ALL Praise

Mysheilin Airport, Agavon.

An aeroplane had just landed, and shortly after it settled, it spat out its passengers in a long strip that pierced into the airport terminal building.

Those who had been seated in luxury even while in flight had bright smiles, chatting freely with obnoxious 'ahahas' or walking sternly, alone with sophisticated looks.

Those less fortunate both on land and in air, looked miserable, irritable and several other kinds of 'bles'. They yawned, argued or sighed with lost looks in their eyes.

Among those of the latter kind, two oddballs could be seen, one making slow, large strides and the other making brisk pace.

"I am hungry," one of the two said.

"Yes, yes, I know. I pinkie-promised I'd get you a lot of food once we landed, didn't I?"

"I am hungry."

"Here, have another muffin then."

"Not enough."