Forgive and Forget

The sedative had ended a lot faster than anyone could have imagined. And when it did Dimitry went berserk.

When he woke up he found himself in the back of a white car, around the same size as an ambulance. There was a pain around his wrist, a tight pressure. He looked down to see he had been handcuffed. His breathing grew faster and erratic as the anxiety grew. What was happening?

He looked out the window to see his parents hanging outside of the house with Dr. Bartlett. Something inside of him exploded when he saw the man. He pounded his arms against the window as hard as he could. With the very intention of breaking them if he could.

"Get me out of here! You damn liars get me out! I don't want to go! I hate you!"

Standing outside but near the vehicle were two men dressed in white from head to toes. They turned around when they heard the commotion. The sight of Dimitry screaming and pounding surprised them. The sedative shouldn't have been over so soon. They rushed back into the van to try and restrain him.

Dimitry started to kick the back doors. They would not take him away without a fight. They would not separate him from Cody.

Marth, at the sight of her hysteric son, tried to approach the van. "Dimitry!"

Both Arthur and Richard restrained her before she got close.

"Martha no! He needs this."

"No! I can't let him go like this, Arthur. He's my boy."

"Mrs. Hart, please don't make this any harder than it needs to be."

Mrs. Hart couldn't shove either men out of the way, so she fell to her knees to cry.

Once the male nurses got inside the van they tried to restrain Dimitry, but the child was like a feral animal. They couldn't keep him still long enough to sedate him again.

Dimitry kicked the door hard enough to force it open. He was ready to jump when he saw someone. Not his brother this time, but someone he cared for.

The commotion had gathered spectators. The neighborhood was outside, watching as a boy many knew, even if only from a distance, was being restrained.

Henry was among the crowd. He was surprised and confused. What were those men doing to his friend? Where were they taking him? "Dimitry!"

Henry tried to approach his friend but his mother would have none of it. "Mum, let me go. They are taking my friend."

Mrs. Lewis hugged him in order to stop him from doing that.

Not even Henry would approach him. Even his best friend was taken from him. That was enough to break Dimitry's spirit. The beastial energy left his body.

The nurses took the opportunity to sedate him again.

Darkness took him once again.

"Arthur, Martha, I know this is hard on you. But you need to be strong for your son. You have my word as a professional that I will do my best to take care of him. Once I see he has been recovering you will be able to visit him," Richard said.

"We understand. Please take care of our son, doctor," Arthur said.

"I will."

Richard gave them men the signal to leave and go to the mental institute. There he hoped he would give Dimitry the help he desperately needed.

But as Dr. Bartlett said earlier, Dimitry wasn't going to react kindly to this. Nor was he going to forgive and forget this betrayal.