Dear Covey

Dear Covey,

It's been two weeks since I arrived at the king's palace in Middlemist. The route here was not as rough as we feared, mainly because Rodnir and his Black Smoke Corps are the most capable. 

You don't have to worry about my living conditions here in the palace. Rodnir offered to give me a room in a decommissioned tower, and it is roughly as wide as mine in the castle. We're also working on fortifying it so it won't collapse from attacks or the degradation of time.

Do you know? Gannett was wrong to assume that everyone here was only looking to drag everyone else down. Well, he's right for most of them, but I have met people I can call my friends. 

I can already hear him saying, 'Give it more time for their true colors to show, Kanaru,' but I hope me and my friends are off to a good start. They're taking care of me well, too. Please remember to tell Mother so she won't worry about me too much.