older brothers

"Boys, get clean, dinner is going to be ready in a few minutes."

"I'm so hungry. I wonder what we are having?" Cody rubbed his growling tummy.

"I think it's meatloaf. Yeah, smells like it."

"Wow, big brother has a good nose. I can't smell anything."

"You sure? I can. Guess I woke up with a sharper nose today." Dimitry patted his little brother's head. "Let's go and wash up or mum will get angry."

After a few minutes everybody was downstairs in the dining room. All five members of the family were sitting and eating. There was talking all around the table; Sean was talking about how excited he was about going to the rugby tournament. Cody was talking about his day at kindergarten; Martha was mentioning some gossip she heard on the phone, while talking to the next door neighbor. Mr. Hart was trying to read some important papers from work.

And Dimitry, well, he just ate or took some bites. But he didn't bother joining the conversation. He was trying to forget this day. He was tired. Tired of the therapies, the stupid "how are you feeling?" questions from Dr. Bartlett. The constant reminder by his own father of how much of a burden he was. His mother's smothering worries. And to top it off, the bullying by his older brother Sean.

There wasn't a time when Dimitry couldn't remember being teased, insulted, mocked or beaten up by his older brother. Nor could he understand why Sean was such a rotten brother. He never said anything to his parents for fear of any repercussions. But also because he knew his dad would do nothing about it. Probably he would tell him to "man up" or something similar. He learned to hate his brother in silence. What was more important is that he learned to be a good big brother to Cody. He promised never to make his little brother cry, or to treat him the way Sean did.

"Well I gotta go, need to go to practice," Sean took a look at his wristwatch, stood up to leave "in fact, I'm going late."

"Excuse me, mister. You don't have any waiters here. Pick up your dishes, and take them to the dishwasher." Arthur looked at Sean as if he was ready to spank him if he left even a single dirty plate on the table. His sons were not raised without manners.

Sean did as he was told, he grabbed his dishes and took them to the kitchen. After, he went upstairs to get ready to leave.

Dimitry didn't finish his food, today's day left him with little appetite.

"Can I leave? I am not really hungry."

Martha had that worried look on her face mothers wore when they thought their children were sick. "Sure honey. I'll take care of the dishes."

Dimitry nodded. He walked upstairs, dragging his feet.

"You spoil that boy," Arthur said, eyes glued on his papers.

"Oh hush. Let me mother him, that's my job."

Dimitry dragged his feet up the stairs. He felt tired. Ever since he started therapy his eating had decreased. Now he could barely finish a meal.

Just as he was close to his room he passed by his little brother's room but he noticed the door was partially open. But he was sure he closed it before going downstairs to the dining room. He peeked through the door and saw his brother Sean inside, lurking through Cody's drawer. And it seems he found whatever he was looking for because of the big grin on his face.

"Ah, here it is." Sean took out a 20 pound sterling bill from Cody's drawer. "Sorry Cody, I'll pay you back someday."

"What are you doing?"

Sean nearly jumped in terror. "Oh, you scared me for a moment. Thought it was mum who caught me. Now that would've been a bitch."

"I said, what are you doing?" Dimitry asked a second time, but with more outrage in his voice. "That's Cody's money, the one granny gave him for his birthday."

"I'm just borrowing it. You see, I am a little short on cash." He put the money in his pocket. "I'll pay him back later, besides, what does a six year old need twenty pounds for?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not your money. Put it back!"

"What did you say?" Sean's broad chest heaved in anger at that sudden defiance from Dimitry.

"Put it back. Or I'll tell mum and dad you are stealing from your own brother." Dimitry tried to leave the room to fulfill his threat, but before he could even set a foot outside he felt a meaty hand grab him by the hair.

"Listen here you little twit! You are not going to say anything." Sean slammed him against the wall. Dimitry struggled to get free but it was to no avail. Dimitry was much shorter than Sean, barely reaching his chest. And he was much smaller as well. Years of playing Rugby had helped him build a strong body. It was easy to overpowered Dimitry.

"You know what I am going to do to you if you talk?" Sean started to choke his younger brother.

Dimitry couldn't do anything. He couldn't breath, he tried to stop his brother but he was too weak. Dimitry knew that when his brother threatened, he meant it.

Sean tightened his grip on Dimitry's neck. "If you say anything, I'll pop you. Did you hear me? I'll pop you!" Sean finally loosened his grip, but before Dimitry could take a breath of air Sean punched him on the stomach.

Dimitry dropped to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. He was crying from the pain and also from his weakness. And all he could do was watch as his brother went downstairs. Once more having gotten away with his rotten behavior.

He was angry at himself for not being able to prevent Sean from stealing from his own brother. Angry because he was too weak. Angry for being such a pathetic excuse of an older brother.

"Big brother, what are you doing in my room?" Asked Cody.

"Uhh…nothing I just-"

"Are you crying, Dimitry?"

Dimitry did his best to wipe the tears from his face as quickly as possible. "No Cody, I…I tripped. Yeah I just tripped. And it hurt a little bit. But I'm fine." He ran to his room and slammed the door shut.

Dimitry was furious for what he just did. He just lied to his little brother; lies, the thing he hated the most, to his own brother. It was a small, white lie but a lie nonetheless.

He looked at himself in the mirror. "Look at you. What a pathetic excuse of an older brother you are. You couldn't even stop Cody from getting robbed. You are a coward for not going downstairs and telling mum. You are weak for not being able to stop Sean! But the worst part is, you lied to Cody."

In a feat of rage he punched the mirror with his right hand, then with his left one. The glass cracked in half. He continued several more times until his fists were covered in blood and shards of glass.

"Dimitry!" Yelled his mother. "What did you do to yourself?"

He didn't even pay attention to her. He didn't pay attention to anything at the moment. He was in another trance. But while he was lost, his mother tended to his wounds.

After a quick check she saw no serious wounds. She then cleaned his hands, removed the glass, put some ointment, and wrapped his hands in some bandages.

"Dimitry, please tell me what is bothering you. Please, don't shut yourself out." She implored. "Tell me how can I help you?"

But Dimitry didn't speak. He stood there, silent, emotionless.

She wanted to cry, but instead she hugged her son. "Please talk to me."


A ray of hope gleamed in Martha's eyes.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see anyone. Please leave me."

Broken, Martha hesitantly left the room. But not before saying "I love you" to her son.

Dimitry did not leave his room for the rest of the day.