"You don't have to work hard to prove anything to anyone; as long as you are satisfied with what you have done, it's alright; just leave the rest for me."



She smiled in admiration and asked for my name. "Please, mister, what is your name?"


"My name? Why do you ask?"


"Because, when I get admission into the academy, I'll like you to be my Sensei."


"If you say so." I acted cool, but on the inside, I felt like I was going to explode with joy. My first admirer, I'm so proud of myself, I just hope by then she might have grown up and have big... No, I mean just big. "I'm Kakashi Yami, just try your best to grow up big and strong, okay?"


"Yes!!" She yelled, energized, "Thanks again, and buy."


She waved at me before running off happily. The revitalization machine was used on Megimin instead, and she told me she would be restored in about three years, or if we're lucky, two. She offered me admission into the academy, which I accepted because I had no other choice.


I followed Natski and Mira outside the hospital. 

"Are you ready?" Natski said.


"Ready for what?" I asked.


"Just come closer," she ordered. We all came closer together, with Mira still clinging on to me. For a moment, it was like my view became dark, then lit up again.


Suddenly we appeared in front of a school—no, not just any school. It was ASE, the Academy for Supernaturals and Experimentals, Tokyo.

The school was too big to be a high school alone. It was made up of six different buildings connected to each other with hallways on each floor. All the buildings were three-story buildings, and the entire school was painted white. We all walked into the building. As I walked through the hallway, I noticed that not all the students were supernatural; I couldn't sense any karma in some of them.


"Miss Tokoyami?" I called out. "Isn't this a supernatural academy? Why are there some humans here?"


"Not everyone here is a supernatural, but that doesn't mean that they are humans either," Mira said.


"What do you mean?" I asked. "Do you mean they are some other type of human or something?"


"I'll explain when I get to my office."


 Apparently, Natski was the principal of the academy. She sat down on her behind her desk while I sat opposite her. Mira stood beside her.


"The school was mainly for supernaturals and superhumans."


"What are superhumans?"


"Well, it all started in the beginning. After the creation of the world, Most of the gods decide to live as humans on their creation. Although they are humans, they still possess godlike powers. Some of the gods lived a normal life, got married, and produced more. These children produce from them are called SUPERNATURAL.


Modern civilization sees them as weapons, but after a continuous refusal to the plan, it started a war between humans and the supernatural. Forcing humans to use other human beings for experiments to produce god-like beings powerful enough to maybe kill a god, results from such inhuman acts are called experimental," Natski briefed. "On the other hand, superhumans are humans with a weak ability that is not limited by karma. I don't even know how that is possible, but it is. That mostly happens when a supernatural comes together with a human. Some say they are blessed by God.


There are also some supernaturals who can't use any technique because they can't properly control their karma but are able to release it from their body in visible form."


"That is, there are more types of people than i thought," I said.


"Yes, but as you go into the world, you are sure to see more types of people." Natski opened her desk and gave me a piece of paper. "Follow Mira to your room; we'll meet tomorrow."


"Okay, thank you so much for everything," I said.


"It's nothing," Natski assured.


She gave me the admission form and told me to fill it out and bring it back tomorrow morning. I followed Mira as she took me to the dorms and showed me a room.

She unlocked the room and turned on the light. It was a bit messy. There were clothes on the beds, books on the table, and even a half-eaten sandwich was there. Okay, it was a mess.


"It's already late; why don't you clear up that bed and sleep for the night?. I'll come back tomorrow to help you clean up," Mira advised.


"Who was staying here?" I asked.


"Someone, it is not important. The person left," she replied. "Just maintain it; I'll come by tomorrow so we can both clean up. I'll buy some clothes tomorrow since you only have one." With that, she left. 


I walked into the room and looked around. There was a wall clock hanging up, just beside the kitchen, which was behind the door. As I walked to the other door, I saw opposite the kitchen, the bathroom. There was some shampoo and stuff, there were girls clothes hanging everywhere, and there was food in the kitchen. Still, I didn't mind; the girl could have left it behind when she left. Mira did say she left the school. 


I filled out the form; there were some tricky questions that I didn't fully understand, so I skipped them. With that, I packed the clothes that were on the bed close to the window, so I could have a view of the school at night. It was less busy, but there were still some students who were around. I took off my clothes, took a bath, and laid down on the bed. This was the first time in four years that I slept on a bed. 


Usually, we lie on a blanket in the big hall, so everybody sleeps together. It was always hot at night, especially in the summer, so I took off my clothes even though Megumin tried to stop me. I sat up on the bed, with the window close to me. I felt the night air; it was cool and gentle. I stayed by the window, just looking at the sky, until I dozed off.

NOTE: This novel is being rewritten as Days of my Life: Rewrite