Chapter 41

The days after Christmas had been some of the best of his life.  Harry's parents had taken Elaina with the family to Paris for two days, and it had been one of the most magical experiences of Harry's life.  The Montmartre made Diagon Alley look poor and rugged in comparison, and the sheer size of the French Magical Wizarding District was something to behold.

Harry and Elaina had been guided by a woman that the youngest Potter was familiar with from the memory of his parents' wedding.  Alexandra Dupont was quite the excitable character, and she had nearly shattered Harry's eardrums with the excited screech she let out when the Potters  arrived at her home outside of Paris city limits.  Dorea had told Harry that Alexandra had been one of the few whose company they shared over their years of isolation, so had confided in the Veela about Harry's true nature.

The woman had been very excited to meet Harry and was pleased to know her aura didn't affect him in the slightest.  Harry had come to enjoy the woman's company and had laughed at the discomfort she had caused his father repeatedly throughout their visit.  It had become evident that at one point the French Veela had carried quite the torch for his mother, and had joked with Charlus that he had better be treating his wife well or she would do it for him!

The food had been amazing, the sights were beautiful, and they had even been given a chance to watch some professional dueling one evening in the Palais De Champions.  Needless to say, Elaina and Harry had been impressed by the speed of the highest-level athletes, but were not so impressed with their overall magical abilities.  Of course, on a dueling platform, you could only do so much, but they were both fascinated by the creativity of the duelist.  It led to many discussions between the two on how they would evolve her game to be successful after they graduated.

Talks of visiting America were discussed after the New Year, and after their taste of magical France, the two teens were ecstatic about the possibilities.

Paris wasn't the only blessing Harry had been given over the holidays.  It seemed that Harry and James had broken the ice with the exchanging of gifts and while the two definitely had some awkward tension between them for now the time-traveler was just going to leave it be.  Instead of going to Charlus with advice, Harry had decided to approach Fleamont.  Figuring no one would know how to deal with the young man better than his father, Harry had found himself in Godric's Hollow on New Years Eve having lunch with his paternal grandparents while James and Sirius were out with the other Marauders.

Monty and Mia Potter had been ecstatic to have their grandson for an afternoon and Harry had saved the purpose for his visit until the end so he could enjoy stories of his father growing up, and even learn a little about his great grandfather William Potter.  The man was a touchy subject as he had been killed by Grindelwald in the Great-War which was what drew Charlus into the fighting, but the stories were fascinating.  Harry had learned that the two had good relationships with their father, and that their mother had died giving birth to Charlus himself.  Not for the first time, Harry had to wonder if his family was cursed, but let it lie in his thoughts without mention.

Eventually, Harry knew his time to return home to prepare for their evening at Longbottom Manor was coming and decided to broach the subject.  Asking the man to take a walk with him around the block led to an understanding look and the two began treading through the soft snow.  Harry pondered for a long moment how he would broach the conversation when Monty chuckled, "Take a breath, Harry.  I know you must have questions about that son of mine.  As pleased as Mia and I were to have you this afternoon, we have spent enough time around the Marauders to recognize a teenager with a lot on their mind.  Tell me what troubles you son."

"It's James," Harry started, "I am having a hard time understanding him.  He sounded so prepared to commit to training with me and learning to protect himself after our Quidditch match, but then he started ignoring me for the rest of the term, or making excuses.  I guess I am just having a hard time seeing this James Potter as the one who sacrificed himself for his wife and son."

Fleamont nodded in understanding, seemingly contemplating his answer, "I fear some of the blame lies with your grandmother and I.  We have doted on James his entire life, and he has hardly known what a day of hard work looks like off a Quidditch Pitch.  I don't know what happened to my boy in your time that made him into the man he was, but I have little doubt that if James had his back against the wall he would rise to the occasion.  Our world is seeing the signs of a coming conflict, but we have for years.  Only recently have things progressed to a tipping point that could indicate true war in our world.  These flashes of determination James is having I truly believe is a good sign, but I fear what it will take to truly drive him into action."

"I want him to be ready for what is to come, grandpa." Harry confided, making the man smile at his title, "I don't want James to be doomed to the same fate that awaited him in my time."

The village was quiet this time in the afternoon.  Undoubtedly the town was preparing for the evening's festivities and resting until the time came.  The moment reminded him very much of his time with Fleamont Potter at King's Cross before he was sent back in time.  The silence was near eerie and the man seemed to deeply contemplate his grandson's words.  Taking a deep breath the man let his face drop, "All Potters are very stubborn, very proud people, Harry, I suspect you are beginning to understand that.  No one can force James into what needs to be done.  If we tried he would just rebuke us.  You came for my advice and the best I can give is to wait.  I know it probably is not what you were hoping to hear, but I believe it is the only choice for now.  If it is how you believe it will be then it is only a matter of time before his hand is forced into action.  Then he will come to you.  With a mindset of whatever it takes.  That is the James Potter you want training with you, Harry.  Not one that doesn't truly understand what he is going to be fighting for."

Harry had suspected this was the truth, but he needed another opinion.  An opinion that knows what fate currently awaits the man if nothing is done.  He couldn't live with the guilt of what could happen to his biological father if he didn't take every logical step to prevent it.  A hand on his shoulder broke him out of his thoughts and he realized the two had made a small lap around the village in silence returning them to the front of the house that would be razed to the ground in 1981.  Fleamont offered him a smile, "Harry, it may not feel like it, but your arrival here has made a great deal of difference.  The way I understand it, Rudolphus Lestrange did a great deal of harm in your time, and that is a threat you neutralized.  You have also spurred me in my duties as Lord Potter to take a more active stance, and for the first time in hundreds of years, we are in true alliance with the House Black even though the rest of the Wizarding World does not yet know it.  My brother and sister-in-law are also returning to the fold.  Harry, I truly believe with just what you have done so far you will have made a huge difference."

Or I could have pushed my family to annihilation faster, Harry thought morbidly.  He did however not voice these thoughts as he offered his grandfather a weak smile and returned the embrace that was offered to him.

When they re-entered the cottage Harry was surprised to see Sirius and James lounging around.  He was immediately grateful the two had gone for a walk to have their discussion and greeted his friends with forced optimism, "Padfoot, Prongs, excited for the party tonight?"

James grinned at his cousin and elbowed Sirius gently, "I think Padfoot is excited to have another opportunity to woo Marlene.  She has seemed more receptive to his charms since you broke her heart, Harry."

"Thanks for that, mate!" Sirius exclaimed happily.

Harry rolled his eyes and Euphemia pursed her lips at the boys and turned to her grandson with a look of disapproval on her face, "I hope you are not leading on Ms. Essex and breaking young girls' hearts, Harry Arcturus Potter."

James whistled, "All three names, rough luck, mate."

Rolling his eyes Harry shook his head, "Of course I'm not. Marlene was a massive misunderstanding followed by the typical Potter luck."

"Notice he didn't mention anything about the bird staying in his house." Sirius said with a suggestive tone.

"And on that note, I'm going home to get ready.  I will see you all tonight at Longbottom Manor.  Thanks for lunch Auntie." Harry said, offering the woman a smile and offering the closest thing he had to a grandfather a nod before apparating home.


Harry had chosen to relax for the remainder of the afternoon when he returned home to Potter Manor.  With Dorea and Elaina out dress shopping for the evening he was largely left to his own devices as he sipped on a glass of firewhiskey with Charlus as the afternoon faded away.  The women had spent the early evening getting ready while Harry had dawned on some formal dress robes for someone of his station.  Thankfully he was not the heir to the family so his dress code was a little less formal than what would be expected of James and Sirius, but still, he found the tradition a little tedious.

The tedious nature of the dress code didn't turn down the excitement of the event in the slightest, something that became apparent to Harry from the moment his family arrived.  It was clear the Longbottoms spared no expense.  A dozen house elves in professional attire were seen levitating platters of food and drinks around the large entryway to the home.  Elaina whistled quietly and spoke softly enough for only Harry to hear, "I thought Potter Manor was extravagant, this is amazing."

Nodding his head in agreement Harry allowed the girl to loop her arm into his as they stepped away from the Floo Network they had arrived in.  The entryway had a line of fireplaces that would allow half a dozen guests to arrive at a time.  The entryway could also comfortably fit fifty people without a second thought.  Nice portraits, and beautiful art also lined the walls of the high ceilings with a chandelier that could've easily cost thousands of galleons.  Looking out a nearby window also indicated to Harry that the grounds of Longbottom Manor were easily as large as Potter Manor.

Before Harry could comment on the house a feminine voice called out to him, "Harry, Elaina, welcome to Longbottom Manor!"

Turning his head slightly Harry took in the face of Alice Fortescue, who had a huge smile for her arriving friends who had no choice but to accept her hug as she threw both arms around them.  Elaina chuckled, "Frank put you on the greeting team?"

When she separated from the pair she offered her left hand dramatically, "Well Augusta thought since I am going to be a member of the family, and have spent enough time in their home over the last year that I should be put to good use!"

Harry observed a ring with a rather impressive-sized diamond attached to it and he whistled appreciatively, "Wow, congratulations Alice."

"You will both of course be invited to our wedding.  Hopefully attending together?" Alice teased.

Elaina for her part merely smiled, "We would love to come, Alice.  We will look for Frank so we can congratulate him as well."

Harry wanted to chuckle at the look of surprise on the young woman's face, but she merely flicked her wrist behind her, "Frank is with Lord Longbottom in the formal living area.  I am sure he would love an excuse to get away and talk about something other than this party."

Taking the casual dismissal for what it was, Harry and Elaina stepped aside to stand with Charlus and Dorea who were being swarmed in greeting by many in the hall.  It was the first time the couple appeared together outside of the Hogwarts region since the death of their oldest son, and the return was triumphant as Dorea pulled her son and Elaina into the gathering introducing them to so many names and faces Harry could not possibly remember all of them.

In time the family was allowed to pass and the older Potters seemed to be in high spirits as they moved into the formal living area where another large gathering of people was found.  Harry spotted familiar faces from all around the room from Hogwarts.  He even recognized a few from the Wizengamot memories he had seen from Charlus.

Harry had led Elaina beside his family to meet with a man who was using a cane to keep himself up straight yet still managed to look stout and imposing.  He had met this man at the Black family meeting and watched respectfully as Harfangs face lit up at the sight of Harry's parents and he quickly moved to embrace each of them, "Charlus and Dorea Potter, it has been too damn long since you have both graced these halls.  Welcome back, old friends."

When the man finished his embrace, Dorea provided introductions, "It is good to be back, Harfang.  I am sure you remember my son, Harry, and this young lady is Elaina Essex, she is the young woman that is under the protection of House Potter."

Harfang's eyes scanned over both of them analytically before offering Harry his hand with a grin, "Now here is the chip right off the old block.  Sorry, we didn't get a chance for a proper introduction last time lad.  You know them Blacks can be right messy to deal with, and it wasn't my place.  I usually let my wife do most of the talking in those situations."

"Because he has gained some wisdom in his older years." An elderly woman chimed in as she offered the Longbottom Lord a drink.

Harry recognized the woman as Callidora Longbottom Nee Black and he offered her a short bow, "Lady Longbottom."

Elaina copied Harry's action, but said nothing as the woman pursed her lips, "Ah my mystery relative.  I was wondering if you would be coming out of hiding tonight."

Harry felt the hand of Elaina clench his arm tightly, but he kept his features schooled, "I assure you Lady Longbottom I have not had to hide from the world for many years now.  My parents kept me in solitude because the Potter family has many enemies lurking in the shadows that would attempt to do us harm if they thought us vulnerable.  We were merely avoiding violence before, something you may have noticed is no longer the case after what happened in Godric's Hollow back in November."

"Oh, how I wish I had been there." Harfang bemoaned, "I haven't had a good fight in over thirty years.  My grandson tells me you are a sight to behold with a wand just like your daddy.  I was given a chance to witness some of that on Hogwarts grounds just a month ago.  The Lestranges are a dangerous sort, and I was very impressed by your ability to throw off the Cruciatus curse.  Truly!"

"I am my parents' son, Lord Longbottom." Harry offered with a smile.

The man nodded his head, "I believe you, lad.  You keep working with that grandson of mine, Potter's and Longbottoms have been fighting side by side for centuries on the winning side of each conflict we arrive in.  When I heard your grandfather was enlisting in the Great War, I was right behind him. I was also damn proud to follow his son when he had arrived to replace him."

Callidora rolled her eyes, "The fighting is over now though, Harfang.  Nothing but a bunch of upstarts trying to stir up trouble now."

Shaking his head Harry immediately protested, "Lady Longbottom I assure you this Voldemort wizard is much more than a simple upstart.  His legacy is already being written in blood, and it is only the beginning."

Dismissively the woman waved her hand, "He is already being shunned by the Blacks, Potters, and Longbottom's.  He will have nothing but the shoulders of minor families that barely qualify as Purebloods to stand on."

Harfang mumbled, "He even had the nerve to use my old friendship with Mikew Yaxley to set up a meeting with me.  I insisted that my family would never take part in the violence I believed his cause would create, and something told me he was displeased with my answer."

Dorea glanced at Harry as the boy stiffened.  Charlus had a morbid look of curiosity on his face however as he asked, "What did he say?"

Harfang snorted, "Said that he hoped I would rethink my options, because he would hate to see me on the wrong side of history.  I thought he would curse me when I told him that I looked forward to opposing him on the Wizengamot. "

Harry felt his stomach drop at the words.  He no longer had to wonder why so many of the Longbottoms had been killed in his time.  If this was similar to how the meeting went in his time, then Voldemort would have made it his mission to see the family eradicated.

"It is only a matter of time before a wizard of his caliber begins removing obstacles that stand in his way." Elaina said carefully, "History is littered with powerful witches and wizards who have adopted similar tactics.  I watched this man stand up to Charlus and Harry without a hint of trepidation.  He goaded them into a fight after we had decimated his followers in combat.  Any wizard with that sort of confidence is dangerous."

All eyes in the group went to Elaina who looked suddenly uncomfortable by the attention.  Harry for his part felt his stomach turn a bit at her words as the horrible feeling increased.  He knew she was right, and how long was it before Voldemort began attacking families that stood against him one at a time?

"What would a silly little Mud-, Muggleborn girl know about wizards of a war mages caliber?" The woman said coldly.

It was not missed by anyone in the gathered group the slip-up, and Dorea coldly cut the woman with her tone, "I would trust she has a bit more experience than you in that field, Calliorda.  Elaina has been spending her holiday training with Charlus and I.  She has now had a taste of battle at our side, and now had a chance to see what it is like when a war mage is standing opposite of you.  Something I am quite confident you have never experienced, cousin."

Callidora looked like she would rebuttal with something viscous, but Harfang broke it off with a chuckle, "Relax ladies.  A new year is coming out, and friends are getting a chance to catch up after many years of being apart.  You Black women are just as vicious as the next, even with each other!"

The Lord of the house then turned his attention back to Elaina, "You must be the lass that the young lad here killed for?"

Elaina nodded stiffly and seemed to tense under the question, while Harfang merely grinned at the girl, "I certainly see why my new friend here took umbrage to those bastards attacking you.  Especially after he went through the trouble of getting you placed under the protection of the Potter family.  I doubt anyone will be so keen to try it again."

Turning his attention to Charlus the man questioned with a frown, "What do you think of your charge's thoughts, old friend?  Is this Voldemort character a bigger problem than the Wizengamot is leading us to believe?"

"You have known me long enough to know that I would not have called my son to a battlefield if I thought he was not needed." Charlus said without hesitation, "I believe Ms. Essex is correct.  This Voldemort would not have approached a wizard of my reputation so confidently if he was not supremely talented.  We have not yet seen whether that confidence is unfounded or not."

Huffing Harfang pulled a pipe from his sleeve and took several puffs as his wife rolled her eyes and stormed off, "You've given me a lot to think on, but let's not give it anymore thought tonight.  Let us reminisce and make plans for the coming year.  You will not let a whole year pass before we gather again."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Charlus offered kindly to his friend, before turning to Harry, "You two go link up with some people closer to your age and get up to some trouble.  Those are my standing orders."

Harry grinned at his dad while Dorea scolded the man, but the grin on her lips told Harry all he needed to know as it finally replaced the scowl that had been left on her face by Callidora.  Harry didn't hesitate at the invitation to depart the older couple's company and dragged Elaina off towards their friends who were gathering in a circle that was seemingly increasing in size.

When the group approached Sirius greeted the pair first, "Uh Oh, Potter, I've been in enough dog houses to know you've landed yourself in one.  What happened?  Not enough snogging?"

Harry rolled his eyes at the boy before saying, "Just a run-in with one of our family members.  Frank, let's just say your grandmother likely won't be too pleased to see us at your wedding."

The boys guffawed while Elaina huffed in annoyance, "She nearly called me a Mudblood, real charming woman."

Frank wasn't laughing anymore, and sighed, "Sorry about her, Elaina.  I assure you no one else in my family holds those types of prejudice, and I don't think she does either.  She was just raised a Black, and as you likely know most of that family is quite…"

"Psychotic."  Harry and Sirius offered at the same time.

Frank nodded in acceptance saying not looking apologetic, "Their words, not mine."

James, Remus, and some of the other boys Harry recognized from the Gryffindor Quidditch team laughed at the words.  Lily for her part shook her head and came to embrace the pair together while she dragged Elaina away so they could talk about all the intricacies of Wizarding Paris which seemed to instantly lighten the dark-haired girl's mood.

When Harry was left behind he offered Frank a grin, "Love the house, Longbottom.  Do you actually live here with your parents?"

"Not usually, but we are here a lot.  Mum and dad are actually out of the country right now visiting friends in Nepal.  They travel a lot, so I spend lots of time with my grandparents and other relatives who often pass through here."  Frank explained and even pointed out a few of his relatives, "My uncle Algie just passed his final year of training to become a full Unspeakable for the Department of Mysteries.  My Aunt Samantha is a widow, but she works with dragons in Ukraine.  She apprenticed under Professor Kettleburn.  I have twin Uncle's running around here. They both play Quidditch professionally for the Tornadoes and United, Chasers, the pair of them which is how I became such a good Keeper."

Frank went on to point out more family, and Harry began to fidget under each of the names.  He now understood why Arcturus and Charlus had reacted the way they had when he had told them that Neville and Augusta were the last of the Longbottoms by the time he had been killed.  All these people…had they been hunted down by the Death Eaters?  Harfang himself had said that Potter's and Longbottoms' fought together, but how many had fought with the Order of the Phoenix?

There was so much history Harry wasn't sure of that he deeply regretted now not having a chance to speak with Neville more about his other family members.

"You alright there, Harry?  You look like you have seen a ghost." Frank said, looking concerned at his friend.

Shaking his head he tried to offer a smile, "Sorry Frank, I guess I am just not used to such big families.  You know how few us Potters are."

Looking embarrassed now Frank scratched the back of his head, "Of course.  Sorry about that, Harry.  It's easy to get carried away once I start on my family.  I just love all of them, you know?"

Harry heard the man's words and looked over to Sirius who put his arm around Marlene McKinnon who looked receptive to his advances for the first time.  Then his eyes shifted to James offering Lily and Elaina each a glass of champagne with a small smile on his face, while both witches thanked him.  Nodding his head Harry merely nodded, "I do know what you mean."

Frank patted the boy on the shoulder and Alice came around at the same time as a soft song came on the wireless that was playing in the room, "Sorry Harry, I need to steal my fiance."

"Get a drink, we will catch up more later, Harry!" Frank called out over his shoulder.

Harry grinned as Alice dragged her fiance to the dance floor who was looking quite pleased for himself.  Moving towards the table to find Remus alone Harry bumped the man gently with his elbow to signal his arrival, "Lots of pretty witches here Remus.  Shouldn't you be trying to start a pack?"

Remus grumbled, but a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Not funny, Harry."

Chuckling Harry looked around and asked, "Where is our missing Marauder?"

Remus answered the question softly, "He was feeling under the weather, but he might be coming later."

Harry knew the man was coming off a full moon from a few nights prior and offered him a pat on the back as he tried not to contemplate Wormtail's absence, "Well I am glad you are here Moony, someone has to help me keep these two in line."

As Harry said this he watched as Sirius put his arm around Marlene McKinnon who looked receptive to his advances for the first time as she offered the dark-haired boy an amused look.  The smile on the young man's face was one Harry was unfamiliar with, and was surprised to see the affection in his eyes for the young woman.  Perhaps his feelings were beyond what Harry had originally guessed.

His glance then moved to Elaina and Lily, who were sipping on their glasses of champagne with James.  The three were all smiling, and Harry felt his heart speed up at the sight of his family being so happy, "I am glad you are here as well, Harry. James is too."

Questioningly, Harry looked to Remus who shook his head slightly, "You two are more alike than you know.  I see the amount of content you feel just being here with your family and friends.  After your years in isolation, you just have a deeper appreciation for the little things than the rest of us do…something I have come to understand better than perhaps the others."

Nodding his head in agreement Harry patted the young man on the back.  He looked so much younger and more care-free than the man he knew and respected in his time.  Remus had been questionable in his time as a father, but as a mentor and friend he was unwavering.  A shoulder to lean on when he was left with nothing, "I know you get it Remus.  A New Year is coming though, and there is a bright future ahead…for all of us."

Remus sighed deeply, "I hope you're right, Harry.  My condition may make it difficult-"

"Difficult." Harry agreed, "Not impossible.  Not with all of us behind you, and don't forget, we are all behind you.  As your friend, as a Marauder, and as family."

Seeming to resonate gratitude Remus just offered Harry a grin, "You're not going to cry are you?"

This made Harry immediately burst with laughter drawing the eyes of those around him.  Trying to silence his laugh with a sip of his drink he felt like his heart was full.  Seeing this side of Remus was a gift, and he was grateful to see the lighter side of the Marauder that he had only heard stories of from Sirius in his time.

A soft song began to play and Remus bumped Harry as he gestured his head towards Elaina who had been left alone as the others took to the dance floor with different partners, "Better get a move on mate.  If you don't I might."

Chuckling, Harry handed the boy his drink and nodded in agreement as he approached the girl.  The green and blue eyes of the girl looked questioningly at him as he approached and he merely bowed, offering his hand with a mischievous grin on his face.  Turning red the girl said, "Harry, I really don't know how to dance."

"You danced with me on Christmas Eve." He countered.

"If you can call it that." She grumbled taking his hand with defeat in her tone, but a happy look on her countenance.

The two danced back and forth slowly swaying to the music, keeping it as basic as possible.  As they stepped around Harry caught sight of his parents looking at the pair with a smile and he groaned quietly, "I can already hear my mom's voice in my head about how cute we are."

Chuckling the girl moved him slightly so she could see what he saw and shook her head, "This was all your doing."

"I couldn't have you feeling left out after all the other girls were being swept onto the dance floor.  What kind of friend would I be?" Harry asked in faux outrage.

"One that would get teased a lot less." She answered in amusement.  A few moments passed and she sighed leaning her head onto his shoulder, "Thanks for all this, Harry.  These have been the best holidays I can remember having."

Quietly he merely whispered, "Me too."

The song ended and a soft kiss was placed on his cheek as he was led off the dance floor back to their friends.  Hopes of the New Year were discussed and Harry was even let in on some of the wedding plans for Alice and Frank.  He was very happy for the couple, and grinned at the thought of their firstborn who would be joining them in this world in a few short years if all went well.

As midnight came around Harfang stood before the group giving a soaring speech about allies and future friends.  Alice and Frank were even congratulated as the man raised a glass and displayed a countdown with magic in the air.

With a little less than a minute Charlus and Dorea had found their son and offered him and Elaina a flute of champagne as they all watched the clock tick.  He felt a soft hand creep into his and he looked questioningly at Elaina who was watching the clock in anticipation.  With ten seconds till the New Year Harry began to smile as he dreamed of burying what happened in his past behind him.  Things were going to be different this time.

At one, the cheers began, and he heard the cries of Happy New Year, but the soft hand that was holding him had gone to his neck and he turned to Elaina who was standing on her toes moving closer to him.  Without a second thought, he closed the distance between the girl and kissed her softly for a single moment.  The kiss might've lasted a second moment, but before Harry could even begin to enjoy the kiss or feel the jubilation of sharing his second kiss with the girl that was worming her way further into his heart, it was broken by a scream.

The two jolted apart, and Harry protectively stepped in front of the girl with his wand drawn searching for a threat that was heightened by more screams. Guests were fleeing now, and a jet of green light filled the hallway making Harry's heart race with adrenaline as he surged forward intending to find the threat.

Finding the source of the green light Harry saw an older man with his wand pointed at two bodies on the floor that he instantly recognized.  Looking to stop the man from hurting anyone else he raised his wand, but before he could the man raised his wand to his own head and blasted himself with some type of piercing charm ending his own life in an instant.

Harry's eyes widened as the blood began to pool on the floor and he surveyed the rest of the room for threats while the screams continued.  Glancing over his shoulder he was grateful to know that Elaina was watching their backs with her wand drawn in case any dared to attack them.  Charlus for his part however just slowly approached one of the fallen bodies and he wasn't the only one.

Glancing towards Frank who had a look of shock on his face and other members of the Longbottom family matched the look.  Screams of fear turned to wails of agony as a woman fell to her knees clutching the lifeless hand of Harfang Longbottom, undoubtedly a daughter of the family.

Others moved to comfort her as Frank and his relatives had their wands drawn searching for further threats, but none came.  Harry locked his eyes on the still form of Charlus, and saw the silent tears of his mother that caused his heart to ache.

Fleamont who had seemingly come from nowhere appeared at the side of his younger brother placing a hand on his shoulder consolingly speaking quiet words to the man who did not even acknowledge his brother's words.

Glancing towards James he saw the young teen holding Lily close to him protectively while Remus and Sirius held their wands out shaking with adrenaline.  He needed to get them all out of here.  Before he could move to do anything a patronus charm in the form of a black cat came prancing into the room with a panicked female voice, "Charlus, help us!  They are attacking Arcturus!"