Chapter Five.

 When the Xue family was done with their breakfast, Xue Ying went back to his room and decided to read the memory of the previous owner more thoroughly because after getting to this world, he didn't read the previous memory that well.

 Upon reading the memory, he found out that the previous owner had a mother called Xue Gin, she came from an average family, so ever since she got married to the Xue family, she constantly got abused by the relatives, but she died during the accident that made his IQ drop. 

 After found some useful information about the world he is currently in. Firstly, the city he is currently dwelling is named Xianzie city, it is one the most popular and influential city in all the continent.

 The school he attended was named Xianzo high school. According to the memory, he was going to enter his second year of high school after the semester break.

 After reading the memory of the previous owner, he decided to organise his wardroom and decide on the clothes he will take with him.

 After setting the clothes he will take with him, he heard a bang on his bedrooms door and knew who it was. When he opened the door, he saw his youngest cousin with tearing eyes. 

 Immediately he closed the door, Xue Hoxie, the name of the little boy, immediately hugged Xue Ying leg telling him not to go. Xue Ying was quite surprised but remembered that Hoxie was the only person who ever truly loved the original owner.

 Xue Ying, seeing that the boy was sad about him leaving felt a little warmth inside him and hugged the little boy and told him he doesn't have to be sad that he will come to visit him anytime he has a break from school and they will have lots of fun together.

 The little boy was happy after hearing that and stopped crying. He told him that he promised, Xue Ying chucked and said he promised, the little boy left the room. After Hoxie left, Xue Ying went back meditating so as to perfect his magic skills although he is great in both magic and physical skills but he still decided to practice because he is bored.

 Author: I'm so sorry that my chapters are short but am a little kid and don't want to reviel the next chapter information on another. Please support me with power stones and don't forget to give my story a good review.