Neuskull and Middlemist

Minutes earlier…

Fenris and the fast-flying ones chased after Dyva and Voshiem across the city. Neuskull island was huge, but not as the already-small Middlemist. In a few seconds, the superfast group caught up with the two leviathans. Voshiem threw Sir Bisman at Dyva. He turned around to spew blank ink at everyone pursuing them. It would obscure their vision if it got on them.

The unicorn king countered with his right hand. A single light ball could scorch and evaporate that attack. However, before he could shoot out the light ball, Fenris's entire body trembled. He quickly spun to shoot downward. A black figure whizzed through their ranks. Only Fenris noticed this thing's movements. 

The king missed the mark. The black figure struck toward him. Unsurprisingly, it had a hand and grabbed Fenris's neck. Whoever it was snagged Fenris out of their encirclement.