A Choice Between Two

"You… you bitch!" Markus yelled while stumbling back in pain and holding his crotch.

At this time, the commotion attracted the guards outside. Maddison retracted her dagger and took a few steps back to put some distance between them. 

"My lady, is everything alright?" One of the guards asked as they scanned the situation in the room. 

"Mr. Krux and I are done talking. But he needs some assistance. Could one of you escort him to his car?" She asked calmly. 

"Most certainly, my lady." 

One of the guards volunteered himself to take up the task. Maddison kept her arms folded as she watched Markus staring daggers at her, unable to say a word. He also tried to push away the guard who tried to help him. 

Maddison sighed as she returned to the office to continue working. Just as she stepped in, she did not notice the man who was already in there. She only noticed him when she sat down.