Compare Him to Kanaru

"Eh? Then, whose did you steal…?" Sir Xia was instructed to remove the boots on Fenris's feet. However, before touching it, he realized who those boots originally belonged to. He laughed, even if he didn't want it to escape his mouth. "Your Majesty! You're only allowed to steal hearts, not shoes!"

"I shouldn't be caught walking without them at four in the morning, either." Fenris chuckled, but his hand reached out to pinch a single strand of Sir Xia's hair. It made the eagle knight tremble for a second and work on the boots quietly. 

However, the laughter already attracted the boots' real owner. Kanaru pouted and held out a hand. Sir Xia returned the boots to him after a while.

Covey only watched this king allow his army captain to punish him. It was not much trouble. This kind of light punishment humanized the king. He didn't realize Sir Heinz was just really angry. Fenris, in Rodnir's body, had always been a brat. It carried on to his real body now.