7 % ]

[ Damien 1.3 % ]