Chapter 44

The more the Potters had discussed Elaina's circumstance the previous evening the more likely it seemed to be true.  It would all make sense.  Elaina's unnatural abilities could be brought down to being descended from a very powerful wizard, possibly even two.  Someone out there knew the truth as well, because someone buried the daughter of Grindelwald and left his calling card on the memorial.

Charlus suspected that the man's abilities as a seer told him that his daughter was going to be a squib. Due to this fact, he disgraced the girl and had one of his followers take her to an orphanage.  Charlus was also of the opinion that it was likely that this same follower was the one who buried and possibly even killed the woman.  Grindelwald's followers were all fanatics, and it made almost too much sense.

Dorea had told Harry that if they couldn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt they did not wish to burden the girl with theories.  Harry's stomach turned at that thought.  It seemed far more than just a theory at this point.  There were some holes and uncertainties, but it was too much to be a coincidence.

The morning of their return to Hogwarts, Harry had said goodbye to his godfather.  He had sworn over the man's bed that he would learn all the Black magic he could and make the bastards pay for what was done to him.

The next thing he had done was run into Elaina after he had gathered up all his things.  He had been waiting for the girl at the door since they already made plans to apparate to the platform together.  He had already said his goodbyes to his parents and was waiting on his companion when she stepped into the hallway looking better than he expected.  Her eyes were red, likely from crying the night before, but other than that she appeared normal.  Her clothes were neat, her hair was done, and somehow she appeared lighter than before.

The young woman offered him a slight smile, "Hey Harry, Charlus and Dorea around?"

"They went to Godric's Hollow this morning.  I think they are discussing a gift to the new Lord Longbottom.  Both my parents were close to Harfang, and wanted to pay their respects to the upcoming Lord." Harry said with a sigh.

Shaking her head the young woman said, "I still can't believe they didn't invite anyone to the funerals."

"Their lord and lady were just assassinated in their ancestral home." Harry defended in understanding, "I can see their reasoning."

Humming in recognition of his words Elaina began walking with Harry as he wandlessly shrunk their bags and picked them up.  The pair moved towards the edge of the wards in silence as they considered the holidays that had just passed.

As if reading his mind Elaina said, "Despite all that happened I am very grateful for our time together over the holidays.  Your family was really great to me.  Training with all of you, and fighting beside your family was an honor.  I think I made some memories I will never forget."

Offering her a smile as he glanced behind him at the place he called home.  She was right.  Things were tough right now, but at the end of the day he was as grateful to be where he was.  In the distance Halo could be seen flying over the trees, and he shook his head.  It could hardly be believed that less than ten years had passed since his arrival in the magical world.  Previously the sight of such a majestic beast would have set his heart soaring, but now it was just a normal occurrence.

Perspective, Harry thought to himself before saying, "There are things I wish were different, but in comparison to where I've been it's hard to complain."

Understanding flashed through her eyes as they stopped at the ward line facing one another.  Her eyes seemed to be searching his mind, and she stepped closer to him grabbing his hand softly, "I wish we had more time to work out somethings.  With my family…and with each other."

Swallowing Harry squeezed her hand, "We will find out what happened to your Mum, Elaina.  I am not sure how, but when we graduate there are some leads we can follow up on. I will help you in any way I can."

"And us?" She pressed.

"You do realize I am hellbent on fighting Voldemort, and will likely create a massive target on my back when we graduate and start taking the fight to them?" Harry asked with something that likely sounded like exasperation.

"Sounds like fun, I can't wait." She said challengingly stepping closer to him where they would be nose to nose if she were taller.

Their intentions to each other had been quite clear over the holidays.  Even if Harry hadn't fully realized that prior to the kiss they shared on Christmas Eve.  They had been subtly flirting for months, but twice now she leapt to his side in battle.  She had practically become a member of his family over the holidays.  He also felt lighter when he was with her.  The only other two people who made him so at ease were Charlus and Dorea, and that had to mean something.

Sighing, he offered her a grin, "It'll be dangerous."

"I laugh in the face of danger." She said cheekily as she patted him on the cheek while leaving her hand there for a lingering moment.

Taking the prompt he bent over and captured her lips with his own.  Several kisses were exchanged as Harry put a hand on the small of her back bringing her as close to him as he could manage.  The kiss couldn't compare to their others.  The others had all been interrupted, but this one just seemed to drag on and neither seemed keen to end the moment.

When they did separate she looked up at him and grabbed him by the front of the shirt, "You will take me to Hogsmeade."

Nodding slightly, feeling slightly out of breath he answered, "I will."

"I want to know more too.  About you, and where you came from.  It doesn't have to be all at once but-"

"I understand." He said cutting her off, "We have to work on your Occlumency and I will continue to tell you more."

"Like what's been bothering you over the last few days?  I know Arcturus is your godfather, but you have had a lot more than him on your mind.  I would like to know, so I can help." She pressed.

Squirming under the sternness of her gaze he nodded.  Elaina knew that Harry and Arcturus were close, but she also knew there was more.  They had just come to know each other like that and all the Occlumency in the world would not have been able to hide that from her, "We will start with that.  Tonight or maybe on the train if we can find some privacy."

"We will find our privacy." She insisted, "If our friends are going to find out about us anyways then they won't suspect anything.  I trust we will be undisturbed after we both put up some wards."

Taking a breath Harry agreed with a soft grunt.  Looking satisfied Elaina sharply nodded looking very pleased with herself as she took his hand and apparated them without warning.

Arriving at King's Cross the place was a madhouse.  More people than he had ever seen were on the platform including what appeared to be the entire Auror department.  It was clear after the attacks across the country Minister Bagnold wanted to be seen doing something, and Harry had to admit that even Voldemort would have trouble taking this platform.  Among all the people was Headmaster Dumbledore who looked to be surveying the platform with each turn of the head.

The man was holding his usual smile that he had on in public, and was greeted by many people who passed him by shaking hands with many parents who were likely thanking him for being there just in case.  Harry knew Dumbledore's relationship with the Ministry must have been better in this time, because even at the height of the war he never made appearances on the Platform.  Voldemort also wasn't slaughtering 100s of muggles in the streets for fun in his time either. Harry thought darkly.

Elaina, who was still holding his hand said, "You think the Headmaster is strong enough to hold him back.  All the papers seem to think he will be the one to defeat the Heir of Slytherin."

"The Headmaster is a very powerful wizard." Harry said as he began walking towards the train ignoring the press that were snapping pictures of them and their arrival, "But he is old and not prepared to do what it takes to win this war.  He doesn't have the heart to take on this monster."

"He defeated Grindelwald." Elaina said simply.

Hearing the man's name in her mouth caused his heart to skip a beat, but he steeled his nerves saying, "That was a long time ago.  He taught both my parents, and isn't getting any younger.  Besides he defeated Grindelwald, not killed.  That is not a risk we will be able to take with Voldemort."

As if on cue the sky began to darken at his words.  From the sky the dark mark began to take form, and Harry growled at the sight of it as clouds of black smoke, at least half a dozen,  seemed to shoot from the sky towards the ground.  As soon as the black spots hit the ground, wizards in Death Eater grab appeared and launched blasting spells towards the pillars causing people to scream in panic and begin running in every direction.

Adults and children alike were scattering trying to get onto the train or off the platform.  Harry's wand slid into his hand as fury coursed through him, anxious to spill the blood of the Death Eaters after the destruction they had caused at Grimmauld Place.

Flashes of light lit up the platform as Harry tried to get in engaging range, but the swarms of people were in his way.  Before he could enter the fray the dark wizards shot back into the sky and disappeared leaving pandemonium in their wake.

Rage and adrenaline pumped through Harry's bones, as he moved forward fighting against the crowd ensuring no one was left to cause further harm.  Elaina shouted behind him, but he was unable to decipher her words.  The glance behind him told him that she was doing her best to keep up, but he kept his eyes up with his head on a swivel in case more attacks came.  As he moved further down the platform however only injured witches and wizards were found.  Adults and children who had been trampled by the fleeing Death Eaters and even a few Aurors were down due to the debris that had been thrown around.

With swift flicks of his wand the debris was removed and repaired by Harry as he came forward to a young Gryffindor girl who looked like she had broken her legs and had cuts all over her face.  The young girl was sobbing as Harry dropped to his knees waving his wand over her legs confirming his first glance diagnostic.

Glancing around confirming one last time that the threat had fled he spoke to the girl, "It's going to be okay, you're safe now.  Let me fix your legs, and clean you up."

The girl cried and Elaina came to her side taking her hand, "Hey sweetheart, it's going to be okay.  Harry is going to fix you."

Sobbing, the girl just nodded as she buried her face into Elaina's shoulder.  Not wishing to leave the girl in pain Harry cast two numbing charms before casting the bone knitting charm and waved his wand over her in tight patterns trying to repair the damage to the best of his ability.  When he was done he knew it wasn't the best, but she would be able to stand.

A shout of his name behind him signaled the arrival of James who was covered in soot, and had a few cuts on his face, "Harry, are you okay?"

Seeing who he was treating James' eyes widened, "Merlin!  Mackenize are you okay?"

The girl's sobs had subsided but the tears were still flowing as she nodded her head, "Y-y-your cousin, helped me."

Harry nodded as he watched the continued panic around the platform, "James, get Mackenzie onto the train.  We need to see who else we can help."

Without hesitation James swept forward as Harry got to his feet and picked the girl up in his arms, whispering soft things into her ears as he glanced at his cousin who was already moving onto the next injured person, an older woman who was frantic and badly bleeding from the head.

Harry was in the zone as he approached the woman who had clear head trauma, something that was far beyond his skill level.  When he bent down to speak to her she roughly grabbed him by the shirt, "My son.  My son was taken by the crowd.  I can't find him.  I can't see him."

"I will help you find your son, ma'am, but I need to help you first." Harry said insistently as he began to assess her.  At his arrival however the woman's eyes began to flutter.

Elaina was at his side again, "We have to keep her awake."

"Ma'am can you tell me what your son looked like?" Harry asked as his wand began working.

Before she could respond however her eyes rolled back into her head, and his own widened.  A quick diagnostic charm told him all that he needed to know.  She was gone.  Blunt force trauma to the head if Harry had to guess.

Taking a breath he stood up and Elaina looked up at him calling his name, "Harry, we have to help her."

"She's already gone." He said, swallowing hard, "There are other people we can still help."

When he said this dozens of pops were heard as first responding medical witches and wizards began to arrive.  Surveying the platform he knew they had their work cut out for him.  Dozens were down, several unmoving.  Less than a dozen wizards appeared, through a few curses, and disappeared, and the damage done was catastrophic.  This is why they were so feared, Harry thought morbidly.  How many attacks like this occurred in his time?

A familiar voice from behind him said, "You should get on the train, Mr. Potter.  There is nothing more you can do."

Turning to see the Headmaster behind him looking far graver than Harry could ever remember Harry sighed, "There has to be something."

"You did your best, and it was an admirable attempt.  I saw you working on Ms. Bell, down the platform, and I saw James carry her onto the train.  You were better than most.  Do you see any other students uninjured still on the platform other than yourself and Ms. Essex?"

Glancing around Aurors and other Ministry officials were flooding the platform, but all the students seemed to have made it onto the train while some of the parents had even taken up wands near some of the entrances.  Not everyone was prepared to lay down and die, Harry thought with a brief feeling of hope.

"We will see you at school then, Headmaster."

The man offered him a bow of his head, and began moving down the platform wand still in hand.  Harry on the other hand grabbed Elaina's hand as the train whistle sounded and boarded the nearest entrance to the train.  When he entered a wand was pointed at him and he nearly cursed Frank Longbottom who was standing there looking ready for anything.

Frank jumped at the sight of them then swore, "Bloody hell, Harry, I almost cursed you!  Those bastards in the robes came and went so fast I wasn't sure if they would be back."

Shaking his head Harry offered, "They ran for it before we could even engage them."

Looking down the hallway Harry saw several seventh years he had passing familiarity with along with Alice, and Lily standing in the hall's wands in hand.  Elaina spoke before Harry did, "Well Merlin Longbottom point that wand somewhere else, can't have you accidentally cursing someone.  We are the last to board the train."

Sheepishly the boy lowered his wand while Harry asked, "What is this?  What are you all doing?"

"Defending the train." Frank answered as if he were offended by the question, "Someone has to make sure those bastards can't get on here and attack any more students."

Harry's mouth dried at his words.  Most of these teens had no idea what they were getting themselves into.  They had seen the curses, saw the panic, evacuated the students, and were still prepared to fight.  A swell of pride and hope passed through him.  More than he expected were prepared to stand up to the Dark Lord.  To stand up for the innocent.

"You're right." Harry said with a soft voice, "Someone has too."

Frank nodded at him, "We saw you working on little Mackenzie Bell out there.  James almost got himself cursed faster than you did when he came running in here with her in his arms.  Good work on that mate, she's just a second year girl from our house.  Poor thing was terrified."

"There was a lot of that going around." Elaina said with a solemn voice.

Her words seemed to have an effect on Frank as he shook his head.  Harry however placed a hand on his shoulder, "I am sorry again about your grandfather, Frank.  I wish we could've been there to pay our respects."

"Grandpa was old.  The family is angry with the world right now too.  Our guest killed members of our family, and now we find out that it is almost a certainty that he was held under the Imperius curse.  All signs point to this Heir of Slytherin, but we have no chance of proving it."  Frank said with a frown.

Harry knew the teen was right, but didn't dare question it.  Before Harry could say anything however Frank shook his head, "Anyways, I think we should talk.  I want to train with you.  I've heard rumors you get up at ungodly hours in the morning and do Merlin only knows what, but I want in.  I want to be an Auror when I get out of Hogwarts, and with what is happening out there I could use all the help I can get."

The train was moving now and Harry sighed, but nodded in understanding, "Let's talk more about this tomorrow.  Our training is serious.  We aren't looking to trade kiddy spells."

"After what they did to my grandparents I have no interest in kiddy spells." Frank responded with some heat.

Placatingly Harry offered his hand up, "I am sure we can arrange something.  Elaina could use some more competition in her class, and it will give you a chance to really push yourself."

Elaina looked offended for a moment, "I think I was just insulted."

"Not at all, my lady, merely suggesting you could use a win." Harry said cheekily.

Taking her hand as he said this, Frank raised his eyebrows, "This new?"

"Ish." Harry answered with a slight grin.

Nodding his approval Frank nodded, "It's about time."

Not gracing that with an answer Harry moved to pass the boy, "Tomorrow, Longbottom, come find me."

"I am going to bring, Alice." Frank called out.

Harry just nodded in understanding, before he heard his name again from Frank.  Stopping, he turned to look at the teen who looked troubled, "Do you think any students were killed in the attack?"

Elaina, who had turned her head at Frank's call out, was now looking at Harry with a troubled look.  Harry swallowed hard before nodding, "I'm afraid so.  Hopefully not many, but lives were lost today, and it would be naive to think they were all adults."

Frank closed his eyes for a moment and clenched his fist before merely nodding and walking down the train to a concerned-looking Alice who was approaching the teen.  Harry and Elaina made themselves scarce at that point and began making their way down the hall.  Many people offered them respectful nods as they passed, but none greeted them until they reached the compartment that had Andi, Pandora, and Nate.  At their arrival, Andi had both of them in her arms hugging them tightly, "Thank goodness you two are okay."

Harry embraced the girl tightly in return.  He had not seen the girl since Christmas.  Her father had been killed in the fight with Arcturus and he suspected the girl was embarrassed to show her face to the family.  With the involvement of her oldest sister in the attack it was likely she had received her fair share of anger from the other Blacks.

Elaina responded first, "Us?  We were more worried about you!  I wrote to you after the attack on New Year, but we never heard back."

"Mum's orders." Andi said looking nervous, "We went into hiding because she was worried the others might retaliate against us. Or use us to gain bargaining chips to draw Bellatrix out of hiding.  I heard Pollux, Alphard, and Cassie want blood for what happened to Grandfather."

"I am surprised she let you come back to school." Elaina said sympathetically.

"It was a close thing.  Cissy is going to be privately tutored for the remainder of the year.  Seeing I was of age Mum really couldn't stop me from returning.  I assured her that my friends wouldn't let Alphard hurt me, nor do I think he would anyways." Andi returned.

"We can go talk to him together if you want?" Harry offered, "I agree that I don't think he would, but if you just want to have the peace of mind, then I would be behind you."

Andromeda offered a grateful smile to the boy she was beginning to see as family before sitting back down in her chair allowing Pandora now to embrace her friends, "The world we live in is mad!  Xeno didn't want me to come back and finish, but I told him I couldn't quit after all this time.  I barely convinced him to let me come back, and after this I am sure I will be getting an earful."

Elaina offered the girl a consoling look, "I am sure he will understand.  We are so close to taking our NEWTs."

The two girls began discussing their holidays and Harry's eyes went to the Greengrass heir who looked tired, "Alright there, Nate?"

"It was a long holiday.  Never thought I'd be so relieved to be back at Hogwarts." He said with a deep sigh of release.

Tired wasn't a good description for how Nate looked as Harry really took a second to look over the young man.  It looked like he had hardly slept in days, and the bags under his eyes were deep and sunken, "Anything you want to talk about?"

"Maybe later." The young man answered, "I am just looking forward to a good night's rest."

Nodding in understanding Harry merely offered the boy his silence.

A small amount of time passed as the train raced across the countryside when a knock at the door indicated a new arrival.  When Harry flicked the door open wandlessly he was unsurprised to see Lily standing there looking slightly frazzled.  She seemed relieved to see them, and why was answered immediately, "Thank goodness it seems no one is injured here.  Seems every compartment I have stopped in has had minor injuries."

"We are all okay.  You look dead on your feet though." Harry said in concern as he rose to his feet.

Lily shook her head offering a forced smile, "I am almost done with my rounds.  I just need to make sure everyone is okay."

"Anything serious?" Harry asked, "I am pretty good with medical charms."

Biting her lip Lily shook her head, "I think all the serious injuries were still on the Platform, other than Mackenzie who I heard you patched up.  Thanks for that, she is a sweet girl."

"So everyone keeps telling me." Harry said.

Lily looked like she wanted to say something, and considered it for a long moment before sighing, "Professor Dumbledore sent James and I a patronus.  He wants a count when we get to Hogwarts on how many students were on the train.  He told us how many there were supposed to be."

"There can't be many compartments left." Pandora said quietly, "How is it looking?"

Swallowing hard, the girl blinked hard a few times before shaking her head, "Unless there are a lot of students piled up in the last few cars I am afraid we lost a few."

This brought somber silence to the group.  Harry broke the silence with a soft voice, "You know where we are if you need anything."

"Thanks, Harry.  For what you did in London, and for what you did for Mackenzie." Lily said, taking his hand softly, before turning and continuing her way down the train.

Sighing, Harry shut the door and turned to see the eyes of the compartment on him.  When he sat down he sighed voicing his thoughts out loud, "Why attack the platform?  There was nothing to gain from it.  They killed parents and small children.  They aren't making themselves attractive to anyone.  Even Purebloods had to have been hurt today."

The group seemed to squirm at his words before Nate surprisingly spoke, "They aren't trying to attract followers.  They are doing that in the shadows.  Now they are trying to scare people into submission."

A lump appeared in Harry's throat.  Is that why he looked so tired?  Was his family being harassed by Voldemort and his followers?  Elaina spoke next, her eyes seemed to darken with fury, "It won't work.  Harry and I saw it as we were boarding the train.  People were prepared to fight.  Adults standing to defend the train, and students in the halls prepared to fight.  They aren't scaring everyone into submission."

"They don't need to get everyone." Andi said with worry in her voice, "Just enough people to get in the way of those who will oppose him."

"She's right." Pandora said, "I think more people were hurt in the stampede than there were in the initial exchange of curses."

Harry frowned at her words as the group began discussing what the Aurors could do to combat the rising threat.  Each of them sounded hopeless as each idea was shot down by another.  Magic was an ever-evolving art and each solution was countered by some type of magical remedy.  If people weren't such cowards this wouldn't be a problem, Harry thought darkly.

Good people were hurt today because normal women and men ran for their lives instead of standing to fight.  The Death Eaters weren't discriminating either.  Little Mackenzie Bell proved that.  No wonder people were so terrified of Voldemort.  No wonder they didn't even want to say his name a decade after he had last been seen.  The cold wonder of whether Harry's appearance was for the better or for the worse gripped him tightly and he suddenly felt a suffocating feeling.  What if his arrival meant more good people would die?  What if he spurred Voldemort into action sooner by opposing him and rallying others to oppose him.

The suffocating feeling became overwhelming as he suddenly shot to his feet and departed the compartment without a word, feeling the eyes of everyone inside on his back.  Stumbling down the hallway and gripping his chest in what felt like a panic he closed his eyes tightly for a moment trying to take a deep breath.

My name is Harry James Potter.

I am from 20 years in the future.

I lost the war to Voldemort, but I was given a chance to make things right.

My parents were Lily and James Potter.

I am prophesied to defeat Voldemort.

I will defeat Voldemort.

I can't lose my family again.

The last words echoed in his mind loudly to a point it was near deafening when a voice broke him from his thoughts and an arm was around his shoulders, "Easy there, Harry.  You alright?

Harry looked at the man who was his father in what felt like another life and felt his fears on the surface of his mind, "No, James, I can't say that I am."

James instantly frowned at his words, "You weren't injured were you?"

Shaking his head Harry bit his lip before taking a shaky breath, "No I wasn't hurt. I'm just scared, James."

James looked surprised by the admission and looked around to see the deserted corridor, and pushed him towards an empty compartment trying to help the boy get some privacy.  Harry took a deep breath as James sealed the door behind them.

James just watched as Harry sat down heavily taking several deep breaths.  Long moments passed and he felt the comforting hand of his father on his shoulder helping him ease himself.

James spoke quietly as Harry gathered his bearings, "I didn't know anything scared you."

"A lot of things scare me, Prongs." Harry answered quietly, "I am scared to lose Mum and dad.  I know they want to fight these bastards.  I know after what happened to Uncle Arcturus there is little possibility that my parents won't seek blood.  I am scared of what will happen to them.  I am scared what will happen to you, and our friends.  Any of us could've been closer to those attackers today.  We were lucky, but Merlin only knows how many students were lost today."

James put a hand on each of Harry's shoulders as he leveled himself with the boy, "Harry, on that front I do have some good news.  613."

Looking up questioningly at James the young man smiled, "That's how many students were supposed to be on the train.  Guess how many we counted?"

Shaking his head Harry felt doom sink in not understanding what James could possibly be optimistic about before he said, "611.  Two are in critical condition and they were left on the platform, but among the students no fatalities."

Harry stood up at this, "Are you sure?"

"Positive." James confirmed, "Professor Flitwick is patrolling the train.  He nearly cried when I told him the number."

Harry took a shaky breath of relief, but still sighed, "There were definitely some killed on the platform though."

James nodded, "There were.  We can't dismiss the fact that a miracle just occurred on that platform however.  The two that are in critical condition could still pass as well, but I suspected we would be short a dozen at least.  That was just from the first glance during the panic that happened earlier of course, but some good news."

Taking another deep breath Harry just felt his head spin with the headache that was threatening him, "That is good news."

A moment passed between the two when James finally spoke again, "It's going to be okay, Harry."

It wasn't last time. Harry thought morbidly.  James seemed to sense his doubt and shook his head, "With great wizards like Dumbledore and Uncle Charlus they don't stand a chance.  You are definitely no slouch either, quite terrifying to be honest.  I think dad was scared to cross you that night when he tried to stop you from leaving."

Harry had apologized to Fleamont in a letter he had written at Arcturus' bedside, but he still regretted being so rough with the man as he entered his panic.  The fears of what happened back home still plagued him more often then he cared to admit.

When Harry said nothing James looked out the window, "The world really is going to hell out there.  It's going to take more good witches and wizards to stop them.  When I held Mackenzie in my arms earlier she was just so grateful we were there to get her out of there.  It felt good to help someone like that."

Harry looked up at the boy who seemed lost in thought.  Harry watched as something that looked like resolve crossed his features when he turned back to face his cousin, "I heard Frank and Alice talking about training with you.  Frank wants to be an Auror, and Alice wants to follow him.  At least until they capture the Heir of Slytherin."

Harry still said nothing, waiting for the boy to come to his own conclusions, and James didn't disappoint, "If there is going to be a war, I want to fight.  I want to help people like Mackenzie who couldn't help themselves.  I want to make sure my family makes it through what is coming, and after what happened to Frank's and Sirius' grandparents I know it can happen to anyone, but if they want to take anyone else from me then they will have to kill me."