Let The Show Begin!

Margaret returned to Maddison's room sometime later with a glass of warm water as she had promised. Maddison had just finished blow-drying her hair. She noticed that the room window was left open. 

"It gets cold at night, we wouldn't want you catching a cold, now would we?" Margaret remarked as she closed it for Maddison. 

Under her watchful eye, Maddison took a pill from the pill bottle and laid down to rest. 

"Rest well," Margaret whispered before switching off the lights and leaving the room. 

She grinned to herself as she returned to her bedroom. Now all she had to do was wait. She sipped on a glass of red wine, to give herself a bit more courage for what she was about to do. 

Unlike the first time, Margaret was calm and collected. She felt no remorse for what she was about to do. Everything she had done was for her and her daughter's survival. 

"It has to be done," She muttered to herself.