Rob's Bizarre Adventures: Episode-1

The hour hands of every clock in Grenton city quickly approached noon, as the harsh rays of the midday sun shone from the clear blue sky above. 


At the very edge of the city's business district, the clear glass door of a local fast food joint was pushed open by a moderately skinny young man, holding a brown paper bag in his hands. 

As soon as he stepped out of the air-conditioned room, a hot blast of air immediately slammed into his face, causing him to twist his lips into an uncomfortable grimace.

"Ugh... Damn this hateful summer."

Microscopic beads of sweat soon began to gather on his exposed skin as he rushed towards the nearby parking space, before jumping inside a slightly worn-out yellow taxi with his bag of food.

It was only after he turned on his car's air conditioner that Rob finally obtained some respite from the intense heat. 
