A Short Trip to the Veridian Continent

Dorian said with an exasperated sigh, "I'll make the necessary arrangements. Lassim, when you arrive at our Stellanora's capital city, Starpoint City, come to the Duskvale Mining Company headquarters. I'll meet you here to finalize the details and schedule the duel. I'll give my contact with the Nobles a heads up that we'll have a champion from the Lightning Sect on their way."

"Understood," Lassim said with a small nod.

The glow of the communication orb dimmed as the call with Dorian ended, leaving the trio standing in silence for a moment.

"Well, I'd say that went about as well as it could have," he said, leaning back and stretching his arms.

Rlyis shook her head. "As well as it could have? Dorian looked two steps away from swearing off friendship altogether. I'm surprised he didn't throw the entire deal out the window."