chapter 17


"It's just as if Ling Yun can't hold on for the remaining twenty minutes!"

Hirako Shinji raised his head and glanced at the wall clock, rarely condensing his slightly sloppy expression. When Sapepei Rishiri raised the sword, he realized the seriousness of the matter, and it was no longer a special training for small fights.

Otherwise, life will be lost!

"If you don't agree, take out Zanpakutō. Hi Shiri is too irritable. This kind of battle is not elegant at all." Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō stroked the wavy hair in his ear, and glanced at Ling Yun's face with the rest of the light. , Shook his head without trace of sympathy and pity.

"Rhodes, Hi Sei-ri is clearly on the top, even if it is a special training in hell, we must pay attention to the gradual progress. Take out Zanpakutō and play with wool. Don't forget that Ling Yun is just an ordinary human." Love Aikawa Turning on the diss mode directly, even he felt a bit too much.

"Little Eight, I'll figure it out later, if Ling Yun really can't stand it, immediately remove the boundary barrier." Muguruma Kensei, who was still jealous for a second, saw the action of Hi Seri withdrawing Zanpakutō and immediately subconscious Standing on Ling Yun's side.

"Hey, Hirako, too much, right?" Liza Shiwanwan rolled her eyes.

"It's nothing to do with me. You know that I can't persuade Hichiri at all. Now I can only rely on Ling Yun to persevere." Hirako Shinji twisted and yawned, which was incompatible with the serious atmosphere of the entire warehouse.

"Okay, don't discuss it anymore, Hiyori is going to launch an offensive!"

Kuna Mashiro stared at Ling Yun intently, holding her breath and looked a little cute.


the other side.

Inside the triple boundary enchantment.

"Bald, there are still fifteen minutes left. Please stay vigilant and don't relax. My Zanpakutō will not be merciful." As Sarupei Riyoi's deep voice burst out, Zanpakutō burst out violently. Fluctuations, the dust on the ground was lifted up one after another.

"If you don't want to be hacked..."

Shunpo was exhibited by Sarupei Rishiri, and he instantly appeared in front of Ling Yun. The spiritual power of Zanpakutō in his hand burst out, and he opened up an unparalleled slash, carrying a biting wind, and hitting Ling Yun at a very fast speed.

"Ma De, this is the real thing. Let me put it down!" Although all attributes have been significantly improved, Ling Yun doesn't think he can dodge this slash. After all, Shape Pei Ri Shili But the one-hundred-year vice captain, even if he is not good at combat, is better than Shinigami of the same level.

Brush and brush——

Sword Qi Chop wave quickly magnified in his eyes, Ling Yun burst out with a strong desire to survive, and instinctively activated the banging ability he had picked up before.

Slash! ! !

Ling Yun's body rolled and fell not far away, and the slash penetrated his original position, leaving a clear crack on the ground.

"Even dodged it?!"

Standing in the middle of the sky, Pei Rishi's eyes widened in horror after seeing this scene. Not only was all the members of the Masked Legion present with the same expression, but obviously everyone was stunned by Ling Yun's reaction. Up.

"Is it Shunpo just now?" Looking down at Zanpakutō in his hand, Sarupei Riyo's pupils couldn't help but shrink. "It shouldn't be, how could he be Shunpo."

As one of Shinigami's four major fighting skills, Shunpo can move his body instantaneously, and can move to the opponent's side or farther at a speed that the opponent can't see.

Although Shunpo is a skill that Shinigami must master, if no one deliberately teaches it, it is impossible to learn it for no reason, let alone Ling Yun is just a human being.

So here comes the problem.

Where did Ling Yun's Shunpo be stolen?

"Could it be that you learned it in the half hour just now?" After only thinking about it for a while, Sape Pei Ri Shili quickly denied this absurd idea.

If you can learn by yourself without a teacher in half an hour, Ling Yun's talent surpasses everyone in Soul Society, even Ichimaru Gin of the year is not so perverted!

There was also an uproar outside the barrier.

"That's right? Faced with the serious slash of Hi Sei, Ling Yun escaped so easily, how could he be Shunpo?" Suddenly there was such an unreal scene in front of him, and Muguruma Kensei's face suddenly changed. It changed and was shocked and couldn't say anything else.

"Hee hee, I think he has just realized that his handsome little brother is a genius." Kuna Mashiro naturally found a reason for Ling Yun.

"Without a teacher for more than half an hour? That Ling Yun is really a Shunpo ghost, the Masked Legion really picked up treasure!" Hirako Shinji's mouth twitched slightly.

"Hirako, don't speak irritably, okay, I think you are jealous of his talent, right?" Liza Shiwanmaru directly picked up the book in her hand and slammed it at Hirako Shinji violently.

"Okay, now is not the time to fight." Since the weird scene just now happened, Love Aikawa has been watching Ling Yun secretly, "I think you are all wrong. He is not using Shunpo, but it is clearly ringing. That's right!"

"What? Reverberating!"

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone knows what it means to be heard.

Sound rotation is an advanced footwork unique to Arrancar. Although it is similar to Shunpo controlled by Shinigami, it is more inclined to space movement and more difficult to detect. This is also their perception after controlling the power of Hollow.

"What a joke, this kind of thing is ridiculous, how can a human be able to control the ring." Hirako Shinji shook his head in disbelief, and couldn't believe that this kind of thing would happen to an ordinary human.

"Luo Wu is right, what Ling Yun did just now is indeed the ring." Hachigen, who had been silent for a while, wiped the sweat from his pink hair and said something that silenced everyone.

As the vice-chief of Kidō, he is also good at Bakudō in space. Naturally, what he said can't be wrong, so that Ling Yun will ring in the stone!

"This is too incredible. A human has actually mastered the ring, what secret is hidden in him!" If he hadn't identified his identity a long time ago, I'm afraid Hirako Shinji will kill Ling Yun. After all, this kind of thing is too much. It was weird, he didn't want to risk the unknown.

"Hirako, didn't you say that he had fought with Hollow? Maybe it was because of that battle?" Shigomaru couldn't think of any other suitable reason to explain.

"Perhaps, Ling Yun really brings a lot of surprises."

Hirako Shinji's iconic smirk curled up at the corner of his mouth, and did not intend to continue to delve into this matter. From the moment he invited Ling Yun to join the Masked Legion, he had already recognized that the other party was his partner.

The most important thing between partners is mutual trust!