Piled up treasure

"Sigh... Another trash... Trash..."

Each time Du Zhuhui took out an artifact, he would categorize it as trash. Basically, they are trash according to his standard. Even though he wasn't in the other side of the Alcarel Forbidden Mountains anymore, he still didn't want to lower his standards. After all, it was hard to change what he was accustomed to.

However , he also knows that if he took any of these artifacts in the outside world in the Alcarel Desolate Lands, they would be considered top Artifacts.

The southern part of the continent was really backward as compared to his hometown.

"If only I wasn't stupid to believe in that Scam Cultivation..."

Everytime he recalled his hometown, regrets would overtake his whole being.

Maybe one of the reasons why he made a mistake in his cultivation was due to the regrets that were still lingering inside of him...

Now that there was a mountain of artifacts piled up beside him, the Dao Companion of his disciple, Duan Qingyin, came back after her morning cultivation. As usual, there was still a thick layer of make up in her face.

"Good morning."

She politely bowed her head and said her greetings.

When she was about to go back to Wen Zhexi's room, she looked at the pile of Artifacts beside the master of her husband.


As she inspected each of the Artifacts closely, she was able to feel something attracting her. The attraction was so strong that she even wanted to snatch the Artifact.

When she was about to reach out to the nearest artifact, she was able to snap back to reality and immediately took her hand away.

"I—I'm sorry. I don't know why I suddenly got this urge to get it."

"Oh, the Artifact just wanted to eat you."

Hearing Du Zhuhui's words, Duan Qingyin was shocked. An Artifact eating a cultivator? That was unheard of.

"I'm sorry to say this but... Isn't that absurd?"

Du Zhuhui could understand why she didn't know about it. After all, only Artifacts that are above a certain level of quality are able to eat cultivators far weaker than them.

Though Du Zhuhui knew the reason, he didn't explain it to Duan Qingyin.

Du Zhuhui reached up to an Artifact that he had sorted on the 'Trash' section.

"Here, take this as a meeting gift."

What Du Zhuhui gave to Duan Qingyin was a folding fan artifact.

Holding it in her hands, Duan Qingyin couldn't help but open her eyes wide.

"This is a Peak Nascent Realm Artifact... Why are you giving this to me?"

"Take it. This is not only for you but also for my disciple."

Hearing the subsequent words of Du Zhuhui, Duan Qingyin understood where he was getting too.

Because of the loose mouth of Wen Zhexi, she knew that there would be people holding a grudge to him. If they were to take revenge, they would probably attack her first—the weakness of Wen Zhexi.

Filled with overwhelming gratitude, Duan Qingyin bowed down to a right angle in order to show her sincerity.

"Thank you."

Du Zhuhui accepted it with a nod and continued sorting out the Artifacts in his old Spatial Ring.


Returning to the room of Wen Zhexi, the first thing she did was to close the door and hug Wen Zhexi tightly.

Surprised at her sudden intimate action, Wen Zhexi also hugged her

"Why are you suddenly so sweet to me?"

Duan Qingyin got away from the hug and then showed her the fan she got from Du Zhuhui.

"I got this gift from your master... This is too precious... I don't know if I am qualified to hold it."

Wen Zhexi looked at the fan in Duan Qingyin's hands.

"That's... That's the Thousand Quartz Fan..."

Wen Zhexi was very familiar with that fan. He recalled back when he was just a new disciple under his Master.

His Master would always have the Fan in his pocket every time he supervised the Cultivation of his Senior brothers and sisters.

At first, he couldn't understand why they would tremble at the sight of the fan, but one of his Senior Brother made a mistake when he showed a Palm Skill. His Master suddenly opened the Fan and started fanning.

Soon a strong gush of wind formed and then it was directed towards his Senior Brother.

As if he was a leaf, his Senior Brother could only fly away until he fell down.

As soon as he witnessed that sight, he was immediately frightened.

However, no matter how hard he worked in order to avoid flying away, the amount of times that he experienced it was more than what both his pair of hands and feet would be able to count.

Seeing the Thousand Quartz Fan in Duan Qingyin's hand, Wen Zhexi couldn't help but straighten his back.

'I shouldn't anger Duan Qingyin anymore...'


After Du Zhuhui finished sorting out the pile of Artifacts, he went to look for Ji Yichen.

The sun was already up in the sky shining brightly, it was time for the breakfast of Ji Yichen.

After all, he was still a growing mortal child. And children of his age shouldn't skip breakfast.

Opening the door, he looked at Ji Yichen, busy playing with his tablet.

"Ji Yichen, didn't I tell you not to play on your tablet in the morning? Put that down and cultivate first before you eat breakfast."

"Wait master... Let me finish this game..."

Du Zhuhui waited for a few minutes to let Ji Yichen finish playing. When the words 'Defeat' appeared on the screen, Du Zhuhui didn't give a few seconds more for Ji Yichen to process that he had lost the game.

"I lost..."

With his tears about to fall from his eyes, Du Zhuhui was already carrying Ji Yichen in his arms. Leaving the tablet on Ji Yichen's bed behind.

"Ji Yichen, everyone experiences defeat. It is how you will stand up after the defeat that matters."

Hearing the words of his Master, Ji Yichen wiped the tears in his eyes and looked at his Master with pouty lips.

"Then let me play another game..."

Du Zhuhui furrowed his eyebrows as soon as he heard Ji Yichen.

"However in your case, defeat should be accepted and recognize the field that you are not good in."

When Ji Yichen heard his Master, he pouted in dissatisfaction. Cultivating was boring, he likes playing games more.