The boy sat in front of the both of them, saying...
"Ask what you will, I'll answer what I can!"
The female gorilla crossed her arms and asked the boy...
"How exactly did you stay alive after entering the blood wars?"
The boy flinched and shut his mouth, leading the woman to ask annoyingly...
"Didn't you say you'll answer every question I have?"
"And I also remember me saying I won't answer what I can't!"
The female gorilla frowned, the witch asking the next question...
"How much did the old man teach you?"
Hearing it the boy answered...
"He taught me till the phase of starvation!"
Hearing it the witch frowned and asked the boy...
"Did you complete all the phases before it?"
"No, the old man said there wasn't enough time so all I had enough time to learn was the 4 first major phases!"
The woman thought to herself...
'For him to reach it in the amount of time he was gone, even though only the major phases completed, is he a monster?"
The boy sighed and sat back on the bed looking at the ceiling and saying...
"Well, it's enough for now isn't it I have a place I need to go to pretty urgently!"
Hearing it the women's sighed and allowed the boy to go deciding to ask the rest by the next time, not knowing there will probably be no next time.