Chapter 11: The murderer of letters is…

Nico, Jacob and Roman arrived at the white house with some elegant suits seeing also how many people went to the party among them was the mayor of New York and Mr. Calahan who welcomed them.

Then the night continued normally nothing out of the ordinary only there was a problem and that was that if Roman and Jacob wanted to go to the top of the white house they would have to go through a lot of guards.

"Nico what are we going to do in the end" Roman asks as he looks around seeing all the guards guarding the upper parts of the white house.

"You guys know how to do things in stealth do what you have to do" Replies Nico with a serious look to which they just nod and leave for the stairs part.

Roman and Jacob slipped away from the first guards, but then they had to knock others unconscious, but they got to the rooftop part just the same the wind was running cold, but the first part of the plan was done.

A few minutes passed until something unexpected happened.

"NICO IS HE TRICKED US HE IS AT THE PARTY INFILTRATED!" Roman said over the communicator that everyone on the team had.

"NICO IS GOING AFTER CALAHAN HE'S AFTER HIM!" Jacob said causing Nico to quickly turn his attention to the person who was behind Calahan watching as that person pulls out a knife.

But before that person stabbed Calahan this one heard how Nico yells at him telling him to turn around, but he does it late because Calahan received the stab falling to the ground.

But before he can be stabbed again Nico rams the assassin causing the two of them to crash into the window breaking it and falling through the outside.

"GO FAST WITH CALAHAN AND CALL AN AMBULANCE I'LL TAKE CARE OF CHASING HIM!" Nico said over the comm to get Jacob and Roman down from the rooftop.

"Okay be careful Nico" Jacob says as he goes along with Roman to where Calahan was lying.

The final chase between the world's greatest detective and the world's most dangerous serial killer begins and so does the ending.


Shina and Catherine arrived at the mayor's house which was being guarded by many guards, but, even though it is almost impossible for them they had to get into the office so Catherine could hack the information the mayor has stored and Nahir could download it.

The two got out of the car and entered through the back of the courtyard of the mayor's house where there were almost no guards, but just when they thought they would manage to enter the office without being seen what they didn't want to happen happened.

"SHINA WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!" Nahir said over the communicator after seeing through the cameras she had hacked how a guard was going to grab Shina.

Shina responds by punching him in the face followed by a kick.

They then entered the mayor's office and Catherine quickly went to the computer and looked up the information Nahir needed only they had to buy her time so she could download all the information.

"Hold five minutes please" Nahir says while Shina and Catherine listen as the guards enter the office and starting a fight against the two girls.

Shina and Catherine start fighting against the guards who despite outnumbering them they managed and finished most of them off knocking them unconscious.

"Nahir not to rush you, but we won't last much longer" Shina said after hitting one guard causing him to crash into three others.

"Only ten seconds left" Nahir says as she finishes taking the information she needs to finish the download.

"Being honest I think you are someone amazing Shina surely Nico will agree to go out with you" Catherine says as she hits one of the guards with a chair that was in the office.

"This is not the time for you to say that to me Catherine" Shina says as she hits one guard and another in a row.

"That's it I'm done get out of there" Nahir says as she deactivates the security cameras so that nothing of what had happened could be seen.

Shina and Catherine get out of the mayor's office before more guards come, although when they get out one of the guards activates the intruder alarm causing all the guards to start shooting at them.

But the two make it to the car without a scratch as soon as they got in Catherine sped up and off they went thanks to Nahir's help they lost the guards and set off to get back to Washington DC.

"It can't be" Nahir said over the communicator Shina and Catherine had.

"What's going on Nahir" Shina asks as she takes off the mask she had on so they wouldn't be recognized.

"The killer of the letters is Carlos Wellston a teenager who passed away in the exact same year that the killer appeared" Nahir answers leaving Shina and Catherine surprised.

But Shina remembered something when she heard that name as Nico had mentioned it once saying that there is a possibility that it is a boy and the one that fit the most was that boy.

"Nahir it's impossible it can't be a dead boy" Catherine says as she drives down the road where it also starts to rain.

"Nico said it was strange, but why does it sound to me like we always had the answer in front of…sure that's it" Shina said in her mind then grabbing her phone.

"Nahir do you remember that once Nico said that the letters A, B and C that the killer left at every murder meant something" Shina says as she reaches for something on her phone.

"Yes I remember, but what does that have to do with" Nahir was interrupted by Shina.

"Well he was right it means WHITE WEAPON CUT that phrase was the same one the police found when they investigated the Carlos Wellston murder case" Shina said as she sent the image to Nahir who was surprised when she saw it was true.

"Now it all makes sense the reason why people took him as a god was because" Shina was interrupted by Nahir now.

"It was because people thought he was a human who revived from the dead when in reality he just faked his death he is a disgusting person" Nahir said as she finished looking at the information she had.

"Now answer this question Nahir, did the mayor have something to do with the murderer or why the fuck that information was in his computer" Catherine said as she stopped at a traffic light.

Nahir told them both the truth, the truth that the mayor always hid this information from everyone including their uncle.

After so many years they finally know who the murderer of the letters is, the real question is whether Nicolas Schneider will be able to stop him since there will be no more chances.

The end of the most dangerous and rare case in the world is getting closer and closer, everything depends on the best detective in the world to stop him, it will be the final confrontation, who will be the winner and who will lose.