Chapter 06:Assassination Attempt

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"It seems that communication is blocked."


Elnore said after examining the devices around.


"Don't worry too much, the academy will take action. "


Of course, the reason why the students are not freaking out was because of Elnore, calmly controlling the situation.


In fact, rather than just being calm, it's almost scary that her face didn't change throughout all this. It even had me thinking if she's capable of displaying emotions.


"Then do we just have to wait here?"


A dwarven student anxiously asked. Looking at his wand and robe, they're probably an aspiring Mage.


"No, I don't think so. "


Elijah, who had been silent the whole time, spoke with her arms folded.


She continued with a smile as Elnore turned.


"Rather, if you don't move, you might be in big trouble. Do you agree? "


"What do you mean?"


"I am sure the President noticed it too. We're not the only ones here. "


Elnore's expression slightly distorted.


Seeing this reaction, the students were puzzled. These two seems to have already figured out the situation.




How did they do it?


I have a mission window, that's why I know. Are they, perhaps, using a skill similar to those martial arts masters?


I guess they're the main character and the final boss for a reason.


"It seems that they're not here for a friendly exchange considering that the President is here. "


"What are you saying?"


"The President belongs to a prestigious family, I reckon that's a good enough reason to think so."


She's saying that it was a crime aimed at high ranking nobles, but this was sarcasm.


The Tristan Family commit evil like breathing, trouble naturally follows them.


Seemingly to have interpreted it that way, Elnore's gaze cooled.


"You better choose your words carefully, freshman."


"Ah, I wasn't referring to anything."


Elijah innocently smiled at Elnore's reaction.


Now that I think about it, she was also pretty clever in the original game. She knows how to handle people.


"Anyway, wouldn't it be better to move somewhere than wait here?"


"... I think so too."


The biggest male student in the group said in a heavy voice.


Looking at his getup, he seems to be a barbarian from the Eastern Empire. The large ax hanging on his back is impressive.


"The atmosphere is certainly not good. We don't know what's going to happen, so I think we should move to a more favorable terrain."


At this moment, the expressions of the other students slowly changed.


However, they weren't scared. Rather, they're preparing themselves for what's about to come.



Seeing that everyone quickly adapted to the situation, it was clear that they were top tier students.


And if you look closely at their members, they're definitely not just random no-names.


Warrior Luca, Mage Falco, Healer Trisha, Marksman Grid. Then you add Elijah, another warrior and also the leader.


'The original Hero Party.'


Considering the story progress, this is their first meeting.


They showed great chemistry and teamwork in the exam and ran as a party all the way through.


In other words, all the people here are part of the story except me.




Well, then.


I'll just proceed with my plans.


"The central hall seems to be the best option."


When I opened my mouth, all eyes focused on me.


Regardless, I continued to point to the map of the building next to me.


"There's various equipment and first-aid supplies inside, and there is a lot of space. It will be much better than a corridor prone to surprise attacks. "


Everyone seriously nodded. Probably because it was the most sensible choice. So far, everyone seemed convinced.


The problem was this.


"And I will go here."


When I pointed to a completely different place on the map, silence covered the surroundings.


The silence was so heavy that it took a long while for someone to ask a question in an absurd voice.



"... Why are you going there alone?"


"It's necessary."


"But why?"


"There's a reason for it."


I probably look like a mad man right now. In an event where a fight could break out at any time, I was insisting on acting alone.


I also didn't answer why. I don't want to.




Because I'm going alone.




And no, I didn't forget that the mission was to protect Elnore.


However, let's think for a moment here. Common sense, if you will.


'Would that woman need protection?'


She's the Final Boss that could defeat the Hero Party, including the main character, alone.


Why should I risk my allstat F @ss?


Can't I just leave them to the central hall and attract the assassin's aggro, and hide until the situation is over?


"I can't reveal it now, but it's important. I'll explain it later. "


I declared in a firm, serious voice.


Ah, it's technically not a lie.


After all, what could be more important than saving my life?



"It worked."


I murmured and as I walked in a dark corridor.


I was worried if it would work, but it seems that defeating Elijah in one punch boosted me. As expected, does credibility come from performance?


The goal is to hide until the event is over. In the first place, Elnore is the assassins' target. There is a high probability that they wouldn't even care about me.


I'll just quietly enjoy myself somewhere, like pass some time-


"Wait, student!"


-Well, that's not happening now.


It seems that I, indeed, have bad luck.



Thinking inwardly, I looked at where the voice was from.


A middle-aged man rushed towards me.


"You're really alive...!"


Soon, he arrived in front of me.


On his chest was a faculty nameplate. He looked like he was having a hard time moving because of the darkness.


His movements did seem uncomfortable.


"Can you escort me somewhere? I'll ask others for help. "


"... But the power in the building is cut off?"


"Ehei, this little thing can be fixed quickly. Should we restore it first?"


I looked at the faculty without answering.




This man...


[ Danger Detected. ]


[ Hostility detected, no direct threat yet. ]


[ Skill: Desperation raised to F Class. ]

He's blatantly lying without batting an eye.




'An assassin?'


If there's "hostility" coming from someone in this situation, what other things could they be?



No, shouldn't they be after the MC's group that I had sent to another place? Why am I meeting an assassin like this?


My bad luck is simply impeccable.





I answered with a forced smile.


Still, I think I can make do with this.



'This is easier than I thought.'


Hasmed thought as he looked at the student in front of him.


The man looked like an ordinary student without any particular features. It was foolish of him to be deceived so easily without having any doubt.


Of course, even a quick-witted person would easily fall for Hasmed's performance. So you really can't blame the kid.



Crescent Moon's Hasmed.


The head of this assassination squad.


He was a famous face-changing assassin, known for perfectly copying his victim's identities.


And his next target was this student.


'If I'm a fellow student, even that Tristan girl won't expect it.'


He's heard that an earlier team was already caught and wiped out by that devilish woman.


However, even such a human being should have a lowered guard towards a student.


Even now, Hasmed disguising himself as a faculty has worked flawlessly against this student.


"So, this is the facility room."


Hearing this, Hasmed insidiously smiled on the inside.


Making this student 'guide' him was all for evaluating their skill.


A professional assassin, such as him, can easily figure out a person's level just by observing their movements.


This guy was a total noob.


KiIIing him is the same as butchering chickens.


'Yosh, let's seize this guy's body and kill Princess Tristan.'


Info says that Princess Tristan and the other students are gathered at the central hall.


Once they're distracted by his subordinates, it would be very easy to sneak in as this guy.


"Is that so?"


Hasmed smiled and pulled something out.


"You've worked hard. I'll give you a reward."


He lifted a blade and said in a dreary tone.


Of course, the said reward was death.


At this point, the victims usually ask questions, then deny the situation, and finally panic and fear.


He enjoys such reactions the most-


"Ah, thank god, it's Hasmed. "




However, the student in front of him just thanked god...


Obviously, this guy wasn't asking questions nor was he panicked, let alone scared.


On the contrary, he's wiping his forehead with a sigh of relief.


"It could have been dangerous if it was a half-strong guy, lucky~."


"... What the heII are you talking about?"


"I wasn't sure at first so I hesitated. And if I tried to fight a half-strong guy, it could've been really dangerous. I probably would've been jumped, wouldn't I?"




"Rhinitis, shaking fingers, weird walk... It's relieving to see the habits I knew."




Hasmed's face hardened.


This guy was also looking at him.


This was unexpected.


He was always hunting others, but now he was in a position where he was being hunted by his prey!


'I can't let this guy die easily.'


Hasmed has to make him spit out on how he knew all that before killing him.


After vowing so, Hasmed rushed immediately.


Even if the other person knew all that, his combat power remains nil. Hasmed will finish him at one go!


"Let's see, Desperation is at A Class..."


However, this guy was acting strange, mumbling unknown sounds despite Hasmed rushing at him.


He even picked up a stick on the ground nearby as if it would do something.




He sneered in the inside and swung his blade for a fatal blow.




The scene that followed was completely beyond his e

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