Please Save Them

The dark-skinned Agent was still mulling over what she had just seen while waiting for the orders on how to proceed from the higher ups. She looked even more restless than before. The prospect of a highly-sought-after criminal having joined an operation she was already struggling with nearly gave her an aneurysm.

She had verified the quick glimpse she had gotten of Ess through the bank doors with the available images of him that were exposed to the public and she was sure it was him. That said, she only felt that things were about to go horribly wrong. She had informed the other Agents around and even called in this information with the Bureau higher ups, but all this didn't leave her feeling reassured.

'What in the world is going on? They said these people are mostly likely Hired Heathens. Could they be in cahoots with a criminal group like Half Side?' she thought to herself while pressing the toothpick she had in the grip of her teeth a bit too hard. It snapped.