Chapter Eight.

 Xue Ying said " who might be this beauty staring at me?". Wang Lang got back to his senses and was stunned by the way he acted and said shouldn't I be the one asking the question.

 So you are the famous master Wang Lang my family was talking about, I thought it was going to be an ugly, fat man but who would have thought you were this handsome, Xue Ying said in a mocking tone. 

 Wang Lang was shocked that the man he was seeing right now was not as weak as they say and asked him are you mocking me right now. Xue Ying said "my god, why would I do such a thing to young master Wang that's just insulting. His eyes glittered as though he was enjoying playing with this man.

 Wang Lang saw that the man was enjoying playing with him. He removed Xue Ying's hand from his face and asked him if he doesn't like his room since he saw him rolling on his bed. 

 Xue Ying nodded and said he guessed right, that the room is a little bit too pinkish and said he will be glad if he could change the room colour to that of white or black.

 Wang Lang said he will change the room colour for him that he should be going, Sabatian is probably going to come soon. Xue Ying nodded and went back to his room, Wang Lang was still in his room feeling his heart racing and an unquenchable thirst in his throat Saing he has never felt like this before.

 Even the previous blood servants that have been here had never made him feel like this. Shaking his head, he told himself to get a grip and said probably it was because he was surprised.

 Back to Xue Ying, Sabatian knocked on his door immediately he had finished taking his bath. Xue Ying was surprised and said he really times his servants.

 Sabatian then took Xue Ying around the mansion and showed him round the mansion. Their Xue Ying learned that Wang Lang lives differently from his parents and also learned that in Wang Lang parents eyes the child they birth was on a different level from theirs so they decided that he should live alone.

 They decided that so that he can be able to control his power, ever since he was small he was very powerful but as he started growing his power also grew that's why he was always buying blood servant.

 After all the touring, Xue Ying went back to his room and thought since Wang Lang was powerful and his seal was breaking, he could help him and he will also be of great help to him.