chapter 69

Soon after.

Practice area outside the classroom.

"Next I will teach you the most basic Kidō."

The instructor Shimadzu stood in the center of the venue, looking across the faces of each student, "Kidō, as one of the four major fighting techniques, is an advanced spell only used by Shinigami. It is mainly divided into Hadō, Bakudō and Kaidō."

The students nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Because the concept of Kidō was too unfamiliar, everyone showed a dazed expression.

"After listening so much, it doesn't matter if I feel unfamiliar. Next, I will start with the low-level Kidō, and I will present them one by one."

Looking at the confused faces of the students, Shimadzu has long been used to it.

"Both Hadō and Bakudō, they are all semicolons in descending order, from one to ninety-nine.

Presumably you guys are also very clear that the higher the number, the stronger the power, and the degree of difficulty will gradually increase."

"Especially the Kidō above the ninety size, has more power beyond imagination, but in the entire Gotei 13, there are very few people who can skillfully use the ninety Kidō."

Speaking of the legendary Kidō over 90, Shimadzu's face showed a look of yearning.

This is almost every Shinigami's life dream! "Kidō Ninety is so strong"

"If I can master it, I should be famous."

"Just think about it, let's talk about it if you can graduate!"

"People always have to have dreams!"

...The students were talking about it, everyone began to look forward to it.

Only Ling Yun stood there calmly.

Kidō above the 90th is difficult to master, but it is not a problem for Ling Yun.

As long as he is lucky one day, he can easily pick up the skill attributes.

"I'm optimistic."

"Next, start with Kidō One!"

Shimadzu shook his throat, and his voice spread throughout the audience.

"One of Hadō punch!"

His fingers stretched out of his sleeves and clicked towards the wooden stakes in the distance.A small shock wave condensed by Reiatsu instantly shot out along the fingertips, hitting the stakes with unparalleled precision.

Meet everyone's gaze.

Kacha-The stakes exploded and turned into countless debris.


The exclamation blurted out.

Each student's eyes widened in shock, as if seeing incredible things.

Although each student has different levels of Reiatsu, they don't know how to use Reiatsu, so Hadō alone...makes him an eye-opener! "Have you seen it? This is the power of Hadō."

Capturing the expressions of each student, Shimadzu smiled with satisfaction, "If you want to maximize the power of Hadō, it lies in your proficiency in the control of Reiatsu. If you can reach the point of flexibility, you can always be able to do it at any time. To control any Kidō, this is the key to practice."

"Okay, the demonstration ends here."

"It's better to practice action after talking so much. Then you try to mobilize Reiatsu, and then condense them into an aura, and try each on the wooden stakes in front of you."

Shimadzu waved his hands and signaled their actions.

"Yes, mentor!"

The students are eager to try.

Many male students are even more embarrassed, if they can master it first, then they can show off in front of the girls.

However... until three hours 3 passed, no one tried to succeed, and everyone was tired and sweating.

"I feel that the tutor is playing tricks on us!"

"Obviously it can't be done!"

"That's right, what the hell is moving Reiatsu!"

"This is the serial number... so difficult, how can I learn later!"

...The students complained.

Everyone is about to give up struggling! "Is this just can't stand it? You are really the worst student I have ever brought."

Shimadzu deliberately used aggressive methods to try to arouse the enthusiasm of the students.

But the atmosphere is still awkward.

Almost no one has the courage to try again.

"Ling Yun, I have deliberately observed it just now. You seem to have not moved from start to finish. Are you so intimidating?"

A student leaned to his ear.

"You misunderstood, I'm afraid it will scare you."

Ling Yun responded calmly.


Then the students raised countless black question marks.

Afraid of scaring others, you are not making fun! "You don't even know how to move Reiatsu, but you are, after all, you are a transfer student, and it is normal to be a little behind."

Another student made a weird mockery of Yin and Yang.

"Don't just let go, show it if you are daring enough."

Maybe it's jealous of Ling Yun's handsomeness, and the male students all around have booed.

They want to see Ling Yun make a fool of yourself! "Oh, it really is a group of stunned young people, there is no compelling in my heart."

Ignoring the ridicule coming from the surroundings, Ling Yun chuckled blankly.

If you care about the freshmen, it would be a little bit cheaper.

Just show up and slap your face! "What"

"You don't know how to count, you dare not even try!"

The male students became angry from shame, wishing Ling Yun to be embarrassed in public.

"Ling Yun, how about it, do you want to try it?"

Shimadzu tried to resolve the embarrassment.

... "Teacher Shimadzu, if the drill ground is destroyed, I shouldn't have to compensate."

Ling Yun asked suddenly.

"No, it's just a small stake. It was originally prepared for the drill."

Shimazugaru explained with a smile, not to mention whether it would be successful, even if the stake was really broken, it would not be worth a lot of money.

"With your words, then I can rest assured."

Ling Yun glanced at the others, "Please stand farther, I'm afraid I will accidentally hurt you later."

"What the hell! Injured by mistake"

Everyone frowned.

They all looked at Ling Yun with weird eyes.

"Is he crazy"

"It should be stimulated."

"Does he still want to ruin this place? He is really living in a dream!"

...The sarcasm came and went one after another.

Everyone is waiting to see Ling Yun's joke.

"One of Hadō, go!"

Without any unnecessary movement, Ling Yun stretched out her finger and tapped it towards the ground.

Immediately afterwards.

A scene that made everyone stunned! Kacha - as Reiatsu burst out in a puff, with Ling Yun's finger touch point as the center, the crack spread rapidly like a spider web, and soon spread all over the ground of the practice field.


"Have there been an earthquake?"

The ground of the drill field shook violently, and all the students shook, and all felt dizzy.

Before they could react, the entire ground suddenly collapsed.

The practice field was blown by a finger!