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Damn Idol Episode 126

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Unlike Korea, the United States does not have music broadcasts.

Of course, there are channels that specialize in introducing music, such as MTV or MUCH MUSIC.

However, considering the nature of Korean music broadcasting, it could be seen that famous talk shows, morning broadcasts such as GMA, or radio broadcasts play a more similar role.

But there is almost no room for rookies in these programs.

Because it is related to viewer ratings, already famous people appear.

That's why the color show was special.

Because it was a content that many people in the West could appreciate, and in rare cases, a newcomer could stand on.

Of course, if you look at the lineup, famous singers accounted for more than 70%, but 30% was still a huge number.

Among those who enjoy foreign pop music in Korea, there were cases where they encountered new artists through color shows.

It was surprising that 3 months and 10 days appeared in such a color show.

- Haha, you can't even say that this is a marketing stunt?

-why? It could just be a marketing ploy.

-There is no company lol. What kind of marketing is this?

-Are they that good? How on earth was it confirmed to appear?

-Are there no fans here???

-Are there any idol fans among foreigners?

-I'm so curious that I can't stand it. I joined the 3 Month 100 Fan Club.

-If you play poker well, you can more than recoup the membership fee.

-What does that mean?

-(Link) If you pick up 1997 or a special cut, don't throw it away.

-Does this guy know this well enough to be suspicious?

-Aren't you already a member of the fan club?

-No... I'm just a music student who got scolded for confessing to my girlfriend by giving her a porno...


-This is our friend, stop shooting!

-Still, I like them every day... These guys are good... The fan club activities are also fun... They made a good public website...

-Say it without crying.

Thanks to this, the ripple effect was significant.

One of the most effective marketing techniques that many companies choose is awareness marketing.

Marketing that makes you think it must be a good product because a celebrity uses it.

The same was true for the three months and a hundred days.

Since famous content chose them, I couldn't help but think they must be good singers.

This was enough for those who had heard of the color show content for the first time.

When I went to the Color Show channel, the artists who had appeared so far were unusual.

While the general public focused on the accomplishments of three months and one hundred days, residents of idol culture were different.

-Do you think it was released intentionally to coincide with the take scene teaser?

-I think so. The take scene teaser is completely buried.


-Isn't that overinterpretation?

-That means the upload time is the same in minutes;

-Because it's obvious that they're releasing a teaser for Ryan.

It was to understand the intention of three months and a hundred days.

This judgment was also shared by those in the show business industry.

"Why is the fight between Ryan and Sedalbaekil so fierce?"

"therefore. If this continues, CEO Choi will be embarrassed."

"Wow, but heaven helps these guys. "The timing of everything from the program manipulation controversy to the color show being revealed is amazing, isn't it?"

"It must be unfair to Choi Dae-ho."

But what they didn't know was that heaven wasn't helping them.

It was created by Hansion.

In the midst of all this, Ryan Entertainment tried to create a buzz for the take scene by launching a promotional team.

[Three Months and a Hundred Days of Independence Diary Episode 3 ┃ Behind the scenes of fan club, fan kit, and color show recruitment?! (Feat. Chris Edward)]

It was completely buried in Zarkon for three months and a hundred days.

Compared to the first episode, which recorded close to 10 million views thanks to the abyss detector and dropout, the second episode did not create any special issues.

But episode 3 exploded again.

Thanks to the public's curiosity, the number of views began to increase at a tremendous rate.

The content of Episode 3 was faithful to the passage of time.

The first part was about members considering features to be included in the public homepage and selecting goods to be included in the fan kit.

Meanwhile, there was also a scene where Han Si-on chose a CD player and was rejected.

-He said that in the abyss detector, so why is he so serious about the album?

-Then what else are indie bands serious about other than albums?

-Oh, right. It was an indie band haha.

-Confused Confused.

-When will the story about the color show come out?

Next, there was the story of photo shoot, and there was also a scene where the members chose special cut outfits that would be provided with a 0.1% probability.

[Let's take it off to cool off.]

[…] … it's crazy?]

[You've been exercising hard these days.]

After Han Si-On's attempt to remove Lee Ion's top was blocked by opposition from the members, it was Choi Jae-seong's turn to choose Han Si-On's outfit.

[Brother Ion, shall I take revenge on you?]


[I know what Sion will suffer the most. Oh, of course it's not just about revenge, the fans will like it.]

[you… … What are you trying to do?]

Behind Han Si-on's anxious face, the screen switched and the costume was revealed.

These were really cute animal pajamas.

With cat ears.

Han Si-on's complexion rarely changes, but this time anyone could tell that he was embarrassed.

Even his speech slowed down.

[Wouldn't this be suitable for me to wear?]

[The members decided to choose among themselves.]

[The outfit I chose fell through.]

[You didn't choose the outfit, you took it off.]

[Please try something else.]


[I'll give you a solo song. Really (edited) a good one.]

For reference, the edited point omitted the urgent call that 'the songs given to Drop Out and NOP look like trash.'

Although it was fun to watch the sinking Hansion, it was a sentence that could become a big problem.

Originally, this content was liked by fandoms but did not appeal to the general public.

However, because Han Si-on was truly embarrassed, it felt like a punishment costume from an entertainment program.

Thanks to this, the public also enjoyed it quite a bit.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I can see that Hypsion Shack is enduring the rebellious temperament boiling in his blood.

-Instead of being shy.

- Hahaha the members really like it hahaha I guess there was a lot accumulated.

-Hey, I'm a guy, but I think I've gotten a little better at these guys haha.

-He looks the healthiest of all the Hansions I've ever seen. Look at the good blood circulation in your face.

Advertisement time came back behind Han Si-on's embarrassed face.

The soulless advertisement of Sedal101 Independence Diary was famous as a meme.

In episode 1, water and air were advertised, and in episode 2, light and vivid sounds that brighten the world were advertised.

It means there was no PPL at all.

But it was different in episode 3.

-oh!!!!!!!! PPL!!

-What is it?

-It's protein haha.

-Ah, the health market is strong these days.

-Hey, aren't you feeling well for three months? I felt like I was exercising a lot since last time.

-Han Si-on's shoulders are getting wider.

-You bastards, if you look good, don't exercise ㅡㅡ

-That's right. Thinking about it makes me angry

But surprisingly, the PPL was extremely truthful.

After the members were shown working out to their limits, not just staged, but sincerely, they consumed protein shakes.

And then it showed InBody's changes.

Changes from when I first started working out under the guidance of Si-On Han to now.

What makes this not a false advertisement is that Sedalbaekil did not start consuming the product after the PPL came in.

I had been taking the product since I first started exercising, and it was advertised by a company I happened to know about.

Although the scene of consuming the drink itself was filmed this time, Sedalbaekil's actual increase in muscle mass was due to the product.

The same content was included in the subtitles.

-I'm in the corner of the room, touching my belly fat and watching the great people exercising. I feel a sense of shame.

-You want to be like us? You can do it too! Drink it! XI Protein Booster!

-Get out hahahahaha

-You want to get rid of fat? You can do it too! XI Protein Booster!

It may be due to the issue of the color show, but the viewing rate of Jacon of 3 Months and 10 Days was very high among the general public.

So, even in the comments posted on the live stream, the reactions of the fandom and the general public were mixed quite unclearly.

It was natural that companies in need of advertising began to pay attention to this.

After that, there was a Q&A session for questions received through the public website, and finally the story of the color show came out.

The start was with Han Zion who received a call from Chris Edward.

-Wow, Edward's attitude in Coming Up Next must have been really cool.

-Are you still in contact??

-ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Godsion is truly a geniusㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

In terms of scenes, directing was involved.

Eddy advised him to create a portfolio since color show officials showed some interest in Sedalbaekil.

Then Han Si-on composed a song and started practicing for three months and a hundred days.

It was so bold that the people watching were taken aback.

This is not a 'try it once and if it doesn't work out' attitude.

I grit my teeth and rush in as if this is the last chance given to me.

I don't hesitate even though nothing has been decided.

I felt poison and desperation.

The chat window responded slowly, but that didn't mean it was a bad thing.

Because being strongly immersed in something is attractive in itself.

It was a fascinating sight to behold.

-Wow... You work really hard.

-Honestly, we know the outcome, but nothing has been decided at this point.

-Look at the miasma.

Because the chat window was slow, malicious comments were easily visible.

- Hahaha, I don't have anything on my schedule, so I have to do this~

- I wonder if it's because I have time left since there's no one calling me lol.

But no one was incited.

Because it never seemed like that level of effort.

-Have you ever worked hard at anything other than posting malicious comments?

Therefore, the moment the three-month-long color show became a fixture, those watching also felt a sense of vicarious satisfaction.

The saying that if you work hard, things will come true is mostly empty in modern society, but it's something I want to believe in.


-When will the color show be released?

-It varies depending on the schedule haha. More often than not, there are no teasers.

-I hope it comes out quickly haha.

-It didn't come out right, but I think the song is good.

After Zarkon's pre-release streaming ended, a lot of articles poured in.

Reporters wrote articles as if the color show was prestigious content like the Billboard or the Grammys, and portrayed Sedalbaekil as if it had raised Korea's musical national status.

The color show wasn't up to that level of content, but it didn't matter.

Promoting national prestige and making soup always sell well.

Some reporters even turned on their eyes and started moving to get an exclusive interview for three months.

But it was a useless action.

Because I was currently in the United States for three months and a hundred days.

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Paul, the chief manager of Colors Media, rarely visited the filming site.

I thought that while it was the editor team's job to select musicians, decide on the concept, and coordinate the schedule, it was the media team's job to film it.

However, he visited the filming site of 3 Months and 10 Days.

It was because I was curious.

What kind of realism will five boys from the East show?

Or maybe their skills were staged or manipulated.

But no.

"Thank you for today."

Those friends who finished filming in two takes and greeted each and every staff member were real.

Soon we will be playing in big water.