New people's? (10)

Previously - Suddenly, both Tamim and Faria noticed a shadow descending from the sky. They turned and saw a man with red hair, a cape, and a skintight costume.

"Omega Man," Faria exclaimed.

"Omega Man, an ex-hero of America. He's the brother of Supreme Man, but due to his brother's popularity, Omega Man used to coerce people into adoring him. However, one day, amidst a protest, he caused the deaths of thousands. Since then, he's been America's number one threat for the last five years. But what is he doing here in Bangladesh, facing us?" Faria pondered.


"Ah, after all this time, I found you both. But looking at you, it feels like you're both weak," sneers Omega Man with an evil smile.

With a powerful laser beam, he strikes the ground between them, causing Tamim and Faria to quickly move. 

Omega Man then darts towards Tamim, aiming a punch. 

However, Faria intervenes by creating a portal. Seeing this, Omega Man swiftly shifts his target towards Faria, attempting a punch. Faria blocks the attack just as Tamim counterattacks from behind. 

Omega Man, catching Tamim, hurls him to the ground, causing the earth to tremble beneath them.

Faria launches her energy attack at Omega Man, but it barely affects him, only managing to tear his clothes. 

Undeterred, Omega Man intensifies his assault on Faria. She attempts to react swiftly, Omega Man's speed far surpasses hers, landing a relentless series of blows.

Meanwhile, Tamim struggles to unleash his energy against Omega Man but finds his attempts futile.

Amidst the onslaught, Faria, taking continuous hits, summons a massive portal beneath them, transporting them to a desert.

"Desert? So you have teleportation abilities. Admirable, but still not even a fraction of my strength," taunts Omega Man.

Tamim, attempting to harness the power of his aura, closes his eyes in concentration.

Seizing the opportunity, Omega Man hurls Faria into the distance, then turns his focus on Tamim, landing a powerful punch.

His chest damaged, Tamim reels from the blow, attempting to generate his aura.

Just as Omega Man prepares for another strike, Faria comes soaring in, delivering a strong punch that momentarily stings Omega Man.

"Ouch, that hurts, but if this is all you've got, both of you will soon understand true strength," Omega Man retorts.

Grabbing hold of Faria, Omega Man ascends into the sky. Faria tries to escape through a portal, but Omega Man effortlessly shatters the portal frame with a punch, denying their exit.

"My power far surpasses your comprehension," Omega Man declares, hurling Faria to the ground.

As she plummets, Omega Man swiftly positions himself for a secondary attack while in midair. 

However, Tamim employs his telekinesis on Omega Men's clothing, attempting to pull him away. Despite his efforts, Omega Man manages to strike Faria with a devastating blow, causing her intense pain.

Reacting swiftly, Tamim teleports directly in front of Omega Man, delivering a powerful kick to his face.

"Disrespect? I am the mightiest on Earth! How dare you defy me?" Omega Man rages, attempting to retaliate. However, Tamim quickly seizes Faria and teleports to the ground.

Faria, in considerable pain from the attack, is struggling.

"I can't match her strength. If she couldn't withstand Omega Man's assault, how will I?" Tamim ponders as he teleports.

Suddenly, during the teleportation, Omega Man reappears and lands a forceful punch on Tamim's face.

Omega Man catches Tamim, exerting tremendous force that audibly strains Tamim's bones. Despite the excruciating pain, Tamim manages to teleport away, escaping Omega Man's grasp.

"So, your eye. You teleport using your eye, huh? Let me eliminate it," Omega Man threatens, but Tamim rapidly teleports, confounding Omega Man with his movements.

"Last month, I was training to enhance my abilities. Yesterday, I couldn't fight effectively in the jungle, but now I must utilize my powers properly," Tamim strategizes, teleporting frenetically. Suddenly appearing before Omega Man, he delivers a powerful punch, but the force fractures Tamim's own hand. 

Meanwhile, Faria intervenes with her own powerful punch, which Omega Man manages to block, throwing both combatants in opposite directions.

After Omega Man forcefully throws both combatants in opposite directions, he harnesses his immense speed to assail both of them simultaneously, traversing between locations with Almost light-fast agility, striking at each with unparalleled swiftness and precision.

Omega Man, perceiving Tamim as weaker, targets Faria, who desperately attempts to evade his swift and devastating attacks.

Despite her efforts, Omega Man's superior strength, speed, and battle instincts give him the upper hand.

Tamim, lying injured on the ground, focuses on healing his severely broken body.

Omega Man relentlessly attacked Faria, overpowering her defenseless state.

Tamim observed the scene with a pang of helplessness. "I can't move at all. She's saved me before, even though we're not friends. Now she's taking this beating, and I'm useless," he lamented silently, frustration consuming him.

"Don't fret; after I'm done with her, it's your turn," Omega Man jeered, his words cutting through the tense atmosphere.

"Huh, can he actually read my thoughts?" Tamim wondered, surprised by Omega Man's uncanny insight into their intentions.

"I've been reading both your minds all along. That's why I've been able to anticipate your every move," Omega Man announced confidently, revealing his method behind their strategizing.

Struggling to rise, Tamim suddenly found Omega Man standing before him, gripping his hair firmly. 

"Let me destroy your eye first, kid," Omega Man threatened, aiming his laser beam directly at Tamim's left eye. "This will pierce through your eye and reach your brain, ending it all."

Before Omega Man could execute his plan, a new figure appeared, soaring through the air and delivering a powerful punch to Omega Man, inflicting critical damage upon him.

The mysterious figure ascended into the sky, carrying Omega Man with them.

As they soared, Omega Man initiated a conversation, "Strange that you've tracked me down, brother."

"Don't call me brother," retorted the figure sharply.

"Fine, then how about Supreme fodder?" Omega Man taunted, launching an assault on the figure. 

Their clash echoed through the skies as both exchanged devastating blows. Yet, the new figure showcased superior defense and counterattacks.

For about five intense minutes, they engaged in a fierce battle until Omega Man was finally defeated, hurled to the ground by the victorious figure.

Meanwhile, Tamim and Faria managed to heal themselves during the battle.

Observing the confrontation between Omega Man and the figure, Faria contemplated, "Supreme Man? The strongest hero in America and worldwide. But I still can't grasp our connection to them or why Omega Man seeks to kill us."

Tamim, baffled by the unfolding events, thought, "Who is this new player? Things are getting stranger by the minute."

As his body recovered, Tamim approached Faria, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now," assured Faria.

After triumphing over Omega Man, the figure surveyed the area and noticed Tamim and Faria. Descending towards them, the figure inquired, "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay," confirmed Faria.

"What's happening here?" Supreme Man inquired, seeking clarification. 

Suddenly, Omega Man swiftly rose to his feet, soaring with remarkable speed.

Supreme Man reacted instantly, manipulating time to freeze his perspective and delivering a powerful blow. 

Omega Man was thrown back a few meters by the punch, but instead of engaging in further combat, he chose to escape.

 Supreme Man took to the skies, pursuing Omega Man.

As they flew over the vast desert, Supreme Man found himself unable to locate Omega Man, who seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Amidst this, Tamim questioned Faria, "What's going on?"

"As he mentioned earlier, it seems like someone sent Omega Man to either capture or eliminate us. If that's true, then Dr. X sent Omega Man to kill us," explained Faria.

"Who is Omega Man again?" inquired Tamim.

"You don't know?" Faria responded, surprised. "Well, until I gained my powers, I had no interest in superhumans or superheroes. Fahim used to discuss these things, but I never paid much attention."

"If you're not familiar, it's not worth explaining right now. But for the moment, it appears that Omega Man is targeting us, most likely sent by Dr. X, and I have no clue why," stated Faria.

Unable to locate Omega Man, Supreme Man decided to approach Tamim and Faria. Landing before them, he questioned, "What's happening here?"


In a dimly lit room, a man finds himself ensnared with a gun pointed directly at him. Standing before the captive individual is a masked figure who sternly interrogates,

"Look, my people could easily pull the trigger on you. You've been lurking within our ranks, feeding the BSSB information about our every move. You know I don't allow traitors to escape, but I'm willing to let you go if you reveal who is orchestrating this oppression," the masked man declared.

"I'll never tell you," defiantly retorted the captive.

A monstrous transformation occurred, and the creature unleashed a powerful punch on the captive, causing him to writhe in pain.

"Consider this - if you remain silent, it's the end for you. What's the point of a world when survival is no longer an option? Speak, and we might consider letting you go," the masked man pressed on.

The relentless assault from the transformed monster continued, prompting agonized screams from the captive.

"Your last chance is here. If you stay mum, you know what will happen to you and your family," threatened the masked man.

"F-family? Please, don't harm them. I'll tell you everything you want to know," the captive pleaded.

"Good," acknowledged the masked man, sealing the fate of the intense interrogation.


In the desolate streets nestled within the mountain's embrace, Foisal stood beside his car, the shadows playing sinister games in the dim light. Suddenly, the figure once ensnared in the clutches of malevolence emerged, calmly walking toward Foisal.

"Sir, I've been waiting for you for an hour," the guy greeted Foisal respectfully.

"Apologies for the delay. Now, what information do you bring?" inquired Foisal, his tone revealing a sense of urgency.

Their clandestine meeting was abruptly interrupted as three individuals approached the scene. The previous guy pleaded for forgiveness, "Sir, I am sorry. I had to do that, for my family. Please forgive me "

With alarming speed, the trio injected a mysterious substance into their bodies, initiating a grotesque transformation into monstrous entities.

Foisal, quick to respond, drew his gun and discharged three shots, each bullet radiating an ethereal glow. The energy-infused bullets swiftly terminated the nascent monster's head by killing them. 

"Let's go, Utso," Foisal urged, using the man's name.

"Sir, please forgive me," Utso implored.

Foisal smiled 

They hurriedly entered the car, accelerating away from the scene. 

Yet, in an unexpected turn, the car erupted in a cataclysmic explosion.

The previous day -

In the midst of the chaotic fight, the strange creature kept attacking Faria, but tears were rolling down its face, showing it was struggling with something deep.

Feeling a pause in the battle, the creature spoke again, desperately asking, "Please, end this pain. I can't take it anymore. I just want to die."

Faria, confused by the creature's words, asked, "What happened to you? Why do you want to die?" They continued to fight while hovering in the air.

The creature explained, "I used to be a regular person, but one day I got water-controlling powers. They kidnapped me, tortured me with all kinds of drugs, and turned me into this. The pain feels like I'm facing death every second, but I keep healing. I just want it to end. Please, try to understand. I'm not attacking on purpose-the soul inside me is making me do this."

The creature started screaming. 

"Great, a new problem. Ahh..I can't do that. " Faria thinks. 

The creature attacked Faria with speed. Faria dodged. 

" Please. Every second is giving me more pain "

" Look. I can help you. Stay calm " Says Faria 

" Noo...I want to die. Please understand my pain. Please kill me. Ahhhhhh" The creature screamed. 

" Alright then " Faria declared, surrounding herself with a vibrant red aura.

She launched attacks at the monster, each hit causing it to recoil, yet it kept healing itself. In return, the monster slashed at Faria, leaving a mark on her chest.

Thinking on her feet, Faria created a portal behind the monster, pushing it through and teleporting both of them high into the sky.

The monster continued its relentless assault, and Faria, with her quick reflexes, blocked the attacks. She pulled the monster even higher, noticing they were now above the oxygen level.

Realizing the danger, Faria held her breath and dragged the monster into space. The lack of oxygen weakened the monster, but it still fought back. 

Faria delivered a powerful blow, channeling all her energy into the monster, creating a significant hole inside its body.

In its final moments, the monster expressed gratitude, saying, "Thank you for making me free." With those words, the monster died and got deeper in space. 

 Faria, attempting to bring the monster back to the ground, realized she had run out of breath. In a quick move, she teleported herself into the mid-air but fell unconscious.

Faria recounted yesterday events to Supreme Man.

"What? All this is happening in your country, and we didn't know about it? Now, I feel guilty being a superhero," exclaimed Supreme Man.

"There is nothing we can do until we find them and defeat them properly," Tamim expressed.

"I will be helping you guys with this issue. If Omega is with them, then it's also good for me that I will be able to catch Omega," declared Supreme Man.

Suddenly, they noticed a desert storm.

"I think we shouldn't stay here any longer," suggested Faria, opening a portal. The three of them entered and inside a house.

Tamim couldn't help but wonder, "Why is she trusting this random guy? It's not like she's stronger than him. Why let him enter her house?"

Suddenly, Faria's phone vibrated, and she quickly grabbed it.


The masked man was drinking coffee looking at the window. Different souls are rooming around him.

" Sir. Foisal is dead. We've planted the nano bomb which made his car explode and now he is dead. " Says A young woman.

" Great work, I want his dead body. I really want to see what his body produce which no norman human can produce to slow down aging " Says The masked man

" Sir, we've sent people. They will take the body as soon as possible. Amm and sir three of our people died too " Says the woman. 

The masked man slapped the woman's butt and said " It is a great day for me. I got all the things I needed so I got ready on my bed. I will be there soon. '' Says The masked man. 

" Ok sir. " Says The woman. 

A man appears with a scared face and says " Sir. Lab needs you now. Hope you can come please " 

The masked man stood up and started walking. 

They reached a room with 30 people working there. 

The masked man entered the room and said " Get out if the room " 

all of them with scared faces got out of the room. 

He entered and touched a test tube with Hd12 written on it and a pack of blood beside it. 

He started mixing different formulas and started mixing it and boiling it in a heat chamber. Then he poured the blood on it and in an instant the blood became black. 

" It was supposed to be green. Why black?  Sure they did something wrong " Says the masked man and screams. He called bodyguard and said " Call all those scientists now! " 

All came in after the bodyguard wents outside and took all of them in. 

" Who the fuck worked with Benulium17 potion?  Who the fuck? "says The masked man. 

" Sir I did. " Said a man with glasses. 

" Kill him! " Says the masked man to the bodyguard. 

" No, I did. He did nothing. "says a woman. 

" Sir, she is lying. I am his husband. She is trying to save me. She did nothing, "says The man with glasses.

" Everyone except You Two get out of the room. " Says the masked man and takes the gun in his hand. 

All left the room and the door closed.

" This is the time. I can kill Dr X now " thinks the man with glasses and takes the knife from the table and starts running toward Dr X ( Masked man) .

Dr X smiled and a hand from the ceiling grabbed the man with glasses and ripped the hand off and then pulled the man with glass on the floor. 

" Run, Natasa, " Says The man with glasses.

Dr X held her before she could run. 

" You made a big mistake sweetheart. Dr X pushed her on the ground and a hand appeared from the floor and pulled all clothes from the woman's body. 

The woman was naked. Dr X smiled. He took off his pants and started raping the woman there. 

" Nooo..stop..." Says the man with glasses screaming. 

Dr X smiled and took a injection and entered it on the woman's nipple and with that the woman's body started to be red. 

The woman screamed and her breast, butt and some body parts became bigger. 

With evil smile Dr X Keeps Raping him. 

" If god is seeing this. You will be sent to hell and will be burned forever " The man with glass screaming trying to stop Dr X. 

" Ahh you are talking too much. "Says Dr X shot the man with glasses with his gun.

" Noo….Funal…Noo.. " the woman screamed. 

 The ammo hits the man with glasses head and as soon as it hits the place the head explodes . 

" Sorry, I couldn't save you " thinks the man with glasses before dying and all the memories with her came before his eyes. 

Funal first met Natasa high school. Both used to love each other from then. Both were having the best and lucky life. They both got admitted into the same University and their life was perfect. They both dreamed of a happy and full life but all this faded away and Funal finally died. 


Some are standing beside a destroyed car. They were searching the car. 

" Holy fuck, where is that guy?  He should've died. It's been half an hour. We couldn't find the body " Says a man 

" I think we got fooled. I think he did not die, "says Another man.

" Fuck" Screams a man after realizing. 

To be continued...