Not I Man I Know

Eann faced Kanaru, watching the bird prince intently. "…don't you really think you'd like to have friends who show you who they really are? It's awful to have friends who present themselves innocent and then end up as the biggest menaces in the world. I mean… who won't prefer that instead?"

"You're right. That's ideal." Kanaru smiled at the lizard prince. "But we don't live in a simple world, Eann. This is the dark truth of living as royalty. Every person is a hazard, and your job is to make sure you know which side will prick you to avoid it. Sometimes, knowing where to handle them is important, too… so you can use them to stab someone else.

"To be honest, I'm a little annoyed that you think I'm too innocent." Kanaru laughed dryly, picking up Eann's proper clothes from the seat. "Do you think I'll hate you because you're acting like how normal princes do? I also have a feeling that this is not the first time we spoke about this."