
Leo smiled. He didn't reply to her question directly. Instead, he countered it with a question of his own. 

"Maddison, can I tell you a story?" 

She nodded in response. He guided her to sit on the sofa as refreshments were brought to them. 

"My wife died a few years after that painting was made. That caused a rift to form between my children and me. I chose to bury myself in work to mask the pain.

"It wasn't until years later that my daughter arrived at my doorstep with the most adorable baby girl in her arms. She wanted me to know my granddaughter." 

Maddison felt tears welling up in her eyes. She listened on in silence, giving Leo the space and time to tell his tale. 

"Over the years, she kept in contact. But it was always at random. Then there was silence for a whole year."

Leo's expression looked to be one full of worry. He didn't say anything for a few moments before he continued the story again.