
Margaret continued running. She ran to the agreed meeting spot. It was a secret location that was agreed upon between her and her rescuers. She cut through the forest with a smirk on her face. 

But as soon as she stepped foot into the clearing, she tripped and fell face-first into the dirt. She cursed under her breath, only to be shocked and silent when she noticed blood and a hand right next to her face. 

"What on-" She scrambled back up on her feet, only to be stunned to her core. 

She was surrounded by corpses! The men she'd hired were all killed. Every single one of them. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to make sense of it all. Bile rose in her throat, she wanted to throw up but any noise she made now was going to give her away. 

Margaret turned on her heels. She had to run. But where could she go?

There was no time to think, she just had to pick a direction and go for it. But before she could, someone grabbed hold of her wrist.