The thunderous chants of "Lassim! Lassim!" still echoed as Lassim turned away from the arena. His lightning-filled eyes reflected the roaring crowd one last time before he headed down the stone corridors leading out of the floating arena. Their gently swirling nature that had started back in the Tempest's Cradle seemed to have slowly sped up a bit more after the duel's conclusion.
It wasn't a full on typhoon or anything of the sort, but the twisting was beginning to show itself even more prominently if anyone looked carefully. His halberd, which had delivered Joryk's humiliating defeat, disappeared into his inner heart world.
Dorian rushed and caught up to him just as Lassim exited into the open hallway leading to the fighter's room. The hallway had an open window that overlooked the Sapphire River far below.
"Lassim!" he called out, his voice showing signs of growing hoarse from the celebration. "Wait up!"
Lassim paused as Dorian jogged to his side.