chapter 3

It was only Mel who knew Sam still had a thing for thoneey, though Nathaniel knew buh she thought the feelings had died down after what happened in highschool

When they were in their 10 grade, at that time thoneey and Simon were both in their 12th grade, an anonymous girl do stuff thoneey's locker with chocolate and his favorite snacks also leaving love letters for him. Not that he didn't like it, he did and was curious to know the beauty bold enough to leave letters for him when he couldn't take it anymore, he summoned everyone and gathered their attention, since he was a senior he had all right to do so

Thoneey:(In the hallway)hey everyone, I know y'all re wondering y I summoned you guys here and I'm not gonna take much time I'll be done in just a few minutes.

A girl shouted from the back "you can take all my Time in the world I'll gladly give it to you thoneey"though he heard her he did as if he didn't

So like there's a girl that's been putting these in my locker lately (raising a box of chocolate and a red envelope)pls if u know u're the one kindly identify yourself (there was silence in the hall for about 10 seconds)Sam wanted to speak up but she was kinda scared of his response, her two friends already knew it was her and they both looked at her and Nat said, speak up you never know what he might say, yh Sam he might ask you out you know, Mel said .

Sam tucked her black hair behind her ears and as she was about to answer him someone in the crowd said; that would be me thoneey (going to him as people in the crowd made way for her)

THONEEY:Nyla? u??( In a surprised questioning look, he didn't expect it to be her at all he kinda took her as his sister since they grew up together)

NYLA:yh, I know we grew up together nd all buh I couldn't bring my self to tell you I was kinda afraid of what you were gonna say....

Thoneey:(coming close to her )why would you, it's not like I was gonna eat you up(he smiled, holding her waist he kissed her on her forehead)now it all makes sense as to how you knew all my fave snacks. I'll like to announce to everyone that Nyla is my girl,I don't wanna see any guy making moves on her, neither do I want so on him Nyla quickly said, he looked at her and gave her a smile enough to make a girl weak on her knees..... Sam who was watching them became teary and tried hard not to cry, immediately she saw him smile at her her heart skipped a beat, she quickly ran to the school's restroom as she couldn't take it anymore.. her friends followed her and some people started at them not knowing what was happening.

The tears she had been holding back all fell immediately she reached the toilet she was crying silently, she had spent most of her two years studying her close friend's brother, looking at what he eats knowing what he doesn't eat knowing the stuff he's allergic to and the stuff he likes. Her friends came only to hear her silent sobs

Nat:hey Sam we can still go tell him it was you....

Mel: yh we can it's not too late....

Sam:(opening the toilet's door she cleaned the tears in her eyes as she came outside, walking towards the sink she washed her face)

Mel: stop baby you're washing off you're make up

Sam:(continues washing her face ) what's the use (cleans her face with her handkerchief)no need to tell him I think he already found his true love I just acted like the cupid in bringing them together (forcing a smile on her face, packing her hair into a pony tail she left the bathroom)

Nat:I'm having a bad feeling sam's gonna change...

Mel:swrs me too

Nat:by change, I mean a bad one

The next day at school nat's words were actually true, she changed drastically, she now had an "I don't care attitude", not wearing make up and jewels as usual except of her friendship bracelet, dying her to purple, wearing a hoodie on top of her uniform covering her hair and now..... no more heels, always on sneakers.... Her friends were kinda worried and tried to cheer her up, tho they did succeeded in cheering her up , they were never able to bring her to the Sam they once knew