
Dimitry and Cody were both in separate rooms of the house. Cody in the living room, Dimitry in the kitchen. Both boys were silent, except for the occasional sniff from Cody. The poor boy was still in pain from the injuries he received. At least the officer had helped by cleaning Cody's knee wound.

Dimitry was motionless. His eyes were glued to the seat in front of him, but they were blank, almost lifeless. His mind, though, was recalling the events that had happened a few moments ago. He could still feel it in his hands, the boy's neck. The strength he used to almost choke him. The sensation of pounding his head. Breaking the nose. The feeling of blood painting his small hands and chewed up nails. But more importantly was the feeling of power that had rushed throughout his lit frame.

Of course he couldn't understand how he had managed to beat up an older and bigger kid, but who cared? He had felt powerful. He had been so close to ending a life without a problem.

Sure, he was now in more trouble to last him a lifetime, but that seemed insignificant.

Besides, that kid deserved it after what he did to Cody. Anyone that harmed his brother would pay for it. Dearly.

The sound of a loud swear startled Dimitry. He looked to his left only to now realize he was alone in the kitchen. The kitchen door was open. The sound of his parents talking to the officer reached him.

Both parents were standing under the door frame, with the officer standing outside.

Mr. Hart was fuming. Fist clenching so hard the nails were ready to break the skin.

Mrs. Hart covered her mouth with her hands as she gasped. Eyes growing wet.

Officer Montgomery had explained what happened at the park to them. They didn't like it. This news was the last thing they needed from Dimitry. It was the last straw. He had assaulted a kid, a lawsuit was possible.

"Is this the first time your son does something like this?" Montgomery asked the parents.

Arthur and Martha looked at each other before answering. "He got into a fight at school. The school had us put him in psychiatric therapy in order to drop the lawsuit. He injured two classmates with scissors."

The officer wrote down that information on a small notepad. He felt bad for them. He knew the family, as he did most families in the neighborhood. But he didn't know they were going through this. "I am sorry you are going through this, mister and misses Hart. I know this is rough. But I recommend you get a lawyer and call your son's psychiatrist. I highly doubt the parents of that boy will take this sitting down."

"Thank you officer."

"We'll be in contact." The officer returned to his car. When he sat down he took a last look at the family. He felt pity. He had been working as an officer for over thirty years. He had seen a lot. Cases with problematic children were always the hardest ones.

"I'll go talk to that kid." Mr. Hart stormed into the kitchen where Dimitry was waiting. "What the hell were you thinking? Are you insane? Tell me, why in God's name did you beat up a kid. You sent him to the hospital for God's sake."

"He was bullying Cody."

"That's your excuse. Jesus Christ, Dimitry. You sent a kid to the bloody hospital."

"What was I supposed to do?" Dimitry jumped out of the chair. His hands balled into fists. Chest heaving from heavy breathing. "He hurt Cody!"

"You come to us, Dimitry. We are your parents. If someone is picking on you or Cody you come to us instead of behaving like some hooligan."

For a moment, deep inside his thoughts, Dimitry agreed with that, but his sense of reasoning abandoned him the moment he saw his little brother on the ground. "You always tell me to man up, well I did it."

Arthur furiously slammed his hand on the kitchen table. "Are you kidding me? Listen here Dimitry. Last time you got in trouble you were this close to be sent to a mental hospital. But now I think there is no other choice."

"No dad, you can't do this to me!"

"I can and will." His dad shouted back. "I am tired of dealing with you. I've had it."

"But dad–"

"Wow there killer."

To make things worse Sean went into the kitchen. He had a smug look on his face. He learned what Dimitry did and he would bask on that for as long as he could. "So I heard you sent a kid to the hospital. Damn. I knew you had problems, but you are crazy."

"Sean what do you want?"

"Sorry dad, but I couldn't resist." Sean placed his face close to Dimitry's, meeting him eye-to-eye. "Look at you, maybe you are a little finde like dad says. You have crazy fiend eyes."

"Cut it out Sean," Arthur said.

"…stop calling me like that…"

"Yeah, you are a crazy demon aren't ya." Sean continued to mock his younger brother, poking his chest a few times. "Maybe that's why you are so fucked up."

"I said cut it out Sean." Arthur was in no mood to deal with Sean's immunity today.

"…stop…calling me…like that…"

But Sean was full of himself, and didn't stop. "You know what dad? I think Dimitry is too dangerous to be around Cody. This little, crazy fiend may end up killing him."

That was all it took, those words were all Dimitry needed to snap. He grabbed the closest knife and plunged it into his brother's left arm.

Sean dropped to the floor, crying in pain, as he covered the kitchen tiles with his blood. "Ah! Ah! God it hurts! He stabbed me. Fuck!"

"Dimitry, what are you doing?" His father moved to remove the knife from his son's arm.

"What is happening–oh my God." Dimitry's mom screamed in shock as she entered the kitchen to see the mess. Her once clean floor was soiled by the blood of her son.

"He stabbed me," cried Sean.

"Dimitry?" Martha looked at her son. She noticed her son smiling. It was a cold, emotionless smile. He was enjoying this.

Arthur was helping his son stand up. "Let's go to the living room and tend to your wound. Don't worry, it is not as bad as it seems. I'll stop the bleeding."

"D-Dimitry?" Martha was trying to get a reaction from her son.

"Yes mummy?" Dimitry answered back, but with an innocent tone in his voice.

"Can…can you go to your room, please."

"Why do you sound afraid, mummy?"

Martha didn't know what to say. In reality she was afraid. Afraid of what her son could do, but also about the way he was behaving. Like nothing had happened. "I am not afraid dear. I just need you to go to your room."

Dimitry's smile diminished in size but it was still there. "You are lying, mummy. You know I don't like lies."

Martha grabbed the knife Dimitry used to stab his brother. It was still covered in Sean's blood. The sight made her gasp, which threatened to turn into a hurl. "I am not, honey. I need to clean this mess. That's all."

Dimitry looked at the floor, at the tiles that were still freshly covered with his brother's blood. "Oh…right then. I'll go wait in my room."

"Thanks son. I'll call you down when Dr. Bartlett gets here."

He went to his room without making a sound. Ignoring everything and everyone. He walked upstairs, the smile still on his face. He walked past Cody's room. And finally into his room. He sat on the edge of his bed, his leg shaking uncontrollably. And like always he started to bite his fingernails.