Chapter 38

The confusion Lily had on the quiet ride home to Cokeworth was palpable.  She had attempted to question her mother about the odd encounter with Harry, but the woman was giving both her daughter and husband the cold shoulder.  With her mother being oddly silent on the car ride home this left time for her Dad to catch up on what was going on in the Wizarding World.

Her father had questioned her often about the ins and outs of the Wizengamot and current events in the magical world.  The man was fascinated by what was out there lurking  in the shadows, but ever since the first unexplainable carnage in Sussex the man had been writing her letters expressing his concern.

Jonathan Evans was no idiot.  He had spent most of his career in the Royal Navy, and studied the concepts of war and battle for his whole adult life.  He had even participated briefly in special operations in Oman when Lily was just a small child. This means he recognized revolution when he saw one, or worse yet, a civil war.

"Would it be safer for you to not go back?  Perhaps it would be best to leave the country for a while and to let things die down.  You could attend University, and self-study for your final exams for the magical world.  I read in that book you sent me that you could take your NEWT's in other countries if you desired.  The curriculum would be different, but I am certain you could be successful if you put your mind to it." Jonathan stated carefully.

Lily sighed as they pulled into her neighborhood.  It was true that the attacks on the Muggle world had frightened her.  Not for her safety though, she could defend herself, but for her parents' safety was a different story.  Despite her father being quite capable of defending himself she knew he was no match for what magic could do.  If Cokeworth was attacked by the men in masks there was little that could be done to stop them.  In fact her father would likely be killed in the attempt to stop them.  She could only imagine how many men had been caught in the crossfire of these attacks trying to defend their homes.

"It would be." Lily confirmed, "You didn't raise a coward though."

The last part was said quietly, and instead of getting mad, Jonathon just nodded firmly in understanding, waiting for his daughter to add more.  Lily didn't disappoint, "There is only half a term left at Hogwarts.  I am looked to as a leader being  Head Girl.  I wouldn't be a very good one if I left.  My friends may need me."

"Like that Harry Potter boy?"  The man asked with suspicion in his voice.

Shaking her head, "Harry doesn't need help.  He is very powerful, and has already involved himself in the conflict with the men in masks."

Her mother was paying attention now and broke her long silence, "He has?  The boy can't be much older than you."

"He is younger than me I believe.  I am older than James, and James says that he is older than Harry." Lily explained.

"What has he done?" Her father asked curiously.

"They attacked his family's ancestral home." She said quietly, "His parents called for his help one night while we were all in the village of Hogsmeade together.  I saw the messenger charm myself.  He killed some of the attackers."

Both her parents' eyes widened in surprise.  She could see from the backseat that they were clearly shocked to learn that the polite boy they had just met was capable of such things.  She was quick to defend them, "Those monsters have killed hundreds, and there is no telling the damage they could've done or how many lives could have been lost in Godric's Hollow had Harry and his family not stopped them."

Pulling into the driveway the family was silent for a long moment as the car was put in park.  Lily was the first to get out of the car feeling heated over having to defend her friend.  As she moved towards the door though she realized neither of her parents had said a word against Harry, they were just surprised.

Taking a deep breath she entered her childhood home and took in the house that had given her so many fond memories.  The house had been different since Petunia had left home to enter the work world.  Her parents had mentioned to her in a letter that she was seeing someone currently and she wished her sister all the happiness in the world even if she didn't return her letters.

A hand was placed on her shoulder gently and she turned to see her father looking at her with some degree of concern, "I think we should continue the conversation we were having in the car.  There is more I would like to know if you are up for it?"

Her father wouldn't push.  He knew her will was as strong as his own, and if she didn't want to share she wouldn't.  Lily however sighed nodding her head before moving towards the sitting room where she pulled out a chair from the breakfast table taking a seat.

Both her parents sat across from her and her father said, "It sounds like you quite admire this Harry Potter.  Quite the contrast to what we have heard you say about his cousin.  I don't remember you ever mentioning the boy though."

The question was there even without it being asked, "Harry was in hiding for most of his life.  Protected by his parents after his older brother died of a magical disease.  The world didn't know he existed until he appeared over the Summer.  Even James supposedly didn't know about him."

"You had mentioned James wasn't bothering you as much?" Her mother asked softly.

"He hasn't." Lily confirmed, "With him being Head Boy he has really done his part to be a good leader to the other students and Prefects.  The Marauders are still up to their old tricks, but nothing cruel like I had seen in the past.  They all seem to be growing up.  I can say Harry probably had a hand in that."

"There's that admiration again.  Is there something between you two?" Her father asked directly this time.

"No, it's not like that." Lily said immediately, "Besides I think there is something between Harry and Elaina.  She is spending the holidays with his family, and she followed him that night into Godric's Hollow.  Harry has been training her personally and the two of them are undoubtedly the most powerful students at Hogwarts."

"Does that disappoint you?" Her mother asked.

Thinking for a moment she shook her head, "No, like I said, it's not like that.  Both of them have been good friends to me.  I hope they do end up together, but they are both so secretive I can see that being an obstacle.  At the end of it all, Harry has just been more like a mentor to me, despite me being older.  His knowledge of magic is incredible.  He just has this look sometimes that makes me think he has seen terrible things."

"It is not an easy thing taking a life at that age, Lily." Her father explained, "No matter what righteous justification he had, the boy took up arms against an enemy that would have killed him if they were able to.  That changes men much older and wiser than him."

Shaking her head, "I could see the look even before that night in Godric's Hollow.  He looks like someone who is carrying the weight of the world.  He even has a haunted look in his eyes.  Wherever he was before Hogwarts I don't think it was very kind to him.  It seems impossible though, I have met his parents, and they both seem so caring and loving of him.  From what little I saw I can't imagine a scenario where bad things could've happened to him."

"Be careful making assumptions." Her father cautioned, "The fact that his family called for him that night speaks volumes of what they think of his capability.  I can not ever imagine calling you for help if we were under attack despite knowing what you and your magic are capable of.  For a parent to do that they must have unwavering faith in his abilities and most importantly his experience."

Lily pondered the words for a long moment.  If anyone would have valuable insight on what was happening in her world it would be her father.  She had never considered what kind of faith the Potters must have had in their son to pull him into such a dangerous situation.  The experienced soldier was right though, it must have been the unwavering trust the Potters had in her friend that convinced them to call for him, "That's a good perspective, Dad."

The man nodded slightly and her mother stood from the table walking out of the sitting room for a moment as the two remained quiet and contemplative.  Her father asked next, "Do you think your school is safe?"

Without hesitation Lily nodded, "Professor Dumbledore is considered the most powerful wizard in Britain, possibly even the world.  The other professors are also some of the most gifted witches and wizards around.  Add in Harry to the mix and the Hogwarts ancient defenses I think there is probably nowhere safer in the world."

In satisfaction, the man grunted his approval before sighing, "It scares me to send you into a world I still know so little about.  Knowing now that the equivalent to armed conflict is happening across our country and my daughter could be caught in the crossfires-"

"I know it's scary.  For you and me." Lily admitted, "But something tells me this is bigger than it seems.  Something tells me we won't be able to run from this.  Even if we tried."

Jonathan Evans looked grave at her words, but before he could add anything further her mother returned with a small white box.  When she sat it on the table she removed the lid and put several photos on the table.  Lily and Jonathon both looked at the woman oddly before grabbing the photos on the table.  Lily blinked several times as her mind registered the photo.

"He was killed in World War II. He left my mother a widow when I was a little girl.  She often told me I would have had many siblings had he lived through the war." Iris explained, "Now I am sure you can imagine my surprise.  I don't remember my father's face very well, but I looked at these photos enough times in my life to have it memorized."

Lily understood her mother's surprise from before now.  If Lily didn't know any better she would say that Harry was the son of the man in the photo.  The same green eyes, a very similar build, and the dark, mid-length black hair gave all the impressions that the two could be related.  Unsure what to say Lily just stared at the photo for a long moment pondering the coincidence, and not for the first time wondering just who Harry Potter was.


Arriving at Potter Manor Harry took a deep breath of fresh air.  It was good to be back at home.  Away from the eyes of Hogwarts, the headmaster, and the curious professors.  Here he was free to be who he was, well, almost.  Glancing at the girl beside him her eyes were wide as she took in the property around her.  Her eyes drifted to the flower gardens that Mipsy took immense care of before swooping her eyes across the white marble house.

"I can't believe you grew up here.  This place is amazing." Elaina said in quiet awe.

"I only visited her for the first time over the Summer myself.  A long story I hope to give you some insight into over the weekend." Harry said with a slight smile.

Before she could question however he put a hand on the small of her back and pushed her forward slightly before putting his hands back behind him, "The best parts of Potter Manor to me are on the outside.  Thestral roam the grounds all year around though they don't often approach the house itself.  Our family also has a griffin that occasionally appears.  His name is Halo, and he has been protecting the grounds of Potter Manor for generations.  Maybe we will see him sometime while you are here."

"That sounds great.  I haven't encountered many magical beasts outside of the classroom.  No thanks to Professor Kettleburn but he has too much preference with Nifflers.  I would've liked to see something a bit more exciting." Elaina confessed.

"I know we have been dodging the Acromantula nest in the forbidden forest, but if you have such a desire to meet a magical beast I hear there is a spider in there about eight meters tall." Harry said with a grin.

"Pass." She answered immediately, making the boy chuckle.

Arriving at the front door Harry pushed his way in to be greeted by his Mum, Dad, and Mipsy.  Mipsy was the first to greet them, "Welcome home Master Harry, and welcome Missy Elany, to Potter Manor!  Mipsy will be helping you with anything you be needing."

"Thanks, Mipsy." Harry and Elaina both said, making the elf smile and disappear with a snap.

Elaina's eyes were surveying the halls of Potter Manor with a look of wonder causing the Potters to all smile at her patiently waiting for her to come to grips with her surroundings.  Charlus broke the momentary silence with, "Not much on the agenda today except maybe a little evening training if you two are up for it.  Until then, Harry, you can show Elaina around and get settled.  At dinner tonight we can go over some plans for the holidays.  Elaina, our home is your home, so please if you need anything just call for Mipsy or ask one of us.  You are a welcome guest in our ancestral home."

With a slight bow of his head, Charlus grinned at her before winking at the pair and strolling off towards the sitting room that had the wireless in it.  Dorea grinned at the two following her husband, "Keep the doors open you two!"

Shaking his head and watching Elaina laugh Harry gestured with his head to follow him as he guided her around the old manor home.  The tour was all the highlights, and when they arrived in the hall of portraits outside their rooms she studied the faces of his ancestors, "It's so cool how wizarding families keep such accurate portraits of their family."

As she moved up and down the hallway Harry followed her eyes to even more recent wizarding photos that were up on the wall.  Among them was the photo that Harry had kept on his nightstand at Hogwarts as well as a photo of Charlus, Fleamont, and their father, William, who had died at the start of the Great War.

Elaina's eyes seemed to freeze on one photo and Harry's heart clenched at the familiarity that passed through his mind.  The photo of Henry holding James as a baby.  Not wanting to address that particular demon just yet Harry called out, "Why don't you go put your stuff down in that room over there.  It's right across from mine.  After that, we can go take a look on the grounds and I can show you where we will be training tonight.  If you are up for it?"

"Are you kidding?" She asked, "That's all I have been thinking about since I was invited."

The grin on her face made him smile in return as her eyes seemed to glow in anticipation.  Gone was the usually dreary girl that sat with him at the Slytherin table for their meals.  In her place was someone who seemed in awe of magic and the world around them.  The look she gave him made a pleasant feeling appear in his chest as he watched her all but run to her room to put her stuff away.  Deciding to change clothes and put his  stuff away he moved to his room to get settled before quickly returning to the hallway with his thoughts on the guest in Potter Manor.

They really weren't so different. Their love for magic was equally intense.  Something he had come to realize over the last few months.  They shared a lot of common interests and skills, something they had taken advantage of in their time together.  He was curious to see how she interacted with his family over the break, and hoped they all enjoyed their time together.

Elaina was back in the hallway with her dark hair tied back in a ponytail with shorts and a v-neck t-shirt.  The outfit made Harry's mouth dry out a bit.  He had rarely seen the girl in anything outside of robes.  This would be the first time he had seen her in real muggle attire, and he had to remind himself that his friend was a beautiful girl.

Her eyes seemed to dance with amusement as she said, "Done staring, Harry?  I thought you were going to show me around."

The teasing in her tone nearly caught him flat-footed before he shook his head, "If you don't slap me, maybe I won't be done staring."

"Don't tempt me." she warned casually brandishing her wand with a smile still on her face.

Chuckling Harry led the girl back to the grounds of the manor and began showing her around the property.  A few hours passed as they crossed the separate areas covering as much of the property as they could before the sun could set.  Before they could go to the training area however they found themselves under the orchard standing humbly before a small tombstone.

Harry stared at the familiar words as Elaina seemed to take in his solemn silence as they stood over the boy that would've been his brother in this world.  Harry had tried to direct her away from this area, but she had been drawn to it.  She had been so immersed in the magical areas of the grounds that Harry did not wish to bring the girl down, but her soft quiet voice told him that she was feeling the gravity of what lay before her, "Losing him changed everything for your family, huh?  Do you ever wonder what he would have been like?"

"All the time." Harry answered honestly.  It was a wonder what Harry's life could've been like if he had magical relatives in his time.  Had Henry lived and been raised by Charlus and Dorea he couldn't imagine any scenario where he would not have been welcomed with open arms by his cousin.

A soft hand slipped into his as he continued to stare at the tombstone, his mind lost in the possibilities of how things should have been.  The comfort he felt from the soft squeeze lifted his spirit enough to turn to face her with the smallest amount of joy on his countenance, "Come on, let's go see what Mum and Dad have in store for us tonight."

Elaina nodded happily offering a final squeeze to his hand before releasing her grip on him and following him towards the large meadow where Charlus and Dorea were already waiting for them with their wands in hand and smiles on their faces.

As the duo approached Charlus said, "Elaina, you're up."

Her eyes widened in surprise immediately as Dorea stepped forward to meet her, "Tonight we will all duel to get a feel for what we should work on over the holidays.  The best way for us to see that is to push you in the duel.  All magic is allowed, though I will be quite put out if you try to use anything too dark on me."

"You don't want to see Mum put out." Harry warned, "It's not a good experience."

Charlus nodded gravely while Elaina swallowed hard, "Good to know."

Dorea offered the girl a nod before strolling across the field.  Harry glanced from his mother to his father before turning to the girl, "Just have fun out there.  Mum won't hurt you, though her magic can be quite frightening at times.  Don't lose your head out there.  Stick to your shields, speed, and dodge if you can."

"Enjoy the experience." Charlus advised, "Dueling with an Order of Merlin First-Class holder is an honor."

The man offered the words in partial jest, but Elaina seemed encouraged by his words.  Straightening up the girl nodded resolutely and Harry jogged towards his Dad to clear the way.  Charlus then called out, "Ladies, begin when ready."

No sooner had he finished speaking Dorea's wand was in motion.  The familiar fluidity in which she cast still amazed Harry, and clearly Elaina was having trouble finding a defensive rhythm right out of the gate.  Charlus spoke quietly beside Harry, "I don't think she expected Dorea's aggression."

"I warned her Mum was amazing with her wand." Harry assured him, "You both must have been training hard.  Mum looks sharper than usual."

Charlus nodded, "We are preparing for our next encounter with the Death Eaters."

Elaina apparated in a huff of frustration and released a massive blasting curse that Harry was quite familiar with, but Dorea deflected it to the side while sending an impressive throttling charm right back at Elaina who dispelled the charm and whipped her wand around like a whip sending a piercing hex right back.  Charlus muttered his approval of her speed and power causing Harry to nod with pride in his friend.

"What do you think will happen next?  His attacks on the muggle communities are simply cowardice and not amounting to anything.  Do you think we discouraged this Dark Lord that much in Godric's Hollow?" Charlus asked.

"I think he is training his followers." Harry said watching as Elaina fought in a battle that was becoming more and more aggressive, "He wants them to use their numbers and surprise to their advantage so if they come against wizarding resistance they crush them.  Imagine had just you, Mum, and Fleamont stood against them in Godric's Hollow."

"We would've managed." Charlus defended.

"At the cost of the village.  You would've survived." Harry corrected, "Fact is you wouldn't have been able to defend the village and your own lives.  You inspired resistance though.  By the time Elaina and I showed up we were able to mount a proper defense and fight back.  To my knowledge, nothing like that happened in my time."

Charlus grunted at that revelation, "What about the Aurors?"

"I think it should first be mentioned that there is obvious corruption down that line somewhere.  We fought for twenty minutes, and had the better part of an hour to put the village back together before the Aurors arrived.  Even if they did though they haven't been granted the ability to fight back properly.  Every enemy they would stun could be revived and brought back into the fight." Harry explained, "They were also showing up to chaos and having to fight the crowd fleeing and the Death Eaters arriving.  They did it at the World Cup in 94.  It was ugly."

Grimacing Charlus and Harry both flinched at the impact curse that tossed Elaina backwards Dorea had her disarmed before she even hit the ground.  Catching the girl's wand Dorea apparated to stand above the girl but before she could offer her assistance Elaina rolled over to her side and pushed both hands out yelling in exertion sending Dorea flying backwards dropping both wands.

Harry and Charlus both looked on in shock, but before Elaina could mount an offensive or even get her wand back Dorea was back on her feet, summoning her wand to her hand and stunning the girl for good measure.

Dorea looked at Harry in surprise, "You taught her wandless relashio?"

"That wasn't me.  That was a trick she had kept up her own sleeve." Harry said in defense.

The woman nodded, looking impressed, while Charlus muttered, "Not bad at all."

Dorea went over to the girl and revived her and helped her to her feet.  She offered quiet advice as Charlus and Harry watched the two women who both ended up laughing as Dorea put an arm around the girl dragging her in their direction.

"Your turn, Charlus."

The man nodded at his wife and Elaina's eyes went wide.  Harry grinned at her, "This is what you wanted.  Are you still able to fight?"

"If you want to be great you need to be able to." Dorea advised before she could answer, "You never know when unfavorable terms will fall into your lap.  It is no secret that my husband is more powerful than Harry or I as well.  Unfavorable is the only way to describe what happens next."

"Gee Mum, that was inspiring." Harry muttered as Elaina paled slightly.

Elaina however shook her head looking determined, "I will make him respect me."

"Good girl." Dorea said happily watching as the young woman stalked out into the field picking up her wand and taking up a respectful distance away from the war hero.

"That girl has a fire in her blood." Dorea said admiringly.

Harry grinned at his Mum who had barely broken a sweat against his friend, "I know.  It's why I have enjoyed training with her so much.  She gets in her head for only a moment before she resolves herself."

This time when Dorea called out to begin, Charlus stayed perfectly still and Elaina eyed the man warily before taking a deep breath and launching into a string of curses.  Dorea shook her head, "Curses will never land on Charlus.  She is going to have to be creative."

Before they knew it the world was bending and transfigurations that Harry scarcely imagined before meeting Charlus were swarming Elaina.  The girl apparated in a panic while incinerating the incoming conjurations with a blast of fire and pushing them toward her attacker.  Dorea complimented, "She has good reflexes and a decent head on her shoulder.  Her ability to stay in the fight is admirable.  She is good for you, Harry."

Charlus swirled his wand banishing the fire, but a blast of an electric charge resembling lightning flew from Elaina's wand causing Harry's eyes to widen as his father reached out with one hand to stop it in mid-air.

Elaina froze at the sight of it before shielding for her life as the blast was deflected back at her making a gong-like sound.  Harry and Dorea both grimaced before he said, "It's not like that Mum."

"Why is that exactly?" She questioned as the duel continued, "The chemistry is undeniable.  She is quite beautiful.  Powerful.  Instinctively protective of you and you of her.  You have killed to protect her.  Brought her to our family.  What am I missing?"

"The trust." Harry grunted out as Charlus began to grin at the girl who was giving it all she had.

"You don't trust her?" She asked not sounding alarmed at all.

"We haven't trusted each other." Harry responded, "We are both obviously hiding things about our past."

"Charlus and I have been looking into that." Dorea admitted freely.

Harry looked at the woman in surprise, now ignoring the duel in front of them, "What?"

"The story she gave us in Hogsmeade had holes that we couldn't ignore.  We have learned a lot, but not everything." Dorea answered calmly.  Reading the surprise on her son's face she put a hand on his arm, "You didn't think we would allow someone into our home, offer them our families protection, and allow her to train with us without looking into them did you?"

"What did you learn?  Anything I should know?" Harry asked.

"Yes." She said simply, "But that is for you two to work out.  You said there is no trust?  Fix that.  Nothing we have learned indicates that the girl is a bad person.  There are things we are not particularly thrilled about, but nothing that alarms us to the point that we would ask you to step away from the girl."

Harry thought deeply for a moment trying to think of holes in the girl's story from before.  When nothing came to mind Harry shook his head, "You think I should tell her about my past?"

"You have come this far with the girl.  Open up to each other.  You have put each other's lives in the other hands.  That kind of trust is far beyond the secrets the two of you are keeping from each other." Dorea confessed, patting her son on the shoulder, "Think about it.  You are about to spend the next two weeks beside this girl.  If there are any doubts left by the time you go back to school then maybe it wasn't meant to be."

The words echoed around in his mind as his mother turned her attention back to the duel.  He knew she was right, but his curiosity to know what his parents had learned was near palpable.  As was his concern as to what holes in the story they picked up on.

As the young man tuned back into the duel Elaina was looking exhausted now, while Charlus was lazily tossing magic around.  This was little more than a test for the girl at this point.  Harry had been given this test before too.  It was brutal, but his father had told him that he had learned more about Harry magically in that duel than he had in all the others combined.

In the end. Elaina stopped casting, looking dead on her feet.  She had tried everything, but nothing was going to breach the defenses of Charlus Potter.  At last, the man disarmed her and bound her in ropes that were transfigured from the grass below her feet.

Harry and Dorea clapped politely as they all approached the girl who yielded immediately.  When they released her and gave her the wand back she merely sat in the grass, "Harry you may be powerful, but your Dad is terrifying."

Dorea chuckled, "I didn't use much of my family magic, but you can believe that you will see some of it over your stay here.  If Arcturus joins us you get a glance at what terrifying magic will look like.  At least when Charlus beats you he is nice about it."

"Speak for yourself." Harry grumbled, "Dad launched me about 10 meters back in our last outing.  Nothing nice about that."

"Glad you feel that way, sport.  You are up."  Charlus prompted.

Mumbling to himself the words his mom had spoken to him echoed around in his mind as he tried to mentally prepare himself for the duel ahead.  Resolving himself for the challenges that lay before him however, he cleared his mind and tried to focus on one issue at a time.