EP 17 – Face-to-Face

You can read 255 chapters for $20. p.atreon.com/casca02

In Sera's worldview exists the concept of perpetuity.

If you go beyond a certain level in any field, you will be able to unite with the will that encompasses the world… Of course, it's hard and complicated.

And thus the humans who managed to reach such eternity are given a kind of 'power' as a reward.

A power that can extend to the laws of nature that are beyond the interference of the human body.

There were scattered anecdotes like legends about the first Archduke Tristan, who is considered one of the strongest knights of all time as a representative Eternal, splitting time and space with his sword.

It was said that no armor was useful against him, as he could cut through the very space itself with a single swing. That he could cut away the day, turning the "morning" into "evening"…

That same person created the Tristan Style Swordsmanship that I am using.

It's a ridiculous story. Hence why, it's just a 'legend' with no indication of it actually happening.

'But that's probably not the case.'

Considering the strength of the Eternal in front of me, it could be said that the story was handed down without exaggeration.

Atallante Swansong.

An Eternal who was granted the power of "immortality". She's famous not only in the empire, but throughout the continent.

"Oh, student. You're early."

However, such a legendary existence looks no different than a short girl.

Looking at the vitality flowing through her violet-colored hair and eyes, no one would be able to tell that this is a thousand-year-old monster-



I hastily took my seat upon hearing that voice.

"Thank you for accepting my sudden invitation, you must have been surprised."

She had a kind tone and smile. Probably to smoothen the conversation.


But I know what kind of person Atallante is.

Despite having lived for a thousand years, she hates wasting time more than anyone else.


If she decided to have a 'sit down' with me, that means that she had an equally important business.

"Do you know why I called you here, Dowd Campbell?"

"I am uncertain."

"I have some bad news, and even worse news. Which one would you like to hear first?"


Why isn't there anything good?

"Let's start with the bad first."

"Hmm~ Student Dowd Campbell has already been involved in several incidents even before being assigned to a class."

The President then put on a monocle and looked through some documents. Is there a record of my involvements?

"…I didn't intentionally participate nor cause any of those incidents."

"That's what makes it jarring. In Elfante's long history, we've had all sorts of students. But I have never seen a student causing such a stir before their first class."

After saying that, Atallante let out a deep sigh.

"But it's also talent to always be able to get out of it, isn't it?"

"…Why is this 'bad' news?"

All she did was praise.

To this, Atallante replied with a smile.

"Having bad luck means that you will be caught up in another incident in the future. So that's bad news."


That… I can't refute.

"And that misfortune leads to the worse news."

Atallante took off her monocle and rested her chin on her hands with a grin.

"Student, by any chance…"



"How much do you know about the devil?"

The gaze that came with that sentence was not at all amused.

Atallante was interested to know what kind of person Dowd Campbell was.

Despite knowing almost everything that happens within the academy, he was still a mystery.

At least, his current look is implying that.

'Interesting reaction.'

Atallante smiled inwardly as she looked at Dowd Campbell, whose expression did not change despite saying such a sentence.

Ordinary students would've been frozen just by the mere fact that they are alone with the President. They would feel intimidated just from the sheer difference in status.

On the other hand, this man?

'He's not even nervous.'

Despite the fact that the President herself brought up the ominous topic of 'the devil', his expression did not change.

Rather, he seemed to be in deep thought.

It's like he's considering what would be the best answer in the current situation.

'With this, his emergency response passed.'

As a seasoned veteran, she didn't need to think too hard when evaluating something.

"I don't think it's appropriate to tell about how much I know."

But Dowd's answer was unexpected.


"I don't know what you're going to do with that information."

Atallante couldn't help but laugh.

"…You don't like it?"

In fact, it's not hard to know that there's some plotting going on. It's already been shown several times.

Imagine, you still haven't been assigned to a class while all the other students already started with theirs. Naturally, that would raise some suspicions.

"It's hard to like it knowing that I'm being manipulated."


She didn't expect one of those specific 'means' to be mentioned.

Atallante's eyes narrowed and asked back.

"…What did you say?"

"As you mentioned earlier, I have been involved in several large-scale cases. With so many eyes watching, there's bound to be rumors one way or another."

Dowd Campbell calmly continued.

"The hegemonic powers are currently in the midst of chaos. It wouldn't be strange for numerous people to contact me at this time. Everyone is trying to reel in shining talents by hook or crook."

Indeed, there are such news all over.

Tribal Union's coup d'état, huge organizational changes in the Holy Land. Power struggle over the throne, etc.

The continent was in turmoil.

The same goes for the Golden Triangle.

On the surface, they are good neighbors living in harmony and helping each other, but behind the scenes, they are engaged in a fierce competition to recruit the best talent.


However, this is by no means something that a mere student can obtain, analyze, and logically infer information on their own.

Even more so if it was the son of a baron who did not have the right to access such advanced information.

And yet, this man is casually talking about such things.

Like it was a natural thing.

Atallante smiled inwardly.

"However, there's nothing but crickets. All I can say is that someone is artificially suppressing information about me. Or…"


"It's a step further and everyone is collectively pretending not to know. I don't why or how you would do that."

If Atallante didn't have a reputation to uphold, she would've stood up and began clapping like a seal.

It was an accurate judgment. He was excellent at weighing information and situations, and filling in the gaps.

'Political sense, also a pass!'

In fact, Dowd occupied an important position in future 'plans'. Atallante was worried if he was lacking in a lot of things, but now, she's not disappointed at least.

No, rather, she was pleased that a jewel of this level was discovered among the students.

It's probably because of her excitement from meeting a talent, but she unconsciously leaked things she shouldn't have at the current 'stage' of the plan.

"First of all, I would like to apologize about controlling the information. But I want you to know that it is an essential part."

"…Is it a big deal if I stand out?"


Atallante continued with a smile on her face.

"The world will end."


It was fun to finally see the opponent's poker face crack.

Looking at Dowd's bewildered expression, Atallante continued with a chuckle.

"I am not lying. But it won't happen right away just because rumors are spreading. However, there is no doubt that the chances of that happening will increase."

"…the end of the world, no, just what are you talking about…?"

"For now, just focus on school life. Anyways, you'll find out sooner or later. The academy is also doing its best to prevent that."

Having said that, she handed Dowd a piece of paper with a smile.

"Why don't you take a look at this first?"

It contained a big symbol.

"I asked you about the devil earlier, right? It's because of this."


"This is the symbol of a group called the 'Purifier' ."

Dowd's expression turned solemn.

'He knew this too?'

Thinking so, Atallante calmly continued.

"It's not well known to the public, but they're a pretty infamous group of devil worshipers. They've been identified to be the one behind for Princess' Tristan's attempted assassination and the monster sabotage."

Devil worshipers.

Like the name suggests, it's a group of people that worship the devil, the enemy of all mankind, as a God and gunning for its ressurection.

Their existence is like that of a cancerous tumor to society.

"With already two attacks on the Princess, there is no guarantee that there will not be a third."

"…Why are you telling me this?"

But instead of answering, Atallante just wore a mysterious smile.

She's already given enough information about the plan. She can't say any more than this.

Thinking so, she took something out of the drawer.

If she can't tell him the details, shouldn't she at least show her sincerity?

"Would you like to take this?"

It was a small black 'card'. On the surface, it looked nondescript, but Dowd's eyes widened when he saw it.

He was being quite expressive.

'…Does he know what this is?'

As she was thinking that, she heard from the other side.

"…Is it okay for the President to just hand out things like this?"


Atallante paused for a moment. His words was implying that even the president shouldn't just give away something this valuable to others.

Does he really know what it is?

No, there's no way.

Even within the academy, this is something that only a very few people, including her, know about. If he knows what this is, it's not just simply about being smart to put pieces of info together. It's almost psychic.

'But, maybe.'

Atallante asked once more with some anticipation.

"You sound like you know what it is?"

"This, in a week's time, at the Gregory Hall-"

Dowd couldn't speak any further.

It was because Atallante burst out laughing at such a natural answer.

'Ah, truly, a fine piece.'

This man always subverts her expectations.

She couldn't remember when was the last time she met someone like this.

"Just take it. People with as much bad luck as you will need it."


Moreover, he's entertained her this much, she should give him a reward.

"If you know what it is, then you should know it works. Use it properly, get what you need and then show me the result. If I like it, I'll give you an additional gift. Alright?"

Dowd took the card in a daze, as she said with a wink.

"…I've never thought of receiving homework from the President."

"Oh, speaking of. I actually have a homework for you."


"How are you getting along with the hero candidate and Princess Tristan?"

Dowd's expression terribly twisted. To the extent that even Atallante herself was taken aback.

This was a man who didn't even flinch when hearing devil worshippers attack the academy.

"…Well, I'd love to, I really do."

Meanwhile, his body was screaming that he doesn't want to get involved with them.

"Then try to get along well with them."

Nevertheless, she had no choice but to leave these words.

"Is there any reason why it must be so?"


She replied with a soft smile.

"The world will end, otherwise."


She couldn't help but laugh again seeing Dowd's stare that says, "Is the end of the world so easy?"

Well, this wasn't a lie either.

In the end.

The ultimate goal of the plan would be achieved through these three people.

"The end of the world…"

I aimlessly walked, while repeating what I heard from Atallante earlier.


In truth, I don't quite understand what it means. Simply because it's such a grandiose scale.

In the game, the end of the world is the bad ending. I don't see nor feel anything on how my actions now influence it.

'…Let's think about this later.'

Rather than that.

"I got this."

I looked at the black card in my hand.

This is a kind of 'key' that opens the 'doorʼ to another world.

This is something that is never given to the player character. In fact, even within the Academy faculty, only those as high up as the Dean or President are aware of its existence.

And I think I know why the production team made it that way.

If they give you something like this from the beginning, it could completely ruin the balance of the game.

I didn't expect to receive this so suddenly. Is it because I successfully completed the main quest and emergency mission?


But that doesn't mean I like this development.

'The main scenario is out of order.'

The Purifier is only supposed to appear a few months later. Those who haven't even had their class sorted shouldn't have heard this information.

The scenario is progressing much faster than expected.


In other words, I also need to grow as fast as possible.

It's the point where the main character and the final boss intertwine. Whether I like it or not, it's obvious that I'll get involved in the scenario in one way or another.

I took a deep breath and organized my thoughts.

Chapter 1, 'Secret Society Storm'sʼ big boss 'Purifier' is quite tricky.

They're a notoriously vicious early boss, so much so that they gained the moniker of 'newbie cutter'.

Even with [Desperation] , considering their 'speciality'… I could really die.

'But with this…'


I turned the black card over in my palm.

Things could be a lot easier than I thought.

It all depends on how I use the materials I get from the space that I'll enter using this.

I organized the ways I can utilize.

The Monster Research Department, the access to the Vision Warehouse and Percy's one-time request ticket. If I use them all strategically…

'…It's possible.'

I'm sure there's something I can create that will make the Purifier boss fight go smoothly.

"Ah, here you are. I was looking for you."

As I was walking down the hallway, I suddenly someone calling me which snapped me out of my thoughts.

It was the Knight Faculty Dean, Conrad Baltador.

"You were looking for me? What's the matter?"

"Your class is still undecided, but there was a notice from the Academic Affairs Committee that you can't fall behind because of that. Take this."



The Dean was telling me this himself.

Am I so special for them to treat me like this?

"It's a temporary class. You can take classes together with these students starting tomorrow."




Got it.

Are you kidding me?

"…Is this correct?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

Uh, there is.


With trembling hands, I pointed to the list of students.

Class President. Elnore Elinalise La Tristan.

Vice President. Elijah Krisanax.

I don't need to look at the other students. I can already smell the scent of doom just from these two names.

Why am I being put into the same class as these two, of all people?

"Is this correct?"


"Why is the Student Council President taking classes with the freshmen…?"

"Ah, right. About that."

Then Conrad said with a cool smile.

"It's the President's order, so it can't be wrong."


Come to think of it, I remember her talking about some homework.

Try to get along well with them.

'I suddenly had the urge to kill someone, that hag.'

It mean it.


You can read 255 chapters for $20. p.atreon.com/casca02