"Water dragon!" Hibiki yelled.


A water dragon came out from underneath her with its mouth wide open, and she jumped up and froze the dragon and the water around them. Hibiki jumped out of the water to avoid being frozen underwater.


"Lightning blast!" Kakashi yelled as he attacked her with his lightening charged fist from her right. She slipped herself into the dragon mouth to evade Kakashi's attack.


"Acient beast summoning: giant elephant" A giant elephant fell out of the sky and landed right on the frozen dragon, crushing it. The impact caused a slight fog.


"Did we get her, brother?" Kakashi asked.


"I don't know," Hibiki answered. "Let's wait and see."


They watched silently as the fog slowly cleared out. The sound of gentle clapping broke the silence.


"Nicely done," Mia said, and Kato was behind her. He must have escaped from the dragon and saved Mia before the elephant was able to land. "How are you able to predict my move?"


"That didn't do anything," Kakashi said, surprisingly. "I've used my lightening blast twice. If I use it again, I won't have enough karma to keep going."

"I don't think they will be able to go on longer," Hibiki said. "Or maybe they can't go any longer."




"You have grown to be strong, just as your father said," Mia said, turning. "I'll be going; it seems like we can't take him from you."


Mia walked away slowly as Kato followed her from behind. Hibiki was hesitant; he wanted to call her back but decided not to after he finally did.


"Wait!" Hibiki called. She stopped and turned around. I could tell that she wanted him to call her back. "What was his last word?"


"I will only tell if you tell how you were able to predict my moves." Mia smiled, waving her finger, signifying no.


"It's simple; I just observe you," he replied. I was still on guard. By the looks on Kato's face, he was not happy with this, but he doesn't look like he's going to attack, so I lower my guard. " Your partner, Kato, uses the blood battle technique, which is a unique technique. Although it's an advance water technique, its still weak against water. He controls it by increasing his blood pressure and shooting it out, making it as slim as possible to increase the speed, fast enough to pierce through almost anything. But, no matter how fast it is, if it gets mixed with liquid, it quickly dissolves, so in order to stop that from happening, he covers it with his palm, therefore making you use a signifying gesture before using your technique; in other words, he avoids water because it makes the blood lose its form. I already know that, but I wanted my brother to figure that out on his own."


"What!!? What if I died!!!?" I yelled at him.


"That was Kato" Mia said. "I was talking about how you were able to predict my moves"


"Using my water dragon to hold Kato underwater, I decided to go for you." Hibiki said he was trying to sound cool. "I wanted to go attack you at once, but you still keep your guard up, so I have to catch you off guard. So, I pretended to faint when you punched me and told Kakashi to let himself get captured. When you noticed that I didn't attack, you intended to leave as quickly as possible. That's when I used my water dragon."


"But you failed," Mia added. "And the water dragon is an ancient spirit, which means there is only one. Summoning it again will make it leave Kato and attack me instead. You can use the normal summoning technique too; why didn't you use another animal?"


"It wasn't strong enough to hold you, and I knew Kato would escape, so I thought when Kato got out, he wouldn't be able to attack because he's still wet." Hibiki answered. "I was expecting you to freeze it. That's why I made it open; it's mouth is extra wide, enough for a lady to fit in."


"So you wanted me to jump into the dragon mouth?" Mia asked.


"Yes," Hibiki answered. "You don't have any choice left. Kakashi could easily break your ice if you tried to shield yourself, and you know that. So, you jumped in, and I'll be able to use my elephant to crush you. Then I could take care of Kato before he dried off. But I didn't expect you'd injure yourself, so Kato can use your blood to help you."


"Thank you for the information," Mia waved at us while walking away into the mist that suddenly appeared. "Next time, I'll take extra precautions."


"Wait!" Hibiki called out.


"What is it now?" Kato answered.


"My father's last word?" Hibiki asked.


"I'm sorry to leave so soon, but I know you will be able to do it on your own" Mia said in a weak, shaking voice. "That was his last word."


Tears flowed down his cheeks as he whispered softly, "Thank you," as Mia and Kato walked away and disappeared into the mist.

That was my second fight, and it's only going to get worse. I looked up at the sky; the sun shone so brightly that I used my hand to shield my eyes. 


"And I don't know what they want from me," I said absent-mindedly.




We both turned around and saw our class girls.




They were all saying stuff so randomly that I couldn't hear them all, but at least now the class girls notice me. I turned to walk to them, but my body was too heavy to move. I looked at Hibiki; I think he was facing the same difficulty. My breathing became heavy as I fell into the water. I guess this is what happens when you use too much karma.




I never had the normal childhood other children have. I was an unwanted child, the result of a mistake made by two different individuals. My father was a supernatural, blessed with the Acient beast summoning technique, and my mother was a slut.


My father just came back from a mission where he lost his teammates, and after being cursed by a curse user, the only way to break the curse is when another curse user curses him. Before the curse, users were banned from attending the academy because the curse technique was believed to be related to witchcraft, which was prohibited. With that, he couldn't do anything; he was told he wouldn't live more than a year, but because of his ancient beast, he could live up to eight years as he rots from inside until there is nothing left.

NOTE: This novel is being rewritten as Days of my Life: Rewrite