
"Thank you everyone for coming to the show. I-"

Before Hugo could even finish speaking, he could hear something coming from behind him. The audience looked on in horror and shock, the color drained from their faces. 

He could see Lizzie in the audience with a similar expression. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked over at Hugo. 

Maddison was stunned too. She had seen this video clip before. It's the one she took of Hugo and Lizzie at the supermarket.

Though they were both wearing full-faced masks, Maddison didn't need to see Elias's expression to know that he was grinning from ear to ear. This had got to be his doing. The paparazzi started taking photos of the video that was played on loop as Hugo's face turned red with anger. 

"Who did this?!" He roared in anger, completely losing his cool in front of the media and the public.