Chapter 13: New mission: Popping cherries

"Oh my god! That's it... the smell on Lyra... it was semen!" In the room, there was a sudden sound of exclamation. As woman, threw the bedsheet from her face revealing look of shock on her sweat filled face.

"Lyra? Sleeping with a man? That's a fairy tale" Her voice was a whisper, choked with disbelief. "There is no way that's possible..." The woman trailed off, thinking about Lyra's single-minded passion for science and technology and her outright disdain for physical intimacy and emotional entanglements.

Thus the mere notion of Lyra engaging in such activity is utterly incomprehensible.

"...But my sense of smell has never failed me till today..." she muttered. A tremor ran through her fingers – her enhanced sense of smell wasn't just a point of pride, it was a tool, a weapon. It had never lied to her before.

"Though...What is if it's true," She murmured, brow furrowing as the weight of the revelation settled upon her shoulders. Clutching the sheet tightly around her body, the woman rose and began pacing the room, worry etched into every line of her face.

"Her mother asked me to keep her away from men. Based on Lyra's personality, I thought she couldn't be entangled with a man... Ah! But now." The woman said in frustration and confusion but it was soon replaced with a determined expression, "No, Perhaps it's too early to conclude. I should investigate thoroughly."

"Maybe, I smelled wrong. Maybe it was just the smell of sweat." she murmured, grasping at strands of reassurance. 

"If her mother gets wind of this then…" She trailed off, a shudder rippling through her at the mere thought of incurring that woman's wrath.

"I should investigate properly, if it's indeed true then.. Sigh!" Thinking till here she let out a sigh of helplessness. Why did that obedient girl get involved with a man? 



"System, What are you anyway? And why are you so active today?" Nox was lounging comfortably on the sofa, one arm draped over the back cushion as asked System curiously.

A line of text flashed across his vision.

 [Host, upon completing your first mission, I have been upgraded beyond the basic operating version.]

"You mean as long as I accomplish more missions, you'll keep unlocking new capabilities?" Nox gasped the key point which was followed up with even more questions, "System what are you anyway? What's your goal? Why did you bind with me?"

[As you accomplish further missions, host, my capabilities will continue to expand through system upgrades.] The text flickered across Nox's vision with quiet confidence. [With each objective achieved, new functionalities integrate into my matrix.]

[However, the full scope of my core purpose exceeds your current security clearance. Those particulars must remain obfuscated...for now.]

[Though, my prime mandate is to facilitate your journey towards a fulfilling life in this world.]

[When you transmigrated to this realm, our fates became irreversibly intertwined, Host. As a Golden Finger, you and I now share an unbreakable bond– So rest assured host, I would never harm you.]

The system's final message faded, leaving Nox in a whirlwind of thoughts. While the answers weren't complete, they were enough to ease the prickle of unease at the back of his mind, at least for now.

[It's detected that you have Tier 1 Enhancement Formulae (Fragment x3). Do you wish to merge them?]

[Upon merging you would get a random Enhancement formulae. Do you wish to proceed with the merger?]

Seeing the system's notification, Nox remembered he still had a reward to uncover and it was an important reward that could make him stronger. 

So without any hesitation he said, "Merge!"

[... Tier 1 Enhancement Formulae (Fragment x3) deducted…]

[... Merging… Merging successfully!]

[Congratulations to Host, You got Tier 1 Mental Enhancement Formulae(B Grade) x1]

Just as the message disappeared from his vision, Nox felt a surge of information in his mind. It was an enhancement formula and it was quite a detailed one. It consisted of formulae for Gene Serum and Nano booster too.

When he finally grasped the magnitude of what he'd received, his eyes flew wide with a mix of shock and elation. "Holy shit!" he exclaimed, scarcely able to believe it. "A Grade-B formula? And you've provided the recipes for a Grade-B Gene Serum and Grade-C Nano Booster too?"

"And it's a rare Mental Enhancement formulae? It's like I've won the lottery!"

"System, this is far too generous," Nox said, his eyes wide with disbelief. "With this, I could become a millionaire overnight just by selling it off..."But just as quickly as the thought of easy riches had taken root, Nox plucked it out like a weed. Sure, he'd be a millionaire, all right - a dead millionaire

So it was better to keep a low profile and not draw unwanted attention to himself. 

But as the initial euphoria faded, a troubled look crept across Nox's face. "How can I even get the materials for these formulae?" he muttered, brow furrowed. "I don't know where to find half of these materials. And the ones I do recognize are sure to cost an arm and a leg."

He let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "And even if I could scrounge up the funds, I'd need a proper lab to synthesize everything. Where the hell am I supposed to find a state-of-the-art biochemistry facility without attracting attention?"

Nox felt trapped in a paradox - he had stumbled upon a rare Mental Enhancement formulae, something that could make him stronger and yet he lacked capital and resources to put it to use. It was like being handed the winning lottery ticket but having no way to cash it in.

Nox leaned back in his chair, eyes unfocused as his mind raced with possibilities. "For now, I think my only lead is Lyra," he mused aloud, tapping his fingers on the desk.

He remembered that Lyra told that she works at a research facility.

Thinking about this, He nodded slowly, the gears of his plan beginning to turn. "Yeah, maybe through her I could get access to a proper laboratory. And there's a chance I might be able to find channels for sourcing materials too."

A spark of hope flickered in Nox's chest, at least situation was not hopeless. "But my main objective is still to gather funds for materials," he said resolutely. "And for that, I need to find a stable job."

At this moment, new text started to appear in his vision.


[New mission has been released]

[Mission Title: Virgin Sacrifice

Mission description: Make 10 people realize the joy of sexual intimacy. (Note: These people should not be exposed to sexual intimacy before)

Mission duration: 10 days.

Mission Reward: Tier 1 Cybernetic Enhancement Formulae]