Chapter 1: The best detective in the world returns to the game



In the city of New York, a serial killer has murdered around fifteen people in just two years since the massacre began in the United States.

As far as it was known, the killer was never caught by the police or found by the country's detectives, although one of them found clues that led him to find the killer.

But when he fought against the killer, he couldn't defeat him, although he didn't die, but he did receive the threat that he would kill his family if he didn't stop pursuing and investigating him.

When the detective told the police what happened, the police chief told him not to get involved anymore for the sake of his wife and two children.

Although the detective obeyed everything, it didn't take long for the police to receive the report that he and his wife had died five months later, but their two children managed to escape before they died.

The first is a boy named Nicolas Schneider, ten years old, with brown hair tending to blond and eyes of black color.

His sister is a girl of eight years named Nahir Schneider with blonde hair and green eyes.

The two of them stayed at their aunt's house, who welcomed them, but while the sister suffered from the loss of their parents, the brother was angry with what happened and wanted to avenge the killer.

His uncle told him that he couldn't do anything even being only ten years old, but what he can do is study a career as a private investigator to enter the case if the killer is not caught before.

But for that, he will have to wait to turn seventeen or eighteen to start studying that career, which Nicolas said yes to, but not only that, he also asked his uncle to teach him self-defense martial arts and how to handle a weapon.

His uncle agreed, but teaching him to handle a weapon would be left for when he is older, without option Nicolas accepted, but on one hand, he knew that his uncle was right.

From that day on, not only the lives of both siblings changed, but Nicolas' path changed because now he only wants to catch that killer and end this, that's why he prays that the police don't catch him until then.

But the real question is, will Nicolas Schneider be able to do what his father couldn't, or will he just fail in the attempt.


"Thank you for coming, lieutenant," says a policeman who was guarding the crime scene.

"It's my job, but what happened here?" says the lieutenant as she approaches the scene.

"It's our serial killer again, lieutenant, who still remains uncaptured since two thousand and eight," says the policeman as he shows her what happened in that place where there were practically only two corpses.

"We didn't arrive in time, lieutenant," says another policeman who was standing next to a forensic doctor who was finishing investigating the last corpse.

"And what do you know about this, Robert?" asks the lieutenant as she looks at the forensic doctor who stands up and removes his gloves.

"Well, what do you want me to say, Shina, it's like all the latest cases, these were killed by a bladed weapon and once again he left his little mark," said the forensic doctor after pointing to a wall where there was a mark.

"A, B, and C, I'm really getting tired of this killer," says the lieutenant after letting out a sigh.

"Shina, I really think you shouldn't get involved in this, you're barely nineteen, besides, chasing him is too much work, not even our best detectives could find him," says Robert as he leans against the wall looking at Shina.

"Perhaps yours, but you forget something, Robert, that this time I have the chief's permission to bring whoever I want to help me in this case," says Shina with a smile as she takes out her phone.

"I know that, but who will you call, Shina?" asks Robert as he looks at her.

"Does the surname Schneider ring a bell?" says Shina, causing Robert to open his eyes wide upon hearing the surname.

"Yes, wait a moment, are you going to call that kid?" says Robert as he looks at Shina, who glared at him making him retract what he said.

"He's not a kid, he's the best detective I've ever known, and he has proven it on several occasions by catching criminals or solving cases that even yours couldn't," says Shina as she dials the number of the boy she mentioned.

"I can't argue with that, Shina, but it's your case, so whatever you do will be your problem," says Robert as he looks away.

"Well, until he finally answers me, Nico," says Shina as she looks at Robert, who had a mocking smile for how long it took Nico to answer.

"Yes, I'm sorry, lieutenant, what's happening that I have the pleasure of hearing your sweet voice?" says Nico, who was on speakerphone, making Shina blush a little and Robert hold back the urge to laugh.

"Tell me, Nico, are you this charming with all the girls you meet? If so, my daughter would surely fall at your feet," says Robert as he laughs.

"And who knows, Mr. Forensic Doctor Robert William, maybe your daughter has already fallen at my feet and you never noticed," says Nico mockingly while Shina stifles her laughter.

"Putting aside the jokes, Nico, tell me what you're doing right now," asks Shina as she watches Robert have an angry face for what Nico said before.

"Well, besides listening to your sweet voice, I have to pick up my sister from her high school because she asks if she wants to have a date with me," Nico replies, causing the lieutenant to laugh.

"Tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up; I have to talk to you about something, and I won't accept a no for an answer," says Shina as she walks to her car.

"As you command, lieutenant," says Nico with a mocking tone, ending the call to then send his location.

"Well, I guess we'll see each other later, lieutenant," says Robert as he watches Shina get into her car and leave.

"Yes, see you, Robert, if anything happens, let me know," says Shina as Robert just nods, causing her to raise the car window and leave.

Shina went to Nico's apartment, who was already waiting for her outside with somewhat elegant clothes. He wore a black coat on top and underneath a blue t-shirt, black pants, and black sneakers with white edges.

"How cute he looks in those clothes," Shina said in her mind as she parked the car for him to get in.

Nico got into Shina's car, and they set off towards Nico's sister's high school. During the journey, they began to talk about the time that passed since the last time they met.

"Well, leaving aside the chat, tell me, lieutenant, why did you want to see me?" Nico asks as he looks out the window as people pass by.

"I knew you would ask the reason; it's because the chief put me in charge of a serial killer case," Shina replies as she points to Nico the trunk where the case files were.

"So, he assigned you to the case of the serial killer who leaves the marks of letters A, B, and C. I assume you came to ask me for help, right, lieutenant?" says Nico as he flips through the case files.

"I'm asking you this because I know you've been somewhat involved in this case for years," Shina says as she stops in front of the high school where the students begin to come out.

"In that, you're not wrong, but lieutenant, don't get me wrong. I'm not looking for that killer because he kills; I'm looking for him to take revenge for the death of my parents," Nico says as he takes off his belt and opens the door.

"I know that, but still, I need your help, Nico, and also Nahir's help. I know you're the best at this, especially you," Shina says before Nico gets out to look for his sister.

Nico didn't say anything as he went to look for his sister, who was with her friends and some of his friends when he approached them, greeted everyone, and Nahir saw that Shina also came, but she didn't get out of the car.

"Hey Nico, have you thought about going out with me?" said one of Nahir's friends who looked at Nico, who was about to answer, but his sister interrupted him.

"Don't bother asking my brother since he has someone who happens to be inside the car," says Nahir with a smile as she looks at Nico, who blushed a little.

"That's not true, Shina is not my girlfriend, Nahir," says Nico a little embarrassed.

"Uh-huh, whatever you say. Well, see you guys," says Nahir as she leaves with her brother.

After that, they both returned to the apartment, and Nico began to think about what Shina had told him, while Nahir did some high school work, but she noticed that her brother couldn't get the conversation with Shina out of his head.

"Brother, stop pretending to be strong and accept it," says Nahir breaking Nico's thoughts to make him look at her.

"I don't know what you mean, Nahir," says Nico as he prepares a coffee to drink.

"You know what I mean, Shina asked you for help with the case you've been investigating for eight years since mom and dad died at the hands of him," says Nahir as she gets up from the chair to grab a water bottle.

"Nahir is right, but I don't want to get involved again, even if I know what she's doing. If I start over with this case with Shina, you'll have to help me again, Nahir," said Nico in his mind before telling Nahir, who looked at him with a smile.

"And you know what my answer is, brother," says Nahir as she looks at Nico with a smile and a serious look, to which he just smiles.

Now the case not only belongs to the police, but the best detective in the world returns to action. That detective is Nicolas Schneider, the eighteen-year-old boy capable of solving any serial killer case, begins the journey to catch the killer his father couldn't stop. This new story begins.