Chapter 3: Erida

Soon, Dr. Hermann's voice died away and she felt herself fall asleep. Indeed, her body was not moving, yet she was perfectly aware inside her mind. Everything was black around her for a moment, then in front of her, from a singular point, the colour white burst and surrounded her completely. She looked down at herself and at her hands but there was nothing changed with them. Next, she touched her head and saw that there was nothing on it either, just her hair. Dr. Hermann had mentioned that this would feel similar to a dream, to a very vivid dream. Yet, before she barely even had time to dwell on that, a person materialised in front of her. 

A girl that must have been her age with white hair and pink eyes. She had a simple white robe on her, like those you see on either priests or nuns. Her white hair flowed in waves down her back and were it not for her pink eyes, she would have blended completely with the white background. Miyo's breath became elaborated and she had a hard time processing what was happening. 

The girl lifted her hand and opened her palm out of which a blue hologram burst out of what looked to be her file. She spoke and her voice was emotionless but sweet at the same time, "So you're…Miyo. Miyo, welcome into the Dreamland. You are confused."

"Who're you?" Miyo's voice trembled and she took a step back. She didn't know what to expect or rather what to tie her experience to in order to make it easier for her to understand. She assumed that this was similar to her experience with VR. 

"I am Erida, your assistant Ai," The girl gave her something akin to a practiced smile. "And you have no reason to fear me. I am here to assist you with your transition to the Dreamland, which can be quite overwhelming for new comers. We will take a moment to breathe together and while you calm down, I will tell you everything you need to know about the Dreamland," Then a slip in her cold and emotionless facade. The Ai tripped on her words in what looked to be a stutter, followed by a flush and a dragging of voice. "You are very beautiful, Miyo. Did that calm you down? I was told girls always felt better when they were complimented."

Meanwhile, Miyo, though quite speechless, had indeed calmed down. Understanding the Dreamland was easy. If you analogised this experience to a video game then this would be the log-in screen and Erida was the little pieces of texts at the bottom offering insight on the game. She was basically a tutorial.

"I was told I will be an Adapter," Miyo straightened up. "What does that mean?"

Erida looked at her for a moment, then tried to open her mouth to explain, but she glitched and popped behind Miyo. "The Dreamland project was created in order to ensure humanity's survival. The Dreamland is composed of two major parts: the surface and the subspace. Just like the sky and the Earth, they are codependent on each other. The subspace is where the data for this digital world flows and every disruption brought to it will instantly manifest on the surface."

"What is a surface? What is a subspace?" Miyo crossed her hands over her chest. Now that the initial shock was gone, she was just left feeling excited and impatient. She made a mental note to complain about the Ai after today. Erida smiled at her again and opened her mouth in much the same manner but she glitched yet again, this time flashing to Miyo's right.

Her behaviour was dreadfully unusual and unlike any Ai Miyo had had any experience with. If anything, she was faulted and felt more like lifeless code than actual Ai.

Erida bowed her head and brought a hand to her chin, "This is strange, I shouldn't be malfunctioning like this."

"You're self-aware?" Miyo's jaw dropped.

Erida's eyes widened and she straightened up again, putting on her deadpan facade again, "Aham, as I was saying, since the subspace is a very delicate and influential space in the Dreamland's composition, all damage to it will be fatally detrimental to all of the Dreamland as a whole. This is why Adapters were invented. They are tasked with fighting with the viruses and malfunctions. Together with their omicron," Erida brought out a small flame, "Which is a virus and fixing Ai, Adapters will maintain the peace in all of the Dreamland."

"Omicron?" Miyo held out the palm of her hands and welcomed the blue flame. in her hands. It danced and gurgled shrilly. It was almost cute in a way, like a puppy warming up to its owner. Miyo raised her head to Erida. "What do I do with it?"

Erida's facade finally dropped and she exclaimed suddenly, "Miyo you were a swordsman before?" Then Erida came up behind her with a smirk on her face, "Do you like my personality? I copied it from a girl that came before you. She loved pretty girls. I think she would find you a pretty girl. Anyway! Your file says you practiced Kendo before, therefore you must have knowledge of swords, right?"

Miyo put distance between them again, "Yes, that's right. I can hold my own. This was why I was selected as an Adapter."

"Right, indeed," Erida nodded, "Then the omicron will take the shape of a sword. You hold it in your hands like this and think about the shape you want the omicron to take. Think of them as little helpers!"

Miyo copied Erida and extended her dominant hand in front of her and took the small fire in her hand and held it as if she would the hilt of a sword. Slowly, the omicron extended into an obsidian katana with edges so sharp they could cut through air particles. Erida clasped her hands together.

"That's lovely! Isn't it lovely, Miyo?" She tiled her head to the right and her lips spread into a wide smile. Miyo didn't pay any attention to her, she just eyed the sword in her hand with nothing but wonder and a violent swell of excitement in her chest.

"Oh my god, I really am in a video game!" Miyo exclaimed loudly.

"Well, not exactly in a video game!" Erida slapped her hand to get her attention. After she had dropped her facade, she really didn't seem like Ai at all. In fact, she was more lively than Miyo herself. "Now, Miyo," She rubbed her hands in a conspiratorial way. "Do you want new clothing to go with your new sword?"

Miyo looked at the obsidian blade and the technicolour purple veins pulsing through it. She then looked down at her baggy jeans and casual top. Indeed, they did not fit the killer sword in her hand. "I guess it wouldn't hurt. Am I allowed to express preferences — ah, also! Do we have super powers? Like say for example lightning powers or fire or anything cool like that?"

Erida shrugged her shoulders, "That is for you to find out. Now what colour should I choose for you…."

"I said I had preferences!" Miyo protested, suddenly vexed by Erida's evasive answer.

"They may not be practical," Erida glitched again. "I had clear instructions to make everyone look as beautiful as possible. Wait, I shall generate an outfit for you right now!"

Slowly, Miyo's baggy jeans disappeared and a pair of purple black boots appeared in her feet riding up to her knee. Then a short transparent skirt fell over boxers that felt like some sort of armour, black and shining. They were mobile though so there was that. Her abdomen was hugged tight by the same sort of armour, riding all the way up her chest then around her neck. Her shoulders were left bare and on her hands leather gloves now hugged her fingers. She felt even more naked than when she had first come here. 

"Is this really necessary?" Miyo tried to cover herself up.

"Are you really that uncomfortable?" Erida asked, then waved her hand, making a mirror appear in front of her. No, she did not look that bad, Miyo decided. Her outfit was cyberpunk, perfect for the setting of a video game. She just guessed she didn't want something as girly.

"It's too feminine for me," Miyo shook her head, "I do not like it."

Erida sighed and complied, "Alright, I will not force you then. Here, take my hand and think of your outfit."

Miyo took her hand and closed her eyes. Slowly, she felt her outfit changed to casual streetwear. She had low riding, loose training black pants, white and violet sneakers, and a high neck black crop top with a short white and purple jacket hanging loosely on her shoulders. She still looked cyberpunk but just in a way she felt more comfortable. When she opened her eyes to take a look at herself in the mirror, she found she rather enjoyed her new look.

"Now that that's done, why don't you enter the dreamland, hmm?"

Behind Erida, some of the white broke away in a rectangular shape revealing the outline of a city. Miyo exclaimed and ran outside onto a platform that overlooked the whole city.