The Inner Court's Meeting (2)

Kanaru's entire body trembled when he received the full brunt of Ushka's anger. Regardless of the fury written all over her face, she sounded like she was crying. He lowered his gaze and turned to everyone looking at him. Even Rodnir gave him a begging gaze.

"Fenris and Rodnir have a habit of swapping bodies for a long time. The transition is so smooth you won't know when they change. However, if…"—Kanaru glared at Ushka this time—"…you know him as much as you think you do, you will suspect this. Melaka can tell when they're doing it. It's pretty easy if you understand Fenris's real personality."

"Is that supposed to be your defense?" Ushka didn't fear him this time. "Just because we can catch it doesn't mean he can lie to us."